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Superman: Man Of Steel (2013)

Started by Goaty, 04 August, 2011, 02:51:00 PM

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i too would love to have 'my' superman back - the current new 52 hasbro-armour version is a travesty
Good manners & bad breath get you nowhere


Professor Bear

I see the designers on the film have confused "busy" with "good".


That Superman outfit is so over-designed that it's just distracting!

Both of those armours are so unbelievably generic - either one could be a set photo from Dr Who.

They should have got the designers from Thor - the did a great job on those Asgardian costumes.


Charlie boy

I don't think much of the armours. Or why Superman appears to have a belt buckle but no belt.


I actually quite like the Superman costume, but that Zod looks horrible! Let's hope that's not his outfit for the whole film!
They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.


I watched that driving programme with Henry Cavill in it the other day and he came across as a decent bloke. Nothing to do with Superman I know!

Saying that all I was doing was watching his face and imagining Superman doing the driving, very weird!

Here's a link to a bit of the programme DRIVEN TO EXTREMES He does have a look of Christopher Reeve about him!


SUPERMAN trailer 3

I must say this is taking me back to the feelings I had in '78. Me and my brother queued up outside the ABC in Hartlepool and watched school mates coming out from the previous showing with pure enjoyment on their faces and trying to tell you how amazing it was, as we began the torturous shuffle towards buying our tickets.

Sitting there in the dark for a couple of hours with not a care in the world as we were transported to comic utopia, as for the first time ever (for me) a Superhero was truly brought to life on the big screen. We truly believed that a man could fly!

I am going to see this at the pictures, with the hope of those simpler times, when you could be transported to a land of make believe. I just hope this doesn't let me down and from the trailer it all looks good!



frakin arsom, at last a Superman movie where he's Super and fights other super people not some boring hunk of land like Returns was (looked beautiful but boy was that one a snooze fest).  This has gone from an interested in watching to a must see from that preview.
Now to watch with sound when i get home from work.

CU Radbacker



That gave me goosebumps. Looks awesome!

For a brief second there in the trailer, i swear Cavill looked like Michael Fassbender, albeit with darker hair!
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I never thought I'd say this but that does look very good.

I have one question though. How is he going to shave off that Superbeard?


Quote from: JohnMcF on 17 April, 2013, 10:21:59 AM
I have one question though. How is he going to shave off that Superbeard?

Pretty sure one of the comics had him using a mirror to reflect his heat vision onto his face...


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Quote from: JohnMcF on 17 April, 2013, 10:21:59 AM
I have one question though. How is he going to shave off that Superbeard?

Hancock did with his nails on the film Hancock.