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Superman: Man Of Steel (2013)

Started by Goaty, 04 August, 2011, 02:51:00 PM

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von Boom

Did anyone one else find the score completely forgettable?

I certain didn't compare to this:


QuoteDid anyone one else find the score completely forgettable?

Yep, it was weak. Not hummable at all. Even The Avengers managed a more memorable theme!

This is what I was talking about earlier - [spoiler]Superman killing Zod with kryptonite in the comics. So why are people getting their knickers in a twist that he does it in the movie?[/spoiler]


Quote from: radiator on 17 June, 2013, 07:44:25 PM
QuoteDid anyone one else find the score completely forgettable?

Yep, it was weak. Not hummable at all. Even The Avengers managed a more memorable theme!

I'm of the opinion that not all soundtracks need to be melodic or catchy to be considered great. Certainly there has been a move in recent years towards texture and vertical sound rather than horizontal composition that had been a previous development in avant-classical (Edgard Varese) and pop (Brian Eno). It doesn't make them less impressive but it does have a modified function as a more integrative/supportive part of the whole audio/visual structure while not seeking to stand out over the drama proclaiming listen to this!

It has been a definite progression from the particularly hyper-melodic orchestral stuff in the first half of the 20th Century that can sound rather prosaic and intrusive today. It's also, of course, a matter of taste.

Neil Brand explores this on BBC radio's Film Programme

Professor Bear

Quote from: radiator on 17 June, 2013, 07:44:25 PMThis is what I was talking about earlier - [spoiler]Superman killing Zod with kryptonite in the comics. So why are people getting their knickers in a twist that he does it in the movie?[/spoiler]

In the comics it was unambiguously presented as something terrible for the character to do, no matter the provocation - rather than the movie's moment of ultimate triumph.  Even on a meta level in the comics it was presented as such a betrayal of what Superman stands for it was utilised as the big shock game-changer on the fiftieth anniversary of the character in the fiftieth issue of the relaunched (post-Crisis) Superman title.  There were aftereffects felt in the book for years, most notably the Exile story where Superman decided to leave Earth forever rather than risk ever taking a life again, even accidentally - but more importantly than that, it presented the decision to do so on Superman's part as cold-blooded and deliberate: Zod and his allies were helpless and in Superman's custody, but he decided to kill them anyway, and none of this namby-pamby "heat of the moment WAR IS HELL" nonsense the movie trots out, the comics dealt with the action head-on and made no excuses.
Basically, in the comics it was kind of a big deal.

The film, by contrast, spends half an hour doing Metropolis 911 (right down to recreating shots from news footage at the time) and then Superman comes in and kills Space Bin Laden because he did Metropolis 911 so he deserves it.  Even away from the debate about Superman, that's pretty cowardly film-making.


I expect him to tackle Syria in the sequel or some analogue 'rogue state'.

Professor Bear

Zack Snyder has already confirmed that the sequel will see the character acting internationally.  I expect Quarac (or whatever the comics' straw man analogue for the entire Middle East was called) will feature.


Adrian Bamforth


I thought it was OK. Visually impressive, but the screenplay still felt too much like one of the 'Dark Knight' films.


Did anyone notice that the editing to the 'devistated' New York was inconsistant as fuck? Some scene's show it as unharmed, other's it's like post DoC MC1. Da fook?

Oh, and how many people did Superman kill in this film? Best hero on earth everyone.


Just back from it..

People of Metropolis.. Everything is bon!

It was a pretty awesome movie, though the action scenes between the kryptonians seemed almost like a cross between Michael Bay's transformers and an episode of Dragonball Z.. I found it a bit hard to keep tabs on what exaxtly was happening. It was sort of turned up to 11 all the time, which'll ultimately ended up boring me towards the end. There's only so many buildings a guy can be hurled through without any physical consequences and still make it interesting.

Meh.. Was alright overall.. My girlfriend and I had a lovely moment when we both said "no capes!"
You have never felt pain until you've trodden barefoot on an upturned lego brick..


For my money the action scenes in The Avengers were so, so much better than those in MoS. The Avengers was massive in scale, but knew when to stop, when to have a bit of humour, when to slow things down, and there was a far better sense of geography and scale. The overt cgi-ness was also somehow less obnoxious too.


Quote from: optimusjamie on 17 June, 2013, 10:31:39 PM
I thought it was OK. Visually impressive, but the screenplay still felt too much like one of the 'Dark Knight' films.

Chris Nolan and David S Goyer were involved with writing both so I was expecting this.  Also, I guess it makes sense to have them similar as it reinforces that they are both in the same DC universe. 

Does make me wonder how they will be pitching the forthcoming JLA movie - I enjoyed the Avengers movie because it was such fun, don't think the JLA movie will be as good if they make it so sombre.



QuoteExcept Nolan & Co. says they're not:

I think they don't... unless DC/Warners decides at a later date they do.