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Rude words in progs

Started by A.Cow, 22 August, 2011, 01:19:07 AM

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Dear Mr. Tharg,

Whilst gaining pleasure from your famous organ in the civilised comfort of my bed on a Saturday morning, I was forced to gasp in astonishment at the rampant insertion of a rude word in the background of Prog 1748's Dredd.  I nearly choked on my muffins.

As a right-minded citizen I am disgusted, etc., at having a 'CLIT' thrust in my face while reading.  I am referring, of course, to the background sign 'Titty Clitty Bang Bang'.  Over the years I have come to expect sexual interference from John Smith but I am not used to this kind of thing in the hands of John Wagner.

What I want to know is:

  • What are you going to do about this wanton gynaecological intrusion?
  • Is this the first time that the word 'clit' has appeared in the Galaxy's Greatest?

Outraged of Southport

(Loving Ben Willsher's art by the way)


It was Mr Wagner that first used the word 'fuck' in the prog (in button man). He is a filth monger and a purveyor of obscenity!


you think that's bad check the letters page!
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: malkymac on 22 August, 2011, 02:10:17 PM
It was Mr Wagner that first used the word 'fuck' in the prog (in button man). He is a filth monger and a purveyor of obscenity!

So that's why there's rioting and lawlessness on the streets eh? As self appointed Daily Mail Inquisitor it's not too far a stretch to blame them for the Soviet Union and heavy metal devil worship bands like Rick Astley.

So Mr Wagner and his liberal lackeys spewing filth into the minds of 2000ad's diseased readership like some porn peddling ([spoiler]let's not mention  out fellow right winger  Mister Desmond and his Asian Babes[/spoiler]), anarchist loving,police hating, Gordon Brown liking, anti-authority pro terrorist leftie looney here's three letters to fear!

The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


I'm looking forward to this week's prog.

Mind, the filthiest thing I've ever read in 2000ad was about 20 years ago, in 'Cinnabar':

Souther Deserter: 'I hear he carries a talking gun.  That you, gun?'

Gunnar:  'No, I'm your kid sister. Don't you recognise the teeth marks you left on the front of my...'

Rogue:  'Synth out, Gunnar.'

That story also boasted an inter-species orgy, weed-smoking, far-away tits and Rogue getting his end away.

I liked it.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"