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london super comic convention

Started by chaingunchimp, 31 August, 2011, 11:21:39 AM

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Not an "adaptation" no, but an entire spin-off series aimed at the five-to-eight year old market called Lil' Dredd.

You can't turn a murderous anti-hero into a kids property!

OR CAN YOU. C'mon Molcher, a whole series of Dredd figures for the under fives!


Quote from: CrazyFoxMachine on 27 February, 2012, 12:30:36 PM
Not an "adaptation" no, but an entire spin-off series aimed at the five-to-eight year old market called Lil' Dredd.
OR CAN YOU. C'mon Molcher, a whole series of Dredd figures for the under fives!

Rigellian Hotshot on its way, Earthlet.

James Stacey

Quote from: Large48 on 27 February, 2012, 07:48:18 AM
Are we allowed to talk about the next Dante 'story'?
Can't see why not. According to John Burns it isn't actually written yet so I doubt there is _that_ much to talk about. Just there is an idea for one, the artists want to draw it and Tharg is interested. Anyone know Robbie well enough to tie him to a chair till he puts it all down on paper :)

Colin YNWA

Quote from: James Stacey on 27 February, 2012, 12:56:33 PM

Can't see why not. According to John Burns it isn't actually written yet so I doubt there is _that_ much to talk about. Just there is an idea for one, the artists want to draw it and Tharg is interested. Anyone know Robbie well enough to tie him to a chair till he puts it all down on paper :)

Is this an actual Dante story, or rather a story set in the Dante universe?

James Stacey

Prequel about the Romanov family as a crime syndicate I think it was.

Colin YNWA


[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Are there any more (he says in jest) photos from the event to be shown  :eh:

Eamonn Clarke

Here is the audio from the 2000AD panel recorded on my phone.
It's 44 minutes a long and about a 40mb .mp3 download.
There may be some brief jumps every 8 minutes where I stiched it together in audacity.
There is a lot of background noise. I tried the noise reduction tool but it produced too much distortion.
And finally a warning that it gets very loud at 33 minutes when I asked my question about the best cover to put on a British stamp.


Ok, I haven't read through the previous entries so apologies if I'm doubling up info. Here's what I got up to at the London Super Comic Con:

Started off with a pleasant journey on Docklands Light Railway. Massive queue to get into featureless exhibitors hall. Staff were very courteous, friendly and professional throughout the day. 

Headed for 2000AD stand to wish them happy birthday. The usual fare: TGNs, T-shirts etc. I was hoping new Titan T-shirts would be available but no such luck. Had a chat with a couple of the 2000AD droids. Ian Edginton was signing. I picked up Case Files 1 which I'd never got round to buying until now (for shame).

At Beserker stand I realised I was speaking with Chaingunchimp. I bought 'The Dead: Kingdom of the Flies' and 1-3 of 'Church of Hell' (Alan Grant, Bisley, Fabry, Nichols, Langley). I bookmarked some of this stuff online recently so good to get hands on it.

2000AD panel – Matt Smith, Brian Bolland, Jock and Duncan Fegredo discussed 35 years of memorable prog covers. I expected a separate hall for the talks but they took part in an area sectioned off with panels so was extremely noisy throughout. Distracting but still very enjoyable.

Jock suggested a round of applause for Brian Brian Bolland for his Dark Judges prog 225 cover. Brian Bolland said he designed Judge Death very quickly and that the look was influenced by Kevin O'Neill's Nemesis work.

The artists were very generous to Mick McMahon for much of the look of Dredd and MC1 (not taking anything away from the creator Ezquerra of course). Jock pointed out (rightly so) that Bolland also had a heck of a lot to do with influencing the look of Dredd.

Nuggets of interesting info: Wagner has written a fatties story for Bolland which has never been illustrated. Bolland was surprised that one of his 2000AD covers is to be used as a postage stamp. He seemed shocked at the choice – not 2000AD's call of course.

The panelists chose their favourite covers:
Jock – the iconic giant Dredd sitting in MC1 by McMahon (prog 204); 
Matt Smith (I think it was chose) – Dredd sitting on 'crime' letters by McMahon (prog 168);
Brian Bolland – really likes the current ostrich legs Meg cover;
Can't remember Duncan Fegredo's favourite at the moment I'm afraid.

Bolland tip for budding Dredd artists: the lip sticks out further than the chin! 

Met and had chats with: Steve Green from the forum; exchanged a very few words with Brian Bolland; Glenn Fabry (his original art has to be seen to be believed – outrageously good); Steve Cook and Alan McKenzie; Dave Stokes who had some great drawings on show.

Decided to grab a bite to eat so was late to queue up for Stan Lee talk. Managed to get in but had to stand. Stan the Man is a very entertaining, charismatic guy. Didn't know his wife is English – a Geordie. Was good to hear how he feels energised by these kinds of comic cons.

Back at the 2000AD panel I saw latest Meg was out and what the hell, bought Case Files 3 as well. I have so many reprints but think I will build up a Case Files collection which will be handy for reference – all my early progs are not with me.

Bought the Greek graphic novel 'Galaxia'. To my eyes it looks very Manga but seems interesting.

Said hi to Grant Perkins and bought an anthology of his Doxxville Tales and have a cool Dredd drawing of his.

So all in all, a very good day, especially as I decided to go 8pm the evening before. I don't have many conventions to compare with other than Kapow and UKCAC's of the 80s. Shame wasn't more interest from 2000AD boarders but seems Cardiff was more of a forum get together. As it took me about 45mins to get to the London Super Comic Con it made sense for me to go there.

Here is the fab drawing by Grant Goggins.

I've chucked some vidslugs onto Youtube (which took ages). Knowing my luck there are some official high quality versions somewhere online. Apologies for shaky hand and poor sound quality. You might need earphones due to background noise. Not sure if it was general noise from the con or the Zumba Instructors Expo (what is it with the one-tracksuit-bottom-leg-hoisted-up look all those women were sport?)


Got to include a (tiny) photo of Stan the Man Lee.


Ah, the Kraken injecting himself cover was mentioned also as a fave. It was pointed out that it would NOT make a good choice for a Royal Mail postage stamp.


Yep pretty damn good weekend, really really busy, more so than expected.
Didn't get to see any panels or Stan (friend of mine saw him eating eggs in the hotel whilst being stalked my two persistent fan boys tho)But managed to fit  in some quality pub time and pick up a Bernie Wrightson Hellraiser page (which is brilliant by the way), if next year's anything like this I will be back!

Yea that current Fabry stuff for Lot 13 is beyond good really beautiful gray tones and the books coloured by "The Dead's" Adam Brown! (we should be selling a good chunk of it lol).
And yep Zumba madness, some of those costumes where verging on indecent.
just too metal

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Great report there SuperSurfer although...

Quote from: SuperSurfer on 28 February, 2012, 02:06:09 AM
Here is the fab drawing by Grant Goggins.

As good as Grant Goggans is, I am not aware of him being an artist. ;)
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Ah! Shame on me :-[! Bit of a stinger that one. Sorry to both Grants. And I have Doxxville Tales right here in front of me! Well, it was a slip of the keyboard fingers as I didn't mess that up on the skethes thread.,35465.msg656409.html#msg656409