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A couple of Dredd questions

Started by glassstanley, 09 November, 2011, 09:11:36 PM

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I've been re-reading a lot of older JD stories, and there are a couple of pieces of 'foreshadowing' in the stories and I'm not sure where their pay offs are.

Firstly - when Anderson has the vision of the bat, eagle and vulture that brings her back to Mega-City One afte the Postcards... series - is this a premonition of Die Laughing? I haven't noticed it mentioned anywhere else. I believe there was a delay with the artwork for Die Laughing - presumably this didn't help strengthen the ties. Was there ever a point where we saw Anderson go 'Oh yes, that's what the vision was all about!'?

Secondly - Judge Dredd: War Games in Prog 854. What's this warning us about. AT first I thought it was Inferno, but we don't see any Judges with the yellow edging on their helmets in that story?

Thanks for any replies :)


Yeah, the premonition refers to Die Laughing.

War Games I think was something to do with the Mega Epic that thankfully never was - the Sino-Cit invasion of Mega-City One. I believe it was being pushed by Alan McKenzie, but has since been brushed under the carpet along with the rebuilding of Mega-City 2 (another McKenzie idea).