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Started by Emp, 23 December, 2011, 11:58:27 PM

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Good fun the old skill tree which blizzard should be consigned to hell for creating...but a fun game. The storylines are what keep you playing , so far the Sith Inquisitor line had me up to stupid o'clock just to rub the smug bastard overseers nose in the fact im great...well,great as you can be at lvl 9.

Other than the story there's nice touches can send companions off to do stuff while yer busy...they can craft items when your not online.......this game maybe why World of Warcraft are stepping up their add campaign with Chuck Norris (a man who personally would make me avoid anything he put his name to).


wishing it would come to xbox,but aint gonna hold my breath :( i loved the first two on the original brick

Roger Godpleton

Will this make Star Wars tolerable again? Time may tell...
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


The trailer certainly looks good. A lot better than the prequels in fact!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.