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Where is everybody?

Started by Dounreay, 18 December, 2002, 01:30:48 PM

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Nice to see some new people on the board but can't help thinking there should be lots more.

Assuming 2000s cirulation is into five figures and about a third of people have internet access there should be hundreds of potential boarders. The 'usual suspects' only amount to about a hundred odd I reckon.

So where is everybody? Are we too scary for them?

This is the kind of thing you end up thinking about when you are off work and have nothing to do.

devons daddys icon looks like some kind of surreal dance troop when there are a few of them stacked together as there was this morning.

Devons Daddy

i agree with you on the internet thing.strange isnt it. we are a very friendly bunch here.but we have a massive potential community who have not jioned us.
my suggestion would be.based on my own experience.
the internet is only just becoming common place. this was my first site i really took part in. dont believe the hype.when it comes to the internet.
we are growing
with each week that passes.
but many many still see the internet as a geeky place. and until you feel you belong as many of us here do, to a community then you may not actively take part.
just to note.have you noticed though we are not so many. we are very active more and more so all the time.
i believe as we use this place every day.more will jion us and slowly begin to post more often. slowly they will be the usaul suspects. and so on.
i was not a regular here until about April or May i think. now im a resident here.
so i like believe we are growing,and will get bigger.
but above all its great its a wonderful site and great fun.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


However... if the board was used by a third of all 2K readers - we'd never be able to read all the messages or get to *know* the other boarders...
I suspect there is a natural maximum of how big the group can get - if its getting crowded some of the casuals may not be bothered to keep up with it & drop out reducing the number once more...

This is a pretty close group, we all (well, most of us most of the time) get on pretty well & know each others personalities (& defects).  If it got too crowded I think we'd lose that.

Having said that, I'm always cheered to see newbies to the site...
Better set your phaser to stun.


So where is everybody? Are we too scary for them?

Nah, I reckon Kleggs have eaten them all already!


Queen Firey-Bou

yeah yur right about the internet scary ville, at first, i had trouble justifying to myself that this is a sane activity for an sensible adult to waste time on. the geek anorak affect, I'd be typing away thinking , well i know my reasons but why oh why are these other geeks doing this , then i've realised what a thoroughly nice & fun bunch everyone is (appart from the occasional cat lover) .
I only once loitered another chat room, a Radiohead one (yeah don't laugh Thoms the messiah, whatever).. and it was completely fascinating & multi national & huge & very politics & save the world & deep & clever & VERY informative, so i said "wow" & got my coat & left.
This is probable the only place where theres like minded single subject obbsessed heads that actually enjoy & understand the finer points of the ridiculous & silly, which is where i want to be on my down time.

problem is when the down time encroaches all the time...oh oh.


I bet you did not get erotic cheeses in the Radiohead room did you?


Better set your phaser to stun.


Just got my first conputer and internet access about 2 months ago,  it's all pretty new to me but the 2k site was the first I checked out and remains the only one I spend much time on. It's good fun and I'm not exactly surrounded by people with whom I can discuss the minutiae of the latest prog, or who's harder - Judge Dredd or Strontium Dog? - type questions.

Where's the Starlord site then? :-)

I may feel brave enough to start my own thread soon - or even (gulp) venture into the chat room...

(For the record I think Strontium Dog's harder)

esoteric ed

The Internet can indeed be a scary place to anyone new to it, especially forums. When I first got access to the net around 2 years ago now I looked up my fave film/obsession... the movie JAWS.

I watched the site's forum and got to know the regulars and spot the losers etc, eventually I took the plunge (pardon the pun) into the forum there and now I'm a Moderator on the site. That site is also like one big happy family, the movie itself isn't always the topic of conversation and regulars are welcome with open arms.

So newbies... don't be shy here :-).


esoteric ed

How about the mighty paper organ itself publicising it's own website more?

It's certainly one of the best sites I've visited, in terms of content.


Demon Chicken

If you ask me it's those shed/dreddcon pics that'll be scaring everyone away.


"the finer points of the ridiculous and silly..."

It's some kind of duty here to direct you all to I Love Everything, which has something for literally everyone, especially 2000AD folk as that's the only comic anyone talks about. Find it at - I think - or go through which I also have a blood duty to plug and promote as my brother runs it. And I do the odd cartoon. Yay yay! Plug over. If you think you've got time for a second message board in your life, this might be the one. Or not. Who knows? Life is mysterious.


Try again. Fail again. Fail better.