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New Comic Book Day Megathread

Started by The Adventurer, 08 March, 2012, 09:36:36 AM

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The Adventurer

My Digital Pulls

2000 AD 1837 - John Wagner returns to Judge Dredd after a a break after Day of Chaos. Happy days are here again. Or the worst days, for Mega City One anyway...

DARK HORSE PRESENTS 25 - Actually I'm on the fence about dropping this title with this issue. I'm two issues behind as it is, and I'm not sure when I'll be assed to get caught up. Its unfortunate, because in its first year DHP was the title I was hyped about the most every month.

FABLES 130 - Last arc ended in an interesting place. Can't wait to see where things are going.

INVINCIBLE 103 - I switched to digital in... December? And this is only my 3rd issue of Invincible this year. WTF Kirkman.

JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE 337 - Except for Pat Mill's American Reaper, the line-up right now is really good. And the bagged reprint material is always worth the price of admission.

JUDGE DREDD: YEAR ONE 3 - Last issue felt more like a 'rookie Dredd' story that was missing from the first issue. But even then it doesn't really feel that far removed from a typical Dredd story. Which isn't a bad thing. But I don't think its really taking advantage of its 'Year One' aspect as well as it could be.

LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES 21 - I think 24 is the last issue? And apparently the replacement is Giffen and DeMattis's Justice League 3000. Which is just the Justice League in the future. Which is the dumbest thing ever. F-You DC.

SONIC UNIVERSE 53 - The second act of the When Worlds Collide event comes to a close, as the title heads into its final act. This event has been one of the most fun and exciting I've ever encountered.

WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP 29 - The usual line-up. I'm starting to enjoy One Piece a bit more then I have in the past, but there's still something about its pacing that always feels off. Also, Oda apparently only knows how to draw one female phenotype.



Quote from: The Adventurer on 18 June, 2013, 08:49:00 PM
WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP 29 - The usual line-up. I'm starting to enjoy One Piece a bit more then I have in the past, but there's still something about its pacing that always feels off. Also, Oda apparently only knows how to draw one female phenotype.
You've only just noticed this? :lol:

Link Prime

Quote from: sheldipez on 19 June, 2013, 04:50:53 PM
The X-Files: Season 10 #1! The X-Files: Season 10 #1! The X-Files: Season 10 #1! The X-Files: Season 10 #1! The X-Files: Season 10 #1! :thumbsup:

I'm a little bit excited.

I really can't add anything on to the pull list at the mo Sheldipez, even though I'm a huge X-Files fan.
It's trade waiting for me on this I'm afraid.

Link Prime

Any forum comments on new anthology 'A1 Carpe DIEm'?
Although at €0.89 on comiXology, why am I not just giving it a shot and even asking that question?

The Adventurer

My Digital Pulls for the week of 06/26/13

2000 AD 1838 - Current line-up is okay. Can't wait for the return of Ten-Seconders next week.

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA 2 - Issue 1 was a mixed bag, but I felt it captured the general silliness of BSG 1979 just right. The art could stand to be a little better though.

PROPHET 36 - Good comic is good.

THINK TANK 8 - Still digging it. Still digging its reduced digital price point. More comics should embrace lower digital prices compared to print.

WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP 30 - Viz just released a stand alone WSJ app for Apple Newsstand. Which is cool to have to keep my Jump issues separated from my other digital Viz Manga purchasses. It probably sounds weird to want your books more spread out across apps, but I like having my 2000 AD App and Shonen Jump App right next to each other showing off their latest covers. Its dumb, but cool IMO.



What did you make of Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration, TA? I thought it was a decent retelling of a classic staple of the weekly jump.

Colin YNWA

Haven't been to my LCS for a month so have a big ol' stash to get through but can't wait to say how bloody great Si Spurrier's 6 Gun Gorilla is. Bloody amazing. If there's a better comic in my pile I'll be very happy. Everyone buy it okay... Oh we've been there haven't we...

The Adventurer

QuoteWhat did you make of Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration, TA? I thought it was a decent retelling of a classic staple of the weekly jump.

To be fair A) I was unfamiliar with the original series (and am still vaguely confused if this series was a sequel or a remake) and B) I came into the series with Chapter 8, and it was over in... 3 or 4 more? So I'm not ultimately sure if I liked it or not.

That being said...

Best. Badguy. Ever.


Link Prime

Good treats for me this week;

'Prophet' 36
'The Wake' 2 (very impressive first issue)
'Unwritten' reaches a landmark 50th issue
'Sex' 4
And finally (to my shame) 'Wolverine & The X-Men' 32 (I just have to see what happens with the Siege Perilous. Don't hate me. Ok, you can hate me.)


DHP - Dom Reardon has just shown up. That was a surprise. Can't say the script was that interesting (groan at the true-true stuff at the start, WTF at the 'video boys throwdown' at the end but still it looked great.

Disappointment of the week was A1 - a comic that appears to have nothing in common with its 1989 predecessor. The whole thing read of DHP filler material and Dave Elliot trading on his name to get stuff into print. Shame.

Sex 1 - 3 was just about the worst comic I've read since the trite gubbins of Punk Rock Seamus. Its grasping in it's dullness. Another despondent 1% grapples with post-modern ennui... yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn. At least Robbie Morrison's Ms Fury has fun with being the global elite and Juniper's Berries has lovely Quietly art to tell the exact same tale as Sex.  I re-read the original Black Kiss last week, I mean at least its a good looking comic pretending to be about sex in order to sell, 'Sex' doesn't even manage that.

The Manhattan Projects #12 was all kinds of excellent and the new print of Numbercruncher is magnificent.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd

Link Prime

Just flicked through a digital preview of this weeks issue of Uncanny X-Men.
Frazer Irving is one of the most exciting and original comic artists in the world right now.

Tharg should be firing nuclear missiles of cash at him to get him back in the Prog.

Colin YNWA

Just finished by stash and while there wasn't anything as good as 'Six gun Gorilla' there was some other fine comics in there.

Only 4 DC books in the whole month. Sign of the times. Jonah Hex 21 silly but improving, Batman 21 Year Zero Snyder intrigues with a tired concept again. Wonder Woman 21 now this could get very good, with a bit of luck. Animal Man 21 holds up its end and has a very neat central concept.

Marvel's FF 8 continues the fun and has a terrifying Doom cameo.

Uber 2 kinda on the edge with this one, the concept is fantastic, there are moments that are great, but the art is terrible and there are moments like the agent proving how hard and effective she [spoiler]is when killing the Mark 2 at a ruthless cost[/spoiler] are are just rancid cliche. I'll give this the first arc and we'll see. Elsewhere it feels like the rest of the comics world is finally catching up with 2000ad. A couple of the books I enjoyed this month were kinda 2000ad (all be it without the trimming of the fat), enjoyed Lazarus 1, if not particularly original, and something in East of West 3 finally clicked for me and I really enjoyed it. Not the perfect book some would have you believe but very good. Both feel very 2000ad to me. As does The Victories 2 to be honest, not as good as the first part but still very good.

Caligula 5 is still a guilty pleasure, my shop was shorted on Sex 3, The Bounce 2 still leaves the series in the balance in the all important third issue. not sure this one will be special enough to make the grade, we'll see. I'm going to miss Planet of the Apes (10) and IT Girl (11) when they both finish soon as this months issues of both are perfect examples of why. Can't wait for Black Beetle (4) to usher in its sequel. Fatale 15 and The Massive 13 both continue the very high standards of there respective series, brilliant comics. Judge Dredd Year One 3 is fantastic also.

Great haul over all but nothing topped Six Gun Gorilla, go buy it.


Read of the week for me is THE WAKE by snyder and murphy with LAZARUS by Rucka and Lark a close second. These will be added to my regular list from now on. Really recommended
An old-school, no-bullshit, boys-own action/adventure comic reminiscent of the 2000ads and Eagles and Warlords and Battles and other glorious black-and-white comics that were so, so cool in the 70's and 80's - Buy the hardback Christmas Annual!

Colin YNWA

Okay so as I said something clicked into place with this months East of West, so that being the case I popped to give issues 1-3 a re-read to see if it all really did gel now, it does East of West is not just okay after all, its bloody brilliant and I'm sorry it took me 3 issues to get there. Not sure why, just did. I think I was trying to look to deep into things, and find subtleties that weren't there. Whatever, now I bloody love it.

Though not as much as that other pseudo-western Six Gun Gorilla... have I mentioned how great that was?