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New Comic Book Day Megathread

Started by The Adventurer, 08 March, 2012, 09:36:36 AM

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Satan, Got issue one but missed two and three, will have to be a DTW now.

oh, and Stand Guard is working for me, loving the artwork and some nice storytelling without hitting you over the head, also giant Mechs, drones and up to date use of virtual and a cast that isn't made up of obvious redshirts/heros, nice.
DDT did a job on me


Providence is... on The Pile. Will start soon...

Horrible delays, but Dying and the Dead is currently a favourite. Issue 1 was great (and oversized), then the next was hard-boiled perfection. Hickman knows how to write 'em. See also East of West. Can't say I've tried any of his superhero gubbins, or intend to.


I know i've pimped the series to death at this point, but god almighty you can finally buy One-Punch Man PHYSICALLY as volumes 1 and 2 landed on my doorstep this morning. If theirs one series I will recomend now until the end of time it's this series because, gosh darn it!

The Adventurer

One of the best comics on the planet, yup.


I, Cosh

Quote from: Hawkmonger on 08 September, 2015, 09:13:00 PM
I know i've pimped the series to death at this point, but god almighty you can finally buy One-Punch Man PHYSICALLY as volumes 1 and 2 landed on my doorstep this morning. If theirs one series I will recommend now until the end of time it's this series because, gosh darn it!
He might go on about it a lot but it really is a tremendously silly series. That's meant as a compliment by the way.

Quote from: Satanist on 07 September, 2015, 10:30:08 AM
You know what's great? Providence that's what. Anyone else reading this? Anyone?

An Alan Moore comic based on Lovecraft mythology now at issue 4 and there's nary a peep. Its the end of times I tells ye.
Much like zombies, the whole Cthulhu thing does nothing for me. Except I'm really enjoying Nameless, even if there hasn't been an issue for six months.

And I quite enjoyed the Crossed 100 series Moore wrote. In fact, I bought the first Spurrier issue and started it a couple of things but couldn't get past the fact that he was having to really so heavily on the language Moore invented for it so gave up after a couple of pages. I realise this is doing Si a disservice so I'll try again at some point.
We never really die.

Link Prime

Quote from: The Cosh on 09 September, 2015, 12:04:48 AM
And I quite enjoyed the Crossed 100 series Moore wrote. In fact, I bought the first Spurrier issue and started it a couple of things but couldn't get past the fact that he was having to really so heavily on the language Moore invented for it so gave up after a couple of pages.

I know what you mean, but what other option is there?
If this series is to continue, they must use the language / syntax established by Moore (and if I recall, Moore is still credited with the story's outline).
I thought Si did a really good job with his first issue- great ending too.


Looking through solicitaions for the next month, Goon Once Upon a Hard Time #4 comes out in little under 4 weeks. My heart is not ready for th end, I love Goon too much.

Colin YNWA

Okay getting a little concerned about the size of my pull list (there an innuendo in there somewhere, I just can't be bothered to wipe it out...). I was worrying that I was dropping books and not back filling and was sniffing around for new and interesting titles. Before you know it I'm adding:

Hercules - Dan Abnett and interesting sounding premise
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur - well since Rocket Girl seems to have failed in its attempt to reignite this seems an appropriate replacement
UnFollow - Rob Williams and interesting concept (does it have a capital F, weird that I assume it does!)
The Goddamned Haven't really read much Aaron (if any) and you hear good things and wanted to try something so might as well get on at the ground floor with this as I like the premise

Added to these ongoing a couple of minis - Klaus by GMozz and The Massive - The Nineth Wave cos I love the original series and the rumoured return of Nowhere Men and Mudman, now I'm struggling to justify getting a Warren Ellis' James Bond which I was kinda intrigued by as again Warren Ellis is a massive gap in my comics knowledge for whatever reason.

So yeah from having a pull list that was going all limp, I now have one that's growing and thrusting in all sorts of new directions. Jez I can't find a happy medium me!

jacob g

Damn, can't wait for my Tokyo Ghost #1 to arrive. I hope this book will be as good as Deadly Class was 'cuz other Remender titles from past two years didn't work for me (creator owned and marvel ones).
margaritas ante porcos

Link Prime

Quote from: jacob g on 16 September, 2015, 11:35:17 AM
Damn, can't wait for my Tokyo Ghost #1 to arrive.

I've placed an order for this too. Dunno what to expect to be honest, but SGM rarely disappoints.

Colin YNWA

Well lordy me,  ain't the world full of surprises.

Martian Manhunter 4 sees my time with this title come to an end I suspect. Love the writer, artist ain't bad and love the character, but somehow this ain't working for me. It has some great moments, Mr Biscuits being kinda like Dirty Frank and others, but over all it feels a bit... messy. With a load of new titles I want to try on the way, this has to give. So The Island 3 would surely see this title gone, I need to make space, BUT now, like Japan crashing through the Springboks this pulls off one of the great surprises... I think. By far the best issue to date. Like any anthology should be its not consistent Straylight I struggled to get into, but who knows. Almost all the one offs where great, first 5 pages aside. The key is next month we have Ancester back and the first part of that was by far the best thing this title has seen so far, loved it. On top of that I think Multiple Warheads is back.So two stories I'm looking forward to that will hopefully drag me into more stories like those in this issue is exactly the mix I was after. So okay its a delicate peace, this is the first issue to have given me this mix, but it gives me hope. So unless the cost and need to cut calls too loud I think I'm defo in next month at least.

My other two NuNuDc, or whatever its called, are both safe already, for Prez 4 this is probably a good thing as it has a steady issue, Black Canary 4 quite the opposite with a very good return to form. Doctor 12th 11 is a fill-in and well please get the regular team back, its not bad but nothing I'd read on a regular basis. I've just found out that The Fade Out 9 is actually part of a 12 issue series, shame as this issue proves once again why I'd be happier to stay in this world a lot longer. The Spirit 3 continues to be great fun.

Issue of the haul, well Maxx 23, if for no other reason than otherwise you might think I'm taking this magnificent series for granted. Is it my imagination or are things becoming clearer, the subtexts, meanings etc. Or is it that the means underpinning this wonderful series have simply been soaking into me my osmosis as I've been reading? By series end I might actually have all the answers? I almost hope not! I certainly doubt it. This series is fantastic now, back in the day I imagine it was mind blowing?


Sandman: Overture 6. Well, it's over. Has it really only been 2 years?  I dunno, the art was unspeakably lovely, the attention to detail breathtaking, but...I found it a little odd that the whole thing started off as a sort of sequel to a story in the Endless Nights afterthought  volume, but downright disappointing that it ended up as MAJOR SPOILER a [spoiler]rewrite of Dream of a Thousand Cats[/spoiler]. Having [spoiler]Desire and Despair explain the underlying plot of The Sandman[/spoiler] to each other was also a pretty odd way for a prequel series to end - almost as if Gaiman felt the need to make it clearer at this distant remove.

Ah well, maybe it'll work better read in one go.

At least my other revenant series Phonogram: Material Girl 2 still feels fresh and exciting.


Well due to a monster chest infection I spent most of this week in bed. Luckily this gave me the chance to catch up on my comics back catalogue because damned if i've had the time these last few weeks.

Just to clear a few obvious titles up first, Wilds End The Enemy Within #1 was utterly superb and dripping in character. Dabnett and Culbard have created something special with this series, and after the last mini series this is set to be another winner, as Slipaway and co. are placed under house arrest by the millitary and aren't allowed to tell anyone about what happened to them, the Martians, that is. If your a squaxx and you aren't reading this, your missing out on something epic.

Savage Dragon #207 has probably the most awkward opening sequence in a comic this month, but acts perfectly to bring a new reader up to date on who Mr.Glum and the other Angel Murphy are and what they are after. Rollocking good fun with some really glrious world building going on.

Both Groo Friends and Foes #9 and Usagi Yojimbo #148 are joyous indeed and a real refreshing change after many of the more gritty titles in my pull list. Usagi is particular seems to really be kicking up a gear and building on the current story arc but i'm still in awe how each issue is as easy to get into as the last. Stan Sakai really is a master. The Spirit #3 is just ace comics, and despite the ever present lack of our title hero in the flesh, these flashback tales are perfectly interwoven with the present narrative to create a refreshingly easy to access tale. More of The Spirit is deffinetly on my should read list, has anyone checked out that recent '75th anniversery' book DC put out?

The 12th Doctor Who #11 continues to be a fine sci-fi romp from top talent, The Maxx #23 is excellent also. The only reason i'm not selling this book as much as I should is the fact Colin captures the nature of the book so much more succinctly than myself, but it truely is top notch comics. Death Sentence London #3 and Spread #10 chunder along nicely and really are wonderful comics also, while Headlopper #1 is unbarably beatiful in the art department and damn fun too boot. Godzilla in Hell #3 is ramping up the suspense and Assassination Classroom vol.6 is still madder than a bunch of monkeys with water pistols.

Over in the Jump, My Hero Academia blazez a trail and Toriko sets the players into motion for end game.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Hawkmonger on 01 October, 2015, 02:43:10 PM
, The Maxx #23 is excellent also. The only reason i'm not selling this book as much as I should is the fact Colin captures the nature of the book so much more succinctly than myself, but it truely is top notch comics.

Well there's a sentence I never expected to hear and never expect to hear again... well except the bit about The Maxx being 'top notch comics' thats something we should here more often!

And Tordelbacks come to play with us. Just when you thought this thread couldn't get any better.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 01 October, 2015, 07:59:10 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 01 October, 2015, 02:43:10 PM
, The Maxx #23 is excellent also. The only reason i'm not selling this book as much as I should is the fact Colin captures the nature of the book so much more succinctly than myself, but it truely is top notch comics.

Well there's a sentence I never expected to hear and never expect to hear again... well except the bit about The Maxx being 'top notch comics' thats something we should here more often!

No more than is due! But seriously, The Maxx is a an ace comic and a lot more people should be reading it.  I'm still a little curious though weather Sam Kieth will also have all the canon loose end re-released as well. Their where a few one shots at Image, that Darker Image anthology story, Gay Comics #24, and Friends of Maxx #3. Doub't any of the early Image crossover stuff will be covered though as they're clearly not Sam's vision of the character (though I will argue contention that Savage Dragon #27 and #28 are deffinetly in canon. Can't comment on the Gen13 team up mind you...).

So yeah, theirs plenty more Maxx material that we should see reprinted at some point, at least in another collected volume.