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New monthly Dredd title announced for North America

Started by Emperor, 16 March, 2012, 08:24:17 PM

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Richmond Clements

Quote from: James Stacey on 26 October, 2012, 10:06:48 AM
Absolutely, we don't know the context of the story, just struck me as odd. I'd argue however that Dredd probably has a longer history of distrusting Psis.

Yeah that's true, he's got no love for them either... But that's Dredd for you! Mr Grumpy..!


Odd statement on Bleeding Colon. Not sure if it's crossed-wires :

At Long Beach Comic Con, IDW also talked about the new Dredd comic they're publishing - out how it works in continuity.

While describing it as "sonething of a reboot", they state that Dredd is five years out of the academy so it doesn't interfere with current canon. Each issue will have backup stories that set up a larger story. And that Mega City Two exists - but they will let the readers decide if the Apocalypse War happens... or not.

The classic 2000AD Judge Dredd arc saw Mega City One invaded by the Soviet East Meg One, halving the city's population to only four hundred million.

The fate of the Mega City is all down to you..


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 04 November, 2012, 01:19:48 PM
Odd statement on Bleeding Colon. Not sure if it's crossed-wires : While describing it as "sonething of a reboot", they state that Dredd is five years out of the academy so it doesn't interfere with current canon - but they will let the readers decide if the Apocalypse War happens... or not. The fate of the Mega City is all down to you ...

IDW are so confident their series will be a long term success they're already planning to let readers hold a phone vote (in twenty years time) to decide whether Kazan invades? If the results of the phone vote prove inconclusive Gary Barlow and Louis Walsh will fight a shirtless battle to decide the fate of 400 million souls.


Any idea when it's out,I've had it on preorder for ages now?
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.



They should, hopefully, be landing early-on next week!
On a related matter, why cant the usually reliable Disposable Heroe's show which covers are available (or even respond to e-mails sent,  >:()
Im after pre-ordering the Greg Staples variant for issue 2. Anyone had sucess with doing that?

michael kennedy

was thinking of pre-ordering but flaked out after only being able to see the covers and not much else


Yeah i know what you mean, IDW are certainly not letting much out, are they. Still i dont mind buying this 'blind' as it were.

michael kennedy

judgement will occur when i go to nostalgia and comics to speak


Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.


Has anyone got this yet? I was kind of expecting it yesterday.




I dunno- the last ebay thing i saw said it was due on the eleventh! Which, being a sunday, i took as being bollocks. Some indication of when i can expect it, noted in my basket at disposable heroes, would be nice! This thursday makes sense i suppose- but i dont even know if ive been billed for it, if i paid when i ordered, or if it'll come out when they post it.



Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.


Just checked my order confirmation from Disposable Heroe's - blimey, i ordered this nearly two months ago!, but no delivery date is given on that.
Checking online i find all  three dates (11th, 15th and 21st) mentioned! So, im confused now..
By the way, Zaucer of Zilk #2 is said to be out next week, according to the Disposable Heroes site.