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Diablo III and Path of Exile beta key giveaway

Started by Gothmog, 26 March, 2012, 10:13:32 AM

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Hi all.

I managed to snag a spare Diablo III beta key, it was for a friend but he's suffering from some kind of befuddlement and doesn't actually want it so I thought I'd do a little competition and give it away here.
I've also got a beta key for Diabloesque Path of Exile -

Got a couple of lucky guess questions based on my Diablo III experience which started on Saturday, closest answers wins.

1) For the Diablo III key:
As of this moment what is my "played" time for my highest level character in the Diablo III beta?

2) For the Path of Exile key:
As of this moment what percentage of achievements have I unlocked in the Diablo III beta.


No-one wants to take a wild guess?  :(

Ok I've PMd the Diablo III key to Mudcrab as they were the only response to either of my threads (Mudcrab let me know if you have any problems with it).

Posting the Path of Exile key below so first to use it gets it.  Path of Exile is having a stress test this weekend though so the beta will be open for everyone to have a try for a couple of days if you're interested.





Key worked fine, downloading now. To Tristram!