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"Vin Diesel IS... Rogue Trooper!!!"

Started by Al_Ewing, 21 December, 2002, 08:56:17 AM

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Screamed Lenny in the pub. Well, why not? Rogue Trooper the movie. What devilment is this?

There'd be voice acting galore. Robert De Niro IS Gunnar. John Cusack IS Helm. Steve Buscemi IS Bagman. Roger Moore IS the Traitor General, only he'd use his face as well and not just his voice, assuming his face hasn't fallen off by now.

Martin Kemp IS Friday. Ron Perlman IS Tor Cyan. You ARE the Dice Man.

Go on! Pick your dream cast! It's within your drunken power!
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Rogue Trooper movie?  A must!

Vin Diesel?  A must NOT!

Leigh S

Already the prospect of three weeks without new thrillpower fills me with fear.  Any chance of offsetting the publication of the end of year specials so that one week we get prog 2004, and Megazine 214 hits us the week after.  Not only would you be spreading the thrillpower (meaning only one week without a new mag to read), you'd be spreading the groats.

What does everyone else think?


Colin Farrell 4 Rogue?
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


Will this be a 'blue' movie.... ahem

Oh Van Diesel rocks... but why did you have to do xXx?


I'm sticking with Vin for Dredd - no controversy here!


This sort of conversation always reminds me of the truley sick making scen in The Ultimates wherre Millar has his charcters discuss who would play themsleves in a movie, clearly using the actors whos schticks Millar has based their personas...


I wouldn't call it 'sick-making'... that's maybe going a bit far... you're not a big Ultimates fan then?
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Nah, i love The Ultimates me, but that little scene... Something was way too self congratulatory about it. "Look, look, my characters resembel character s played by these actors of stage and screen!" Well, course they bloody do, you probably based them on them.

Slippery PD

Like the new Icon Art, its like yer sticking two fingers up at us.......

Yer Slippo


Thats my victory icon dammit.">

Slippery PD

We shall fight them on the beaches........

yer "winston" slippo


Fair point. I just thought it was an acknowledgement of how much Nick Fury is so obviously Samuel L Jackson. I don't see any of the other resemblances...

And that icon's ace.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.