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Prog 1778 : Thief, Scoundrel...Tsar

Started by JUDGE BURNS, 07 April, 2012, 10:23:34 AM

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First post !

My prog arrived before 10am today, cant beleive it here that early. 

Will comment on prog later, but Dredd looks as though he is in for a really hard time.


I suspect my postie has taken the long weekend off if he's not here by now.  God knows when I'll get the prog.



Top notch Prog! Don't care for the cover but there is a really intresting Thrils of the Future:, Brass Sun: The Wheel of Worlds. By Ian Edginton & I.N.J Culbard. The name suggests it will be connected to the link universe that Edginton's stories occupy and that seriously excites me!

Dredd: Still on a roll both in story and art.

Age of Wolf: Plenty happens, but it would be spoilerific. Not my cup of tea still.

Flesh: Finally some plot advancment, a "twist" we've pretty much all seen coming though.

Zilk: Great fun again, one of the best installments art-wise too. Some awesome joke in there.

Dante: This is starting to remind me more of the good old days, Burns has really helped bting the strip back to its swashbuckling roots.

Overall: Great. And Brass Sun can't come soon enough! Dredd & Zilk still neck and neck for me.
"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."


The only way to put them on is: [spoiler]BOTH FEET AT A TIME![/spoiler]

Zaucer of Zilk is incredibly entertaining. I was grinning widely as I read it. I love this beautiful, fun comic strip. I hope it comes out in a gorgeous yellow and pink hardback reprint book, scented with exotic oils and with added pop-up pages and cheap, tinny music. I'll buy it six times!

Day of Chaos is the opposite, but no less exciting. What a horrible, gripping story. We have more swashes being buckled nicely in Dante, while Age of the Wolf is still good stuff. I'm not commenting on Flesh, out of respect for its creator.

I love my 2000AD!

- Trout

Darren Stephens

Quote from: Nemo on 07 April, 2012, 01:59:17 PM
The only way to put them on is:

Zaucer of Zilk is incredibly entertaining. I was grinning widely as I read it. I love this beautiful, fun comic strip. I hope it comes out in a gorgeous yellow and pink hardback reprint book, scented with exotic oils and with added pop-up pages and cheap, tinny music. I'll buy it six times!

Day of Chaos is the opposite, but no less exciting. What a horrible, gripping story. We have more swashes being buckled nicely in Dante, while Age of the Wolf is still good stuff. I'm not commenting on Flesh, out of respect for its creator.

I love my 2000AD!

- Trout

Hah, that somes up my feelings about Zilk, too. WANT BOOK. :-P


The line about the "ultimate trusts between man and his pants" as he walks into the bathroom had me howling.
"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."

Steve Green

I'm guessing the whole Flesh thing is that

[spoiler]The Riders are from an alternate earth where the dinosaurs survived - although I'm not sure hwo mucking around in the cretaceous prevents an asteroid twatting the planet[/spoiler]

Colin YNWA

The Prog is astonishingly consistent in its variation at the moment, in such a great way. The story I like least 'Age of the Wolf' is really getting into its stride and we're in danger of having five out of five absolute smashes.

I do understand why people have a beef with 'Flesh' but I personally love its straightforward simple, yet thrilling  storytelling. It just adds to the whole mix in the Prog and looks glorious. I chuffin' love it for all its apparent shortcomings.

Zilk is stupendous and Dredd is as ever wonderfully crafted and the further we get into the chaos itself the more my misgiving seem like the raving of a madman. Sure the whole Sov stuff was old and tired but by heck the way Wagner is paying with that tired threat to find new ways to have the city pull itself apart is a masterclass.

Dante, arh Dante. They should scrap Easter and rename it Nikolai Dante is bloomin' great long weekend... or something.

The Prog at the moment is the very definition of the Galaxies Greatest.

Taryn Tailz

Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 07 April, 2012, 09:20:29 PM
I do understand why people have a beef with 'Flesh'

Its mostly me to be fair.  :lol:


Quote from: Steve Green on 07 April, 2012, 07:55:18 PM
I'm guessing the whole Flesh thing is that
[spoiler]The Riders are from an alternate earth where the dinosaurs survived - although I'm not sure hwo mucking around in the cretaceous prevents an asteroid twatting the planet[/spoiler]

Maybe all that herding [spoiler]moved them out of the way of the asteroid[/spoiler]?   :D


Quote from: Steve Green on 07 April, 2012, 07:55:18 PM
I'm guessing the whole Flesh thing is that
[spoiler]The Riders are from an alternate earth where the dinosaurs survived - although I'm not sure hwo mucking around in the cretaceous prevents an asteroid twatting the planet[/spoiler]

Well, don't forget [spoiler]the series is based on time travel so if a bunch of wee therapods got to a different timeline, it's V all over agian.[/spoiler]

Dredd is as tense as a thing that's very tense being told there's about to be an anouncement about increasing tension. There was definitely a feeling of calm before the storm for me this week. Great stuff.

ZoZ has bowled me over with it's charmingly charming charms. I am no longer undecided - I love it!

AoTW was bloody great this week too! I genuinely feared for Rowan's survival and found [spoiler]the casual offing of supporting characters genuinely shocking.[/spoiler] Brilliant series. But I was a bit unsure about that wolf trap on ROwan's arm - where the hell did that come from?

Flesh is pure thrill power. Does what it does, but does it so well. Excellent!

Great prog there, Tharg.

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


Cover: Close up head-shots rarely work, and I'm afraid this one doesn't do much for me. Dante looks a bit smooth and girly, should be a bit more grizzled and world-weary. And at first glance I thought he had knives stuck in his head.

Dredd: The foreboding just grows and grows, hard to see how the city's going to come out of this. The build-up's been going on for a long time, but I'm far from bored with the build up. Looks like the Stomm's really about to hit the fan next week.

Dante: I ran out of superlatives weeks ago. Lush.

Neither Flesh nor Age of the Wolf are floating my boat, and it's for opposite reasons. With AotW I keep thinking I've missed an episode out, or Tharg's printed the pages in the wrong order, as the story lurches forward with little explanation or character development. Flesh on the other hand feels like I've read every page before. At least Flesh usually manages a few panels of cool dino-mayhem per episode - the guy on the wire last week was proper old-skool. But even the appearance of Woody Allen couldn't raise this episode.

Zaucer of Zilk baffles, amuses and delights. I'm a huge fan of Mccarthy's psychedelia (I'd love to own that last page), and Al's turn of (silly) phrase is sublime. I doubt this would hold it's appeal over a very long run, but right now I'm loving it.

Thrills of the Future: Brass Sun - hmm, intriguing. Will this be the story that pulls together the various edgiverse tales?


Congratulations to the cover artists who managed to make Dante look Asha from Spartacus.


The quote on the cover is from Colin Smith:

He has just started reviewing comics for Q and, obviously, mentioned 2000AD in the first column:

Quote from: leebrown1990 on 07 April, 2012, 01:47:23 PM
Top notch Prog! Don't care for the cover but there is a really intresting Thrils of the Future:, Brass Sun: The Wheel of Worlds. By Ian Edginton & I.N.J Culbard. The name suggests it will be connected to the link universe that Edginton's stories occupy and that seriously excites me!

Some details on Brass Sun here:,35334.msg665978.html#msg665978

Sounds promising and I'm looking forward to it.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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