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John Wagner see the completed film!

Started by Goaty, 25 May, 2012, 05:28:35 PM

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This sounds great!

I'm curious what he meant about (all but one) of his reservations being addressed. Does that mean they're actually going to change things, at this late date, for him? If so, that's a wonderful sign of respect from the film-makers.


My reading is it's more that they brought Wagner on board as a consultant and they listened to him, making changes as the movie progressed. The uniform is known to be one aspect of this, becoming more Dredd-like and less generic riot cop.

As for the vehicles, look outside. Cars don't change that much over time.


Quote from: Syne on 26 May, 2012, 12:29:45 AM

I'm curious what he meant about (all but one) of his reservations being addressed. Does that mean they're actually going to change things, at this late date, for him? If so, that's a wonderful sign of respect from the film-makers.


The quibble: use of modern day vehicles in a futuristic setting. Given the budget constraints it is hard to see what they could do to avoid it. It's no big deal, really. It's over quickly and once you're past that it's full steam ahead into Dreddworld. If this film does well we can expect the budget on the next to increase, therefore more money for such SFX. And just consider, on a budget effectively less than a fifth of the Stallone piece they've managed to make a movie far more representative of the character and strip we all know and love.


Quote from: Syne on 26 May, 2012, 12:29:45 AM
Does that mean they're actually going to change things, at this late date, for him?

They've all ready changed those things, the film's finished. The quibbles I believe are last year's quibbles.


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 26 May, 2012, 12:38:36 AM
Quote from: Syne on 26 May, 2012, 12:29:45 AM
Does that mean they're actually going to change things, at this late date, for him?

They've all ready changed those things, the film's finished. The quibbles I believe are last year's quibbles.

Doh! I get it now. Early Saturday morning syndrome on my part.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 26 May, 2012, 12:35:32 AM
My reading is it's more that they brought Wagner on board as a consultant and they listened to him, making changes as the movie progressed. The uniform is known to be one aspect of this, becoming more Dredd-like and less generic riot cop.

As for the vehicles, look outside. Cars don't change that much over time.

Well, maybe if you live in Cuba they don't.....

But the idea of having modern cars in the movie doesn't bother me at all.


If it is good enough for John Wagner then it is good enough for me. Not that I'd have given it a miss but I'd have been nervous going in.

Also the news made Comic Book
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Beaky Smoochies

This is FANTASTIC news from John Wagner, great to know he fully approves of the new adaptation, and that the people behind it have actually listened and taken onboard his sage advice on all things Dredd, as far as the modern vehicles in the new film, I've said it here before that I for one will find it pleasantly refreshing to see a futuristic city onscreen that DOESN'T have the now-cliched airborne traffic, it will give Dredd a grittier, more realistic, end-of-century look and feel to it, as opposed to the frankly ridiculous looking taxi vehicles in the 1995 debacle, and all the better for it. 

Just a question though, the budget for Dredd is $45million, whereas the budget for the 1995 debacle was (according to Danny Cannon) just over $80million, how does the former equate to being "less than a fifth" than the latter, or does the budget mentioned for Dredd also include advertising/marketing?  Don't get me wrong, it's not important, John Wagner's thumbs-up is the last word for me in terms of the seal of approval, one last thing though, I hope there's midnight screenings of Dredd, anyone here going to one in Belfast, let me know and I'll see ya there... 
"When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fear the people there is LIBERTY!" - Thomas Jefferson.

"That government is best which governs least" - Thomas Jefferson.


Quote from: Emperor on 26 May, 2012, 01:36:50 AM
If it is good enough for John Wagner then it is good enough for me. Not that I'd have given it a miss but I'd have been nervous going in.

Also the news made Comic Book

Some interesting comments from non forumites in this link.

Steve Green

The modern vehicles don't bother me as such - I certainly wasn't expecting flying vehicles to be commonplace outside the emergency services as they have today.

I just think it's a bit of a stylistic jarring when you have the helmet and the bike looking 'different' to the rest of the world.

I know it's iconic, but if you're not going to strip the whole of the uniform and world back as Carlos did in Origins, it may feel a bit incongruous if you don't have more elements from a near future - I'm not talking flying vehicles, but that there's something else there and the pinnacle of Justice Department's tech is not some 4x4's and a frankly iffy looking bike.

I don't know if it's a circle that can be squared in a film, where you've got a whole police force with this strange helmet and odd-looking bike - compared to Batman who is just a weird individual.

Anyway, it's good to hear the rest of the film is up to snuff.


Quote from: Beaky Smoochies on 26 May, 2012, 03:03:40 AM

Just a question though, the budget for Dredd is $45million, whereas the budget for the 1995 debacle was (according to Danny Cannon) just over $80million, how does the former equate to being "less than a fifth" than the latter, or does the budget mentioned for Dredd also include advertising/marketing? 

$80 million nearly 20 years ago does not equal $80 million now.

Dredd '95 was closer to $100 million, adjusted to current inflation and the cost of making the equivalent Hollywood film on that same scale and with that actor today it would be closer to $200 million maybe more. That's the average they're spending on tentpole films nowadays.


Quote from: dracula1 on 26 May, 2012, 06:32:22 AM

There's a mention here about the Film possibly being delayed to 2013. I'm sure it's just the personal feeling of the Net reporter but could that happen? Lot's of awfy  big Films coming out soon.

I thinkTotal Recall  comes out in August so could that put off DREDD till next year?
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Budgets don't worry me.
Pitch Black $23mil and that still gets more repeat viewings than most big budget flicks at mine.
It's what you do with it that counts.
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.


Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 26 May, 2012, 10:20:26 AM
Quote from: dracula1 on 26 May, 2012, 06:32:22 AM

There's a mention here about the Film possibly being delayed to 2013. I'm sure it's just the personal feeling of the Net reporter but could that happen? Lot's of awfy  big Films coming out soon.

I thinkTotal Recall  comes out in August so could that put off DREDD till next year?

The remark is just unsubstantiated speculation based probably on the G.I Joe debacle!

I can't see Dredd suffering the same fate and I don't think Total Recall is any significant threat.

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Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 26 May, 2012, 10:20:26 AM
There's a mention here about the Film possibly being delayed to 2013. I'm sure it's just the personal feeling of the Net reporter but could that happen? Lot's of awfy  big Films coming out soon.

Do you consider what happened to GI JOE II would happen to Dredd? The GI JOE thing is completely unprecedented and IM Global and its investors would lose out far more if they pulled out of its released date. GI JOE is more than likely being pulled because it is currently a bad film, as test screeners have reported, and Paramount fell by tweaking it and releasing it 9 months later, that they can make more money.

It's released in late September when there's no other competition in its genre, it's also not a big budget film so it won't be competing for the same box-office as GI JOE II or any of the other big-budget studio films.

Dredd is practically an indie.