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Started by Proudhuff, 11 June, 2012, 02:32:01 PM

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At the time of writing it is 11.12 AM on Saturday 13th and I've just had my Prog and Meg delivered. Not opening till Lunch but Thanks be to Grud for the first relatively normal thing that has happened this week.



Are we not certain that Wullie/Frank isn't Scojo? I know they're low tier trolls both, but they both have the same tedious MO.

Oh, and the 2KAD Facebook groups still suck.

Funt Solo

Nah - Scojo was like Alec Trench turned up to 11.

Whilst you might not like Frank's persona, he doesn't come across as a frustrated creative writer.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 14 June, 2020, 12:55:06 AM
Whilst you might not like Frank's persona, he doesn't come across as a frustrated creative writer.

Frank comes across as many things, creative isn't one of them. Scojo had that at least.

Colin YNWA

Its a little unsettling that he seems to spend as much time here as he ever did. But now unable to contribute (for reasons not of his choosing) he's 'reporting back' to the Megaverse. Which I'll say again is a great group when its not so obsessed with the forum!


My primary axe to grin with the Megaverse and affiliated groups is the miserable, boomer 'Everything that isn't exactly as I remember it IS BOLLOCKS' rhetoric. There a are number of superb contributes, but never read the comments.


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 14 June, 2020, 11:07:41 AM
... the miserable, boomer 'Everything that isn't exactly as I remember it IS BOLLOCKS' rhetoric....

Ahem. That's Generation X to you, cheeky Millennial pup. It's the parents of the Facebook grumps that are boomers.

There's a lot of really terrific content on the Megaverse, and many estimable forumites past and present strutting their stuff, but the general attitude of deteriorationism is straight out of Hesiod, and I wonder whether a measurable proportion of the members wouldn't be happier if the comic had been cancelled 30 years ago. It certainly undercuts the efforts many people there make to celebrate and promote the Prog, but I suppose this is a consequence, like gibes at actual human creators that ignore that it is a public forum, of the wider more casual audience that is Facebook.

Frank is as Frank does, if he's a little bitter about the forum I can understand that when he contributed so much here (I know, I know, he pissed several people off too), but I mainly find amusement in the sensation that our little ant-farm doings are on a web-cam. Maybe we should look into teledildonics as a revenue model. *Noise of Tinkly Coins* Mmmmm, thrilling.


I take a more sporadic-burst approach to the board, and missed a lot of the bits where Frank pissed people off.  I always got on well with him and he's helped me out with a few things through the old PM system.

I don't doubt for one minute that people's grievances with him were genuine, but I remember Scojo's toxic heyday and Scojo he ain't.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Funt Solo

I've browsed the Megaverse (sounds like something Galactus would say), because it gets mentioned here from time to time. I have opinions about it (which will probably be copied and pasted over there, because that happens), which I'll list, because lists are great and in a potential conflict situation they're a Fantastic Way of Getting Your Point Across Without Any Negative Consequences TM. Yup.

1. There are some interesting posts there that contain 2K-relevant creator-chatter that we don't see here. Those are interesting and valuable.

2. It's Facebook, and I don't understand how it works. Like a book with the contents page and the index ripped out, where the pages keep re-ordering themselves.

3. It's intimidating: dissent from the heightened reality they've created is quashed instantly by animated meme-zingers and disses that get uber-liked by the locals. Perhaps this is because they feel defensive or something. (I would never dare actually go on there and type this - because I don't like being attacked en masse by angry nerds.)

4. It's not really a place that can claim to support 2000 AD. I noticed one guy boasting that he read the comic for free by downloading it from somewhere, and nobody criticized him. So, that suggests the people there wish for the comic to fail. (Plus there's very little support for anything that Rebellion currently publish: most of it gets called out as rubbish before its even gone out. Trump would say "sad". See: he's not completely pointless, is he?)

5. As Sherlock is to real detective work, Megaverse is to a real conversation. Hyper-reality: don't expect normality. For example, a perfectly calm exchange between two Thargs on here got reported there as a terribly exciting conflict. Fake news!

Summary: interesting links, but a broiling undercurrent of hatred.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

You may quote me on that.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo on 14 June, 2020, 06:41:19 PM
I've browsed the Megaverse (sounds like something Galactus would say)

You sir are a certified comedy genius!


Quote from: Funt Solo on 14 June, 2020, 06:41:19 PM
I've browsed the Megaverse (sounds like something Galactus would say), because it gets mentioned here from time to time. I have opinions about it (which will probably be copied and pasted over there, because that happens), ...

I have a feeling that this is going to get meta very quickly but on the strength of your remark I decided to take a chance and see what it was like.

Thirty seconds in and apparently the speculation is that Dredd is going to die?

Okay then.  Can see it is going to be an interesting experience.


Wullie/Frank is now reporting that Tjm is reporting that Meagaverse Facebook is discussing that Julius Howe is reporting that Official 2000AD Facebook is speculating that Dredd will die.


This brings me back to the days of the JBF War,  except as it's 2020 it's more of a civil war.  Fun,  though!

Colin YNWA

Colin YNWA

Anyway I've left this comment about our comments in one of their comment sections. I leave it here for comment (and maybe to try to but the time space fandon continuium into some sort of perpetual comment loop)

QuoteCool your Megaverse is commenting on the Forum, the forum is commenting on the Megaverses commenting. You'll be commenting on the forums commenting on your commenting. Which will lead to much discussion on the Forum, that will be reflected upon here... and eventually the whole of 2000ad fandom will implode on itself, leaving only one lone avenger seeking revenge across all other fandoms screaming GODPLETON!

Mind at least we'll all agree Henry Flint should draw it...