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For sale: Dredd calendar and other items

Started by Trout, 11 August, 2012, 04:17:15 PM

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I'm eBaying a few bits and pieces this week.

Here they are:

They include the Judge Dredd calendar from 2189, and Prog 1208. Also, my recommendation for the Astro City comics is genuine. They're really great.

All the best

- Trout

PS: I hope Grant doesn't mind me linking to his blog! It seemed as good an explanation as I could find on the web.

James Stacey


Happily, three of my auctions were successful.

Sadly, nobody bought the Strip magazines. It's issues 1 to 4, complete with the Hookjaw poster. Does anyone here want them? I'll sell them for £1 the lot, plus postage. The postage will be charged at cost and I won't charge for packaging.

Also still available is the Dredd 1989 (2189) calendar. Does anyone want that? A wee donation, and again postage at cost, and it's yours!

PM me. I take Paypal and immortal souls.

- Clearout Trout

Pete Wells

I'll have 'em Trout. Especially as the Dredd calendar as it has the Titan covers without the Logos so they should be good for my blog. I'll pm ya!


Sexytime! Thanks, Pete.

Also, please tell Gronk Guy that I haven't forgotten his kindness and, sooner or later, I'll send him something as a thank-you for those badges. :D


Was going to bid on the calender but missed the closing of the auction because I had to be out of town with no internet connection at the time and forgot to put a bid on before I left  :(


Gahhhh! Why i no see this?! Strip magazines! Gahhh! If you find more, or pete wells wants to flog em on, im yer man!

Sorry for being so rubbish.



I think I've still got the first Strip mags, I'll have a look and you can have them. I shall be down your way this week sometime with the family.