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DREDD reviews. (SPOILERS!)

Started by blackmocco, 30 August, 2012, 10:17:57 PM

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QuoteSimilarly, the friend who I took last night didn't go in as a Dredd fan, but loved it because he said it made him feel the way Robocop and Die Hard did as a kid. They just don't make movies like that anymore.

I went to see it with a few guys the other night, and in a group including two Dredd fans (not including me), the guy who seemed to like it most of all was someone who isn't a comics/Dredd fan in the slightest and I wasn't sure would even want to see it in the first place. He absolutely loved it, and was laughing all the way through at the glorious 1980s aura of OTT excess and splatter of it all, which he really responded to as a fan of those types of films. Afterwards he said he'd 'watch it again tomorrow'.

Everyone agreed that they got the level of humour just right - some great Dredd lines that are really funny but just the right side of cheesy. "...Yeah" got a huge laugh.


A couple of other things I noticed:

The Dredd line " Make a difference? To a block like this?", which sounds really weird in the clip currently doing the rounds, has definitely been redubbed in the final film and sounds way better.

The Mama line from the trailer "If we play this right, we can take the whole city", is in the finished film but is said by Caleb and not Mama.


It's nice as
Quote from: Goaty on 11 September, 2012, 11:43:13 AM
... there were some people said that she the weak link in film based on the trailers??? Oh boy, they will be surprised!
it's nice too, that although Anderson is 'pretty-lady-in-peril' at one point: she is 'rescued' not by Dredd but by a combination of Lawgiver-failsafe and her determined, active self, and then she rescues Dredd!


Quote from: radiator on 11 September, 2012, 01:56:11 PM
A couple of other things I noticed:

The Dredd line " Make a difference? To a block like this?", which sounds really weird in the clip currently doing the rounds, has definitely been redubbed in the final film and sounds way better.

The Mama line from the trailer "If we play this right, we can take the whole city", is in the finished film but is said by Caleb and not Mama.

I don't think the "Make a difference?" line has been re-dubbed, but it just fits better as Dredd was talking like that while he was telling Anderson the rules of the assessment as well. In the clip it just seems out of place.


Quote from: radiator on 11 September, 2012, 01:56:11 PM
The Dredd line " Make a difference? To a block like this?", which sounds really weird in the clip currently doing the rounds, has definitely been redubbed in the final film and sounds way better.

I believe it's the same audio in both but I don't think it stands-out in the flow of the performance.


Quote from: DeFuzzed on 11 September, 2012, 09:54:35 AM
I like Jason Statham, but he is too - for want of a better word - real. I think he'd take me straight out of any scifi and right back into inner London. Even when he was in France in the Transporter, I was in inner London.

I think too crap is the word you're looking for!

Thank Grud he wasn't let anywhere near Dredd!
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Oi! - I like Statham! - one of the better action actors out there. Crank is one crazyass movie and he completely committed to that role and sold it.

But no, can't see him in Dredd. He's not the chameleon Urban is - you throw him in any genre and he just sinks in easily. Which reminds me, saw a trailer for Urban's new movie, The Loft, and it looks pretty good.

Also, one of the best things about his Dredd was the way he moved. Predatory and cautious cuz bullets won't bounce off him - fantastic. Or when he stayed still, silent. The saying silence speaks volumes comes to mind, and it really did in his case.


I saw it last night on Tottenham Court road. There was only 7 people in the cinema (including me) but it was a Monday night and there was a million people in town watching the medallists so...

I have avoided this section and all trailers so only saw a couple of photos I couldn't avoid seeing before I went in so pretty much had no preconceptions beforehand and I loved it's bad, violent, funny, grim, beautiful self.

MC-1 looked like how I imagine some parts of America are going to look like in 50 years time. The actors were spot on and it all just felt like the comic.

Daily Mail didn't like it so it must be good.


Quote from: staticgirl on 11 September, 2012, 05:05:41 PM

Daily Mail didn't like it so it must be good.

Clearly, you are my kind of lady.  :thumbsup:
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!


QuoteOi! - I like Statham! - one of the better action actors out there.

That says more about the state of the action movie genre than it does about Statham.

I don't understand the appeal at all.


Rather have him than Tom Cruise.
Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: DanboJohnJ on 11 September, 2012, 05:34:25 PM
Rather have him than Tom Cruise.

Nah, like Cruise or not, at least he has yer actual screen presence and can act...


Can't believe there are actually intelligent people who like Jason will be saying you like Vin Diesel next...
"We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid." ― Christopher Hitchens


Worse is the pseudo-irony of those who tend to like 'The Stath' (shudder).

At least Vin Diesel has been in some decent films - like Saving Private Ryan and Pitch Black.


I reckon, if they gave him a box to stand on, in the early pre-quartz-massacre scenes of a Rogue Trooper film, that Tom Cruise would make a pretty good 'Gunner': Gunner always seemed a bit cocksure and not that likable: I'm sure Cruise could manage a part like that quite well.