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Eurogamer retrospective on Rogue Trooper...

Started by GordonR, 02 September, 2012, 07:56:03 PM

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Mr Walter the Wobot

Hi GordonR,

Just out of curiosity, did you find the process of writing a video game much harder than writing a comic, and did you get much creative input aside from scripting it?


is the co-op for this p2p  PC? Or does it require dedicated servers, in which case I assume it is no longer supported?
I fancy a return to Nu Earth.

Mr Walter the Wobot

Never got the chance to try multiplayer on this, imagine it was pretty good though.

I too really fancy getting hold of this again...


Mr Walter the Wobot

That's pretty bargainous! don't know if it'll run on my netbook,though. could probably get it cheaper for the ps2.


Quote from: Mr Walter the Wobot on 21 September, 2012, 08:36:21 PM
That's pretty bargainous! don't know if it'll run on my netbook,though. could probably get it cheaper for the ps2.

Easier to play with a mouse though :))

Mr Walter the Wobot


Easier to play with a mouse though :))

Is it really? I've got a demo of Dredd vs Death on my netbook, and while that runs perfectly, the smaller keyboard makes it quite tricky to control at times. For 5.99, though, I'm very tempted!

Keef Monkey

Yeah, I wasn't suggesting that Gears lifted from it, I just remember when Gears hit and was huuuuuuuuuge I was using the similarities to try and steer people towards RT, which I found the more enjoyable game.


Quote from: Keef Monkey on 23 September, 2012, 05:43:06 PM
Yeah, I wasn't suggesting that Gears lifted from it, I just remember when Gears hit and was huuuuuuuuuge I was using the similarities to try and steer people towards RT, which I found the more enjoyable game.

Indeed, I've used Gears to steer people towards Rogue's game. And now I'm using the Dredd movie too.


Not played the 2006 version, but have very fond memories of the side-scroller (with flying bits!) version that I had on my beloved Amiga. Was sad to see it dismissed in the article...


Still playing and liking this, even more now it's moved from the open planet environments as they seemed a little sparse.

Sniper rifle now feels a lot better after an upgrade so enjoying using that a lot. Cant get my head around using the holo-decoy though. Obviously wasnt paying attention when I was first prompted to use it and just seem to get a ghost guy running around nobody notices. I prob need to activate it twice or something

One recurring thing tho which I'm not complaining about, I just find it funny. I've now had at least 3 or 4 moments along these lines :

Run up to console. See "Press E to plant mine on console". I press E. Mine planted. Gunnar then says
"Rogue, BEFORE you plant that mine, go back to that door from earlier and set me up or else you'll get FUCKED" (I may be paraphrasing here  ;)  ). Door from earlier immediately opens and soldiers flood through. No Gunnar set up. Panic stations!

Bottom line though I'm enjoying this one a lot. Will def play through till the end and for £6 it's well recommended.
Will prob write it up for the website when I'm finished

judge devs

Quote from: Squidbot on 17 September, 2012, 12:13:55 PM
A Mass Effect RPG for Johnny Alpha would melt my brain.
And how about Mean Arena sports game?

I totally second both of those, a SD game based on 'The Killing' would be brilliant if you ask me.

Mean Arena game would also be excellent, I used to love the story so much.

judge devs

Also seriously think about digging out my old PS2 and playing Rogue and Dredd again. I loved both of those games so much at the time, but I have to agree I think Rogue was probably a better game.

I don't think there has ever been a 'upgraded' version of either released in the Playstation network. Although the PS3 is suppsoed to be backwards compatible no PS2 games run as well on it as they should.

Rebellion really need to think about some new 2000ad based games.


There was the Wii re-release, but it was shonky as hell.  The motion controls didn't suit it, and it had an automatic cover mechanic.  I really didn't like that.  I want to push a button when I decide I want cover, not have the console decide it for me. 

It essentially broke the cover mechanic - it was almost impossible when to judge you were going to hop to cover, and more often than not left you completely exposed.  It turned it into a pure run-and-gun game.

Shame, as they tried to revamp the graphics and stuff for the re-release, and I was genuinely excited about it at the time.  Ah well, I still have the Xbox and PC versions, so that'll do me.

Mr Walter the Wobot

Looks like GordonR's never going to answer my question  :'(