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Writer Needed to pick up the pieces - Moses Valentine!

Started by Bhuna, 12 September, 2012, 04:59:36 PM

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My brother in his younger days used to try and write any illustrate a story for a Manchester comic called Totally Alien. A certain Steve Yowell was the star artist just before he started working on some story called 'Zenith' or something ;).

Now this was back in 1986 and my brother was somewhat of a talented lazy twat, and couldn't be arsed finishing anything off. He's now a graphic designer and thoughts of picking a pencil up after work when he could be in the pub is a definate no-no.

We went to see Dredd together last week and he said 'When are you going to start doing Moses Valentine' which was his main character of hisstory. He can't even remember what the story was, but from what I can remember it was about a group of assassins called 'Killing Moon' As you will see the costume design for the assassins looks scarily like Assassin Creed, but this was done nearly 30 years ago.

I think it was a mixture of a bit of sword and sorcery/post apocalypse/mad max thing going on. It sound shit I know!!

As you will see from the images he's managed to find, he was going through a bit of a Barry Windsor-Smith phase (which isn't a bad thing!)

As he's passed the reins over to me but I need someone to write the story... Are there any wordsmiths interested?? He's given full creative controls over to myself to do whatever can be done with the characters, so it is a complete open book really.

If you're interested, please DM me with any inital ideas.... Cheers Bhuna

Professor Bear

Asking for a writer around here is like throwing blood in the ocean to see if it has sharks in it.  God have mercy on your soul, you poor, crazy bastard.

Karl Stephan

Karl Stephan

Steven Denton

Looks like it could be a lot of fun. How is the search for a writer going?


Sorry for not replying sooner Steve, I've been sweating my nads off in Greece for the last two weeks.

Charlie Boy has sent some ideas (which I need to read through) and Locust is going to send me some ideas too. I've been thinking about doing a bit of small press, so you bunch of talented bastards could be receiving an email soon. I just need to work out the page count and source a good/cheap digi printer. Any recommendations guys??


A suggestion - maybe best not to publicly name who's sent you stuff, since it's not too professional, and might discourage others from sending you anything else?

If I were pitching for something, I would't thank any of the other parties involved for announcing it on an open forum.


Cheers for the pointer Gordon. It's the first time I've asked for a writer to contribute so it's all a bit new to me.