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Dredd:Blu Ray review

Started by chuffsteruk, 18 December, 2012, 09:42:22 AM

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Well, here's hoping dweezil2 - and the fact that the Japanese beauty will play on UK players makes it even more attractive.

On a related matter; Popped in HMV today - ours has had a bit of a revamp, and whilst the shelves were full of the usual deals/offers, Dredd was still priced at £9.99

Hopefully im correct in assuming its still selling well, so they wont discount it while it continues to do so?


Quote from: Judge Jack on 09 July, 2013, 09:30:10 PM

Hopefully im correct in assuming its still selling well, so they wont discount it while it continues to do so?

from my experience working in the high street, yeah pretty much. when somethings being sold for a pittance its not doing well.


Well, I've just been stung for £20 import duties, plus another £12
For Saturday delivery, the only day I'm around to sign for the steelbook. Jeez, what a racket, eh?!?

*sigh* the price of fandom... ::)


Gulp! The price of getting stuff from abroad...  :(
And the Saturday charge is a right rip, isnt it. Unavoidable in your instance, but Parcelforce always seem to try that on.
Im pretty sure they hang onto stuff until the earliest time they can only deliver it would be a Saturday, because when you after summat, waiting til after the weekend is a killer. But wait i do...


I bought the French steelbook (is that just a fancy way of saying "in a tin"?) from FNAC and got a free customised t-shirt (€6 postage) for which I selected the iconic 'Dredd on a throne' image - Bargain!

I won't be buying any others though, unless they do a special edition with extra stuff on  - my mates already think I'm mad for buying TWO versions of the same film!


Interesting, I haven't been contacted yet. Perhaps mine got through untouched, which would be a first :lol: :lol: :lol:


Really tempted to get the Japanese edition, but as with the Zenith book - there's a limit to what I'd be willing to spend on something.

The French edition is nice enough for now, but I fully expect a UK or US special edition or steelbook to be announced soon - it's now confirmed as one of the best-selling Blu Rays of the year (in the UK at least) so they'd be mad not to.


My wee beauty turned up today. Come on Great Britain, get your drokkin' arse in gear!


Damn, that's looks so awesome!


James Stacey

I can see right up Andersons nose


Shit marketing again. We have a huge UK market for this special edition and no one catering for demand ?  :o :-*


It is rather depressing that the UK has been issued the worst release out of all the territories, or so it seems (as I haven't bought every disc out there). I just hope that we do get something special before Christmas but then again, who knows!


Did a check of the disc just now and it has the Mega-City Masters (35 Years of Judge Dredd) - Day of Chaos (Visual Effects of Dredd) plus the 6 shorts that we have already seen.

You also get the Official 2:30 Trailer and two Japanese Trailers (the first is awesome, as we have seen). Plus you also get sound set ups for DTS, 7.1, 5.1 and DTS NEO:X

It plays in English with Japanese subtitles, that you can take off the screen if you so wish!


Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 18 July, 2013, 04:18:09 AM
It is rather depressing that the UK has been issued the worst release out of all the territories, or so it seems (as I haven't bought every disc out there). I just hope that we do get something special before Christmas but then again, who knows!

Well I did mention last year that would be awful when first hear that Entertainment Film Distributors will handle Dredd. As knew their releases been poorly and many of their DVDs/Blu-Ray looks shite and lack of subtitle.