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Rebellion Tease New Game, Possible 2000ad Connection?

Started by radiator, 29 January, 2013, 10:24:17 AM

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What's all this, then?

QuoteDebuting 14th February 2013, PC fans will soon get the chance to discover for themselves just what is in store for those brave enough to venture into the 'Totraum'.


Wikis take on Totraum:  :o

Dead space (respiratory)
The dead space of the room is the respiratory system , not on the pulmonary gas exchange is involved, but the propagation of the inspired gas mixture is used. The dead space is some fundamentally important conditioning operations during inspiration (breathing in). So the inhaled air in the dead space is heated to a physiological temperature at the same time, the inspired air saturated with water, so that a relative humidity of 100% is achieved. There are two different types of dead space:

[ edit ] anatomical dead space

To include the anatomical dead space nose , or the mouth , the pharynx , the trachea and the bronchi . Per breath in them remains about 30% (about 0.15 L) of the inspired air. The anatomical dead space can be increased further by the airway as will be extended by one or snorkel tube. With a tracheostomy after laryngectomy , however, the dead space is reduced.

[ edit ] functional dead space

As functional dead space is defined as the sum of the anatomical dead space, and the regions of the lung (physiological dead space), which is not supplied with blood or damage are no longer in a position to the exchange of oxygen in the blood (and vice versa to CO 2, the exhaled air) participate. In healthy agree functional and anatomical dead space are broadly similar, since normally all regions of the lung participate in gas exchange. Classically, it is for example in the context of a pulmonary embolism in an increase in functional dead space, because portions of the lung behind the closure (or pulmonary artery branches) while still ventilated but not perfused.
DDT did a job on me

Keef Monkey

Fiends Of The Eastern Front? That could make for a pretty commercial game, Sniper Elite sold well so combine the WWII thing with vampires and you've got another potential hit. Look forward to the announcement!

Looks like it's PC-only though, which wouldn't really be for me as I'm a console guy. It could also be a horror-themed DLC expansion of Sniper Elite mind you.

Keef Monkey

In fact (sorry for the double-post) that's the Sniper Elite logo on the end of the trailer so my money is definitely on an SE spin-off, as much as I would love a Fiends game!


On YouTube link it said;

One man is utterly alone amidst the chaos of war. But there are worse things to fear than bombs and bullets here...

Looks like SE spin-off but hopefully it Fiends Of The Eastern Front as it's got bloody logo so tip of vampires?

James Stacey

It could just have the 2000ad reference on the link as they are using the same mail package as they use for the thrillmail ?


Quote from: James Stacey on 29 January, 2013, 01:40:53 PM
It could just have the 2000ad reference on the link as they are using the same mail package as they use for the thrillmail ?

Sharp as a tack.

Professor Bear

Aren't you supposed to be encouraging people to talk about Rebellion stuff rather than throwing them off the cliffs of despair and dashing their hopes and dreams upon the rocks of cold, hard reality?


Quote from: Thunders McQueen on 29 January, 2013, 02:00:28 PM
Aren't you supposed to be encouraging people to talk about Rebellion stuff rather than throwing them off the cliffs of despair and dashing their hopes and dreams upon the rocks of cold, hard reality?

There's encouraging them to talk about our stuff and there's quashing rumours that will inevitably lead to the disappointed venting their rage at us :P

Richmond Clements



OOPS, did I say that out loud? Where's the delete button?!?!?!?!



DDT did a job on me

James Stacey

We now have an official source to quote. Let's off to the movie news sites.