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This is news right? Color Nemesis O'Neill collection...?

Started by blackmocco, 05 February, 2013, 06:34:33 PM

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Dark Jimbo

Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 02 September, 2013, 04:53:55 PM
I'm a big fan of Book Two but I do worry about the fact (well of course I don't actually worry about, I hope I've got bigger fish to fry than that!) when I had the Titan editions back in the day I didn't notice I was missing anything for a couple of years or what not. I love it but its clearly not essential.

I think I'm right in saying that it was more or less written to give Kev time to make a decent dent in Book III, so the big continuity-troubling moments were presumably saved for Kev to do.


Anything that depicts Torquemada as a chapel painting; as a young boy sold into slavery and as a giant spider - all drawn by Redondo - is essential.


Have finally gotten around to reading this over the past weekend. Will agree with what others have said about the muddy printing, but what I have found is that I am still as blown away by the first couple of stories in this volume as I was when I first read them all those years ago. Have always loved the one with the concorde bird creatures and the skyscraper landscapes they have their nests in. The sheer inventiveness of Mills and O'Neill in these sequences is a joy and it still gives me a rush of excitement to this day.
Also how about re-printing some more of the Eagle comics line in hard back editions. I guess with the recent colour Dredd classics from IDW we won't have the Dredd stuff collected up but how about the Robo-Hunter or Stainless Steel Rat series?


...and another thing, it has only just occurred to me that the DJ/news presenter on the first story page looks like Kenny Everett. If this was intentional then it took thirty three years for the penny to drop!


Quote from: gavingavin on 09 September, 2013, 03:31:53 PM
...and another thing, it has only just occurred to me that the DJ/news presenter on the first story page looks like Kenny Everett. If this was intentional then it took thirty three years for the penny to drop!

It was (intentional), and it did (take that long to drop).

I remember reading it at the time when KE was a huge star on TV and radio.


Quote from: gavingavin on 09 September, 2013, 03:31:53 PM
...and another thing, it has only just occurred to me that the DJ/news presenter on the first story page looks like Kenny Everett. If this was intentional then it took thirty three years for the penny to drop!

There's a thread for that kind of thing here:,35063.0.html



I found an O'Neill overview of the Eagle comic series in an old FA 'Zine, anyone interested its here.


Colin YNWA

Necropost - or should I say Necropolispost. Anyway I've finally actually read the book as opposed to flick through it. Well book 1 anyway tonight and all its left me is a little frustrated. I'll put aside my issues with the colouring and reproduction and rather reflect on the fact that I seem incapable of picking up this book and simply reading it.

I tried to just read it and evaluate it in its own right but NO I just couldn't resist getting out my 'Death to All Aliens' as soon as I'd finished it and doing another compare and contrast. And as I say quite infuriating.


Well its the changes, some of them really weaken the storytelling. Some of them are superfuious and simply Kev O'Neill putting in a heck of a lot of work to make the format change as smooth as possible. Some of them really enhance the storytelling. I've not done a straight count but I'd guess its almost honours even across the three, possible if I was pushed for an order I'd go (from most to least) Superfuious, improved, hampered.

So why does this infuriate me. After all we problably have more good than bad. Well its simple and reflects the debate elsewhere about the Cursed Earth reprints. Just like that all this volume does is make clear we will never have the definative version of Book 1. No one's fault at all. Even if a reprint of the the original, glorious black and white version in original size and with perfect reproduction and I'll always know there's a version where some of the storytelling is improved.

Damnit one of my all times favourite comics will never know perfection... of course the nerd in me rejoices at this as I will always read one or another and be able to compare and contrast the minor details of the changes and the impact on the story... so yah know actually its a good thing isn't it!


Interesting post Colin.

I have recently re-read Nemesis books I,II, III and IV in "The Complete Nemesis" but have never read the Deviant addition. I was struck at how easy the story was to follow and to recognise all the characters. I think that was in part because of the little text boxes explaining who was who that appeared fairly regularly. This seems to be a practice that has fallen out of favour and it did strike me as a little old fashioned. However I would take that any day over not following the story (although it was fairly annoying when I read Invasion!).

Anyway I was wondering what the differences were in the Deviant addition that enhanced the story telling and if you would recommend the Deviant Addition.

As to the definitive version? I always tend to view what is printed in the Progs as the definitive version. Given that I missed most of the first 126 Progs but have collected editions of a lot of what I missed, I hadn't realised that the last page of Loser's Leap had been changed - to me the changed version in the Titan version had been all I knew, so it was very interesting to find out that was an "uncensored" version.

Similarly I have some Quality Comic Dredd re-prints and it was only when I read the Case Files that I realised they had changed some of the art. Sure it was a different aspect ratio so they had to make some changes, but I was shocked to see some of the panels were actually in a different order e.g. in the Brett Ewins DNA man strip.
