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Prog 1825 - All hail the new flesh

Started by IndigoPrime, 23 March, 2013, 12:27:28 PM

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Not a bad issue overall, I thought. Cypher rocketed to a conclusion and felt very Dredd, Dandridge was pleasingly silly and imaginative, the Threeriller was amusing, Stickleback was intriguing and then Zombo restarted. The last of those wasn't for me into its usual fab territory yet, but it's set-up time, so that's fair enough. Oh, and there's a letters page with someone made up as Tharg, which was a bit odd.


I was wondering when someone was going to open this thread! Hopefully the snow won't stop you guys getting your progs on time.
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Batman's Superior Cousin

I can't help but feel that Godpleton's avatar/icon gets more appropriate everyday... - TordelBack
Texts from Last Night


Enjoyed this week but thought stickleback and dandridge where on top form this week


There is no snow here in my sector of Cal-Hab  and my pprog has managed thru as usual.  :D

Great ZOMBO cover by Henry Flint. Been looking forward to this next chapter for Zombo.

Dredd finishes off in good style, and the est of the prog is strong this week.

The only low point for me is the artwork for Dandridge by Warren Pleece. Its a bit Beanoish for me, and seems out of place of the quality artwork we are used to.

Oh and my JUDGE badge from PLANET REPLICAS arrived today also.  :D
Time to dispense some justice- Cal-Hab style. See you on the streets ya bams !

Colin YNWA

DAMN YOU SNOW, DAMN YOU TO HELL (where apparently your chances are slim, especially if you have been crafted into a ball!)


I thought Zombo was the best thing in the prog. Just brilliant.

Darren Stephens

Quote from: Richard on 23 March, 2013, 03:13:59 PM
I thought Zombo was the best thing in the prog. Just brilliant.

Ditto, though I thoroughly enjoyed the rest.  Loved the art on both Stickleback and the Threeriller. Such different styles, but equally Zarjaz.


Stickleback was just amazing, as always. Dredd was over a touch too quickly for my liking but am assuming it's laying more groundwork for future stories.  Have to MASSIVELY disagree that Pleece's artwork is not the "quality artwork we are used to".  The Thr3ller was quite chucklesome again but I was completely lost with Zombo - other than the episode in the FCB day prog I haven't read it before.  I found this interesting in itself though, last week was the first time I'd ever read Dandridge and that all just fell into place.  Is Zombo much more complex plotwise? I have the first trade but haven't read it yet...


Another class prog, always love seeing Dredd getting his ass handed to him, he's not a superhero, just a normal bloke. The 3hriller was great, really fun, and Dandridge is sucking me in already, very funny and easy to read. This is my first look at Zombo, but it's a good start!


I enjoyed every story this week which is unusual for an anthology. I cannot help but wonder what this story is really about. For one thing, [spoiler]why would a respected senior Sov judge want to assassinate Hershey now, so soon after Chaos Day? Was he testing how weak the Americans were? Also, it could be a plan to infiltrate Mega-City One with a fake defector. After all Pax was the judge who advised in sending Larionov back home instead of punishing him, straight before she defected.[/spoiler]
Dandridge was a fun strip and we shall have to see how it will develop.
the 3rillers I am convinced is a homage to [spoiler]the Big Bang Theory. Note the similarities: Simon is Leonard in that he is a nerd but wants to follow a hopeless romance with the beautiful Sam or Penny, who thinks a lot of the sci-fi fantasy stuff is lame. Rufus demonstrates a strong desire to want to watch sexy babes fighting each other and delights in putting embarrassing you tube videos up of his friends, much like Howard. The cerebral and detached genius is obviously Sheldon. And that only leaves the absent Evan or Raj. Here is the twist: Evan is the Dark Lord! Like his flatmates, he demonstrates a more than passing knowledge of Sci-fi and fantasy, by comparing the Lord of the Rings trilogy from the movies to the original books. Also like Raj he has trouble with his voice, especially talking to the ladies and has a fondness for cosplay. And here's the clincher. In the midst of his harem of warrior courtesans is a very handsome man and we know that Raj has been displaying latency in that department.[/spoiler]
Stickleback had a surprise for me this week. [spoiler]I assumed that the robot workers were the result of the late Countess but I had assumed a sort of Hollow Earth scenario for the dinosaurs not the South American story we were told this week[/spoiler].
As for Zombo, it was a welcome return. I thank my lucky stars that I have been reading this story from the start as this week's episode would make absolutely no sense to a newbie! Tharg himself has said as much in his opening address to us! Looking forward to next week.


Stickleback & Zombo rule. Other thrills were a bit below par for me. Although Inaki's Lawmasters are the business.


QuoteTharg (on the input page):
...another scrotnig Dredd artist who hasn't drawn the lawman in these pages fro fifteen years is returning to the Galaxy's Greatest in a couple of months.

Now who do we think that might be?

A good prog with a mind-blowing cover.

Dredd has finally found another judge who isn't an incompetent boob, pity she's a Sov (for now). Really enjoyed Miranda's art.

Dandridge is fun but suffers a bit I think in it's superficial similarities to Ampney

The 3rillers is also a good giggle - bit fanwanky with all the references, but I can deal with that over a 3 parter.

Stickleback continues to astound. One of these days we'll find out why he thought a knobbly prosthetic exo-spine was a requirement of becoming a crime-lord.

If we haven't had enough insanity already, Zombo returns and I'll fight anyone who says THAT ain't a god thing.

Perhaps this prog could have done with a darker heavier tale to anchor the bonkersness, but me, I like bonkers, so I'm loving this line-up.

And yes, that chap in Tharg makeup is quite creepy (in a Zarjaz way)!


Seeing as there's a letters page this week, i was wondering if Buttonman had the chance to forward his very er, insightful reviews?  :D
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James Stacey

Quote from: Dandontdare on 24 March, 2013, 05:11:06 PM
QuoteTharg (on the input page):
...another scrotnig Dredd artist who hasn't drawn the lawman in these pages fro fifteen years is returning to the Galaxy's Greatest in a couple of months.

Now who do we think that might be?
Alex Roland last drew Dredd 15 years ago but that was in the meg. Likewise Dermot Power's last Dredd was 15 years ago but a Meg cover. Any other  names ?