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Ennis place your bets.

Started by Devons Daddy, 21 January, 2003, 05:03:47 PM

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Devons Daddy

ok ennis is writing another dredd story. so the nerve centre mentioned recently.
so how do we feel.
lets have trail without the evidence.
for or against

though i like his stuff outside of dredd.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


FOR - I'm hoping that "War Story - Condors" was an indication that Ennis has pulled himself out of his quality nosedive.


I just hope it's not another fan-boy wank fantasy, like Helter Skelter was. I *am* willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one, though.

For..for now.

The Monarch


I'm definitely against (surprise huh)...

1. He was the final breaking straw that stopped me buying 2000AD with his awful Dredd stories and his atrocious Chopper tale (and I gave up Hellblazer due to him).  He should stick to what he's good at, and that isn't Judge Dredd (from past experience).  I'm not sure if he's trying to prove something here.

2. By his own admission almost everything he's written for 2000AD has been crap, it's only a matter of time before he admits this series is too and you don't need a gun toting gronk with a crystal ball to tell you that.

3.  When he last came back, he got all precious over a fan script that had been largeley ripped off from the 1983 annual anyway.  Awful.

4.  We already have good Judge Dredd writers who can write a cracking good Dredd tale.  Must their children starve and be cast out onto the street by cruel lanlords because they didn't have a judge dredd to write this week?

5.  I'd rather see someone new being given a chance and fail than someone who's blown it countless times before.  In fact I'd rather see THE BANNED ONE having a go.  I F***ing kid you not.

6.  He'll only have to do more anyway, because a three parter isn't enough to fill a titan book.

7.  He's not getting the chance to write this tale based on his ability to write Judge Dredd, so if it's just about being famous, ask Sting, he's probably got somethign to say about Cursed Earth environmentalism.

8.  I can't say I see the logic in it apart from trying to add a few sales and I'm GUESSING there wasn't a huge surge of readers buying it during Helter Skelter.

9.  When he did leave, he took some of our best artists with him ;)  Okay so most of them found their way back, but they might have got lost.

10.  If Ennis gets another go, why not Morrison, Millar and Sonny Steelgrave?  Well, okay so only the last one is probably at a loose end ;)  (But if Grant Morrison forgets to reinvent himself one week we might have him back and then no doubt Millar will follow).  All proved they couldn't write (or reinvent) Dredd, but heh, let buygones be bygones I say (for the purposes of this argument only).

Well, regardless of my ten pronged diatribe(heh I cut a few out), it's done now, so we are stuck with it.  It probably won't be that bad, the guy can write I'm often told and good luck to him etc. etc.  

But I still think it's a bad idea.

Cheers :)


(collapses to his knees and silently screams for a bit)

The Monarch

paul i was agreeing with everything you said until no 5...


Yes Kid, a controversial choice, but sadly true.  We could compromise on dragging someone in off the street to write a Dredd 3-Parter instead if you want.

The Monarch

hmm as i kinda said i would never want ennis back in tooth again let him stick to his spandex superhero crap but never let him darken our mag again


i was at my folks the other day picking up my tooth and meg and my nephew was there, perfect chance i thought to convert, he saw the comic and went "a comic there crap for little kids and boring and wouldnt even look at it" got more chance of the misses looking,

not a good indication for the future


Not really relevant here, but since his name has come up, I just found last night a readers letter in a January 1979 issue of 'Battle' from a 'Garth Ennis of Co. Down' pointing out some mistake in a strip (calling a gun by the wrong name or somesuch)?!
Must have been the great man himself ?
Remember - dry hair is for squids


Hmmm. If it isn't any good, then this should really be Ennis's last shot at Dredd. Helter Skelter was awful and totally pointless.

As for 'Sonny Steelgrave', while his Dredds were absolute crap, I'd love to see Luke Kirby back in 2000 AD. Without exception, all of his tales were entertaining, well written, and worth repeated reads. Of course, the chances of that happening are zero (sadly).


Marbles, you may have a piece of vital evidence there.

You should scan it and pass it to Rennie or Logan for the "embarrass the creators" section of Class of 79.

Which is really good, by the way. Thanks to Gordon for the link the other day.

- Trout

Jared Katooie

To be honest Paul, I'd rather have Millar write Dredd than let the nameless one touch it. I honestly cannot believe anyone would say that. Stallone could write a better Dredd than him.

Ennis was crap on Helter Skelter but his other stuff was merely alright, not terrible.

Give him a chance.



What's everyone's problem with the guy? And just what's wrong with his tales? And what's wrong with Helter Skelter? Sure, it finishes kind of abruptly but i would have thought Dredd going up some of his past foes would have had all you fanboys rejoicing. If Wagner had written it would you be complaining so much?
The perspective on that chairs all wrong

Jared Katooie

Uh, Max I think you've missed a crucial point about Wagner writing Dredd...