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The Boys - complete run

Started by I, Cosh, 13 June, 2013, 12:41:35 AM

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I, Cosh

Is there anybody out there who wants to read The Boys but hasn't gotten round to it? Somebody who prefers the thrill of flicking through individual issues to boring old trades or iPod garbage? Well this is your lucky day!

I have all 90 issues (that's 72 of the main series and the three six issue mini-series) sitting in a box looking for a new home. They could be yours for just, oh I don't know, let's say £90. That probably seems absurdly expensive but it's only a quid each (one-third of what I paid for them) and still a good bit cheaper than buying the trades. Make me an offer.
We never really die.

I, Cosh

Anyone? Anyone? £75? I'm cuttin' me own froat 'ere lads!
We never really die.


I'd swap them for a full run of Scalped. First 3 in trades.


I'll give you 2 quid for the 1 issue with MM's backstory.  ;)
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


I already own them all but for anyone considering it £75 is an absolute steal for the entire series.

It definitely works better in a whole then it did as a monthly title.

(Scalped is great too, probably better actually lol)
Twitter - @dodsy84

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