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Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 01 September, 2013, 12:44:25 AM

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Game over. I've won.

Making me wanna re-read Shako with its awesome blow by blow accounts from people being eaten


Help!!  :-* am looking forward to entering my 2nd comp, but am not overly familiar with any of the stories of Gerry, except of course Rogue Trooper. All of the others were before my time (First started reading at around prog 450 then left at around prog 900 - until I recently returned to the fold).
Is there anywhere that I can get further info on the likes of Harry 20, The VC's etc? I have looked on Barney but there appears to only be brief rundowns of appearances etc. Googling and Wikipedia give me only a small bit of info, but really need to see that characters and get the gist of the story to know what I should be drawing. :-* :-[ :-*


Harry 20, The VCs and Fiends of the eastern Front are all available as trades - get thee to thy local thrill merchant!

Dark Jimbo

Managed to nab a scan of what I believe to be the only surviving copy of pre-production poster art for 1978's mooted big-screen Ant Wars adaptation. Planned in association with Hammer films, the studio were banking on the creature feature to revive their flagging fortunes, but tensions over the quality of the final published strip and disputed rights issues sunk the project before it had begun.


Steven Denton

GFD was one of the masters of cramming ideas and ramping up the crazy. My stab at a tribute is 'Rogue Trooper and Venus vs. the fiends of Nu-Volgagrad.'

Neil McClements

Mr Finley-Days finest creation Rogue Trooper "All but one born to die"

Time Waster

Tried to think of something 'clever' but I couldn't so's I just went with the obvious choice! Been wanting to do a Rogue pic for some time so this was the perfect opportunity. :)

Emp will get my vote...that just brilliant!

Neil McClements

Cheers Emp, thanks very much but there's a long time to go yet and who know what this talented bunch will come up with.


Some really great entries, keep 'em coming!

Darren Stephens


My entry in the comp.The quote was from Rogue Trooper when he went to some moon near Nu Earth where the Norts were creating their own GI Warriors. Cam Kennedy was the artist and the quote was on the base of the statue dedicated to the first Human mission to land there.

We all know what happened afterwards- the greatest war in Human History began and this legend with it's prophetically warning words always stayed with me and so hats off and thank you to Gerry Finley Day [and Cam Kennedy] for that.

"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


 Wow! Another cluster of creative excellence. September is shaping up to be another top comp.

