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Started by blackmocco, 15 September, 2013, 04:34:49 PM

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It's pretty good. The story's a little light, I think. Curious to see how they're going to make this last four issues. There's quite a few references to familiar faces and stories from classic Dredd that, like almost everything in this IDW-verse, appear watered-down.

In saying that, I quite liked this. Even if it's not Ewing on full thrusters, it's head-and-shoulders above the regular IDW Dredd title and I really hope the publishers are taking note of how they can still successfully keep Dredd and his world relatively consistent with the tone and style of the 2000AD version and present it as a fresh take. (That is: Use some writers who understand Dredd. Hopefully if/when Swierczynski moves on, they can get a writer who can address those issues.)

My highlight is the art. McCrea's style is just perfect for this. Gritty and scratchy. Reminds me a bit of Jim Baikie but pumped up a bit. Wouldn't have thought of him for Dredd, to be honest, but this works out great. I would recommend this for sure.
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


Glad it lives up to expectations.

Just waiting for it to arrive after the delay!  :(
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Really liked this- it made me laugh out loud several times, and felt like a "real" Dredd story... in a way that nothing new previously published by IDW has, despite 'Year One' being very good. I was a little conflubberated by the use of characters who may be familiar to long-time readers. Is this a part of the IDWverse then? Or were we briefly back in the Meg that we know? Whatever, it's definitely worth a punt- and I say that as someone who DETESTED the (hok! spit!) Tim Burton film, and whose other knowledge of Mars Attacks is entirely based around having seen pictures of the trading cards, but who has never owned a single one.


James Stacey

I'm with SBT block. Felt very like an oldschool fun Dredd. Much as I like the grim and gritty police procedural, a bit of fun Dredd is never amiss. Some nice nods for the long-time reader whilst not relying on any of it. Great stuff

Bat King

My review is up which contains spoilers. But I can say I agree much with STB and indeed blackmocco. I enjoyed this!



Best change the intro. There are 3 covers and a comicfolio ;)


Really enjoyed this. McCrea looks like he banged it out on an ipad - huge brush strokes. Not that that is a complaint, he's got both Dredd and Martain's down pat. It pretty much is classic TB Grover style silliness and all the better for it.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd

Bat King

Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 24 September, 2013, 01:40:17 AM
Best change the intro. There are 3 covers and a comicfolio ;)

What a glaring  error!

Cheers John.



I just wish they'd tell us what's included and confirm the release date, as it should've come out with issue one.


Just finished my copy, and its a fun and light read all told. Some genuine laugh out loud moments courtesy of Mr Ewing. 
Big, bold and brash art that makes it feel like a 'comic' in the old fashioned sense. And Mr Staples is indeed the man to go to for covers.

(Wonder if IDW is gonna released a card set at some point?  ;))