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Prog 1853 - King of the wild frontier!

Started by Colin YNWA, 05 October, 2013, 01:42:55 PM

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Colin YNWA

Well see that magnificent, simply magnificent beast on the cover, that glorious king of beasts, well apparently he can be subdued by a [spoiler]good old tickle under his chin [/spoiler] and hence in one piece of nonsense Flesh has its single worst episode I can remember. I've long loved this strip, but really, come on.

Elsewhere though Damnation Station continues to leave me utterly cold we're on okay form. Aquila has a steady episode and Dredd builds on the action, but alas not too much else this week. Even Brass Sun manages to disappoint, don't fear its still the standout thrill of the Prog, this week by a country mile, but they do a terrible, terrible thing. Why have they [spoiler]killed The Duke[/spoiler], WHYYYYY??? Damn you, damn your eyes Edginton.

These days okay form just isn't enough and after the high standards of last week this Prog is pretty disappointing. Shame, such a beautiful cover, guess I shouldn't be judging it on that though.

Colin YNWA

Oh and petulant moan since I'm whinging a bit this week and to kick some life into the thread. Surely when it's said that 7 of the 9 Chief Judges Dredd has served under had great admiration for his abilities it should have been 8. Sinfeld admired Dredd's abilities very much, hence turning to him to investigate the attempted murder on his life. Dredd's politics he hated, but Joe's abilities he had the utmost respect for?

Can't remember Cal's perspective on Dredd as an enemy, its an age since I read The Day The Law died.

I know, I know not a show stopper but it made me stop and think when I was reading the Prog this week, mainly cos I read that passage from 'Tour of Duty' just a couple of evenings ago.

Dr Feeley Good


Great cover should bring in some Rex lovers, unfortunately the Flesh story its from is one of the lowest points the prog has hit...  (look away now if you're a delicate soul)

[spoiler]ever, sorry but the art is patchy at best, while the clunky dialogue plumbs new depths here. The internal logic of the story flipflops like flounder in a frying pan:: telepathic link, its there its not, humans are prey except that one that climbs up and TICKLES YOU after squeezing passed those teeth and claws IN THE NARROWEST OF TRAILERS while you thrash about. The whole boob fest thing continues at a level I think must have been done deliberately to annoy the PC brigade. A carbuncle  on the face of  dear friend indeed.[/spoiler]

what follow Flesh is a stunning multi layered beautifully rendered piece of work that introduces numerous well rounded characters (and gods!) builds suspense and leaves us wanting more of Triscus the Diviner let alone Aquila and his droog.

The Dredd story continues at a cracking pace, I did doubt [spoiler]the multi targeting of the heatseekers[/spoiler] but thats one for CF  ;)

There's a bike in the Nerve Centre that I'm sure will dampen pants near Hadrian's Wall and Damage Report has found the Rant off button,

Brass sun does a great job with some bloody surprises and Damnation Station continues to treat us like the adults we're supposed to be.

And there are Letters Butt'man, put down that taco and crank up the great beast you Paisley pansy!
DDT did a job on me

Harry 20

I thought a good issue,
Dredd was strong with[spoiler]joyce developing from comedy character to something more[/spoiler]
Brass Sun - great!
Flesh - I like the art but story.........
Aquila - textbook way of introducing a diverse range of characters
Damnation Station - beautiful art, a great episode after the one shot last week. 

All in all a strong issue


I rather enjoyed everything this week, apart from Flesh, which seems determined to plumb new depths. As others have said, the art is now seemingly designed to irritate on purpose and the story essentially has no internal logic. This should be one of the standout strips in 2000 AD, but it's just a horrible mess.

Greg M.

Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 05 October, 2013, 02:44:03 PM
Can't remember Cal's perspective on Dredd as an enemy, its an age since I read The Day The Law died.

Cal regarded Dredd as a "stickler" - a label which Dredd of course proudly adopted, most notably in the first episode of 'The Pit' decades hence. I don't think Cal necessarily admired Dredd's abilities per se, but he was certainly aware of them.

Eamonn Clarke

Maybe when they catch up with the Goblin king Dredd and Kilgore will tickle him under the chin and he'll come quietly leaving Pax and Joyce to retire for a pint of the black stuff and two fingers of Bushmills (ouch).

Maybe Flesh would be better with a character called Kilgore.
I love the smell of a pun in the morning, smells like victory.


Flesh continues to plumb new depths.  Surely Old One Eye Gorehead can just time-teleport out of there whenever he wants?  The plot holes are almost as big as yer average brontosaurus.

As for Damnation Station ... didn't Dan Abnett's V.C.s revival do this plot already?

Enjoyed Dredd, although I presume that [spoiler]heat-seekers chat among themselves to avoid all going for the same hottest target[/spoiler]...

I so want to like Brass Sun but I haven't got a clue what's going on any more, and have very little interest in the characters.

Aquila just seemed to take 5 pages of dialogue to move 1 page forward in story.  Sorry, Mr Rennie, but for me this doesn't seem to have the magic that so much of your other stuff sparkles with.


Theres no such this as a Brontosaurus, Cow!


Darren Stephens

I enjoyed the prog overall. Have to agree, the chin tickle was a bit whack, but overwise liked Flesh, too. The cover is absolutely stunning!


just back to find my prog on the door mat....I have digested it and loved the cover.

Dredd is moving along nicely. Liking the new tactical multi-heat seeking method of getting rid of some perps.

Aquila , its still early days in setting out the story so will wait a couple of weeks to re-read this.

Flesh is okay apart from the tickle under the chin....Whats that all about !?!?!

the other stories do not interest me.

and lo and behold my letter is published at the back...YEAH !!


I'm starting to enjoy Aquila this time round and I think it's cause its not completely following aquila is that bad?
We're werewolves not swearwolves