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Started by Pete Wells, 30 November, 2013, 11:19:53 PM

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Dash Decent

Tharg's green and red colouring really loan themselves to Christmas decorations.
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Dash Decent

The original annual CF comic strip.  Accept no imitations!*

*Though Pete's is much funnier.
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Dash Decent

- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Dash Decent


In retrospect I should've gone with "Your mouth is full of sprouts."
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Dash Decent

- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Dash Decent


There's a couple more stuck in limbo but who knows?  Maybe you'll get lucky and my computer will stay broken!
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.


Hope everyone (esp flip-r mk2 + Megabus) don't mind me piling in here today with my submission.

Please do click this link to see the full size version then click the Photobucket magnifying icon twice.
A no-prize to whoever names all the well-known and lesser-known structures.

Merry Xmas, all.

Pete Wells

Another brilliant, brilliant year for the calendar with amazing songs, poems, pictures, comic strips and one duff film - Grud bless us, everyone! Thanks to everyone who has contributed this year, either to the calendar itself or by leaving lovely messages in the comments thread. You all deserve KTTs!

As today is Christmas Eve (yahooooooo!) it's over to the Pro's contributions as well as a free for all for anyone who wishes to post. As normal, I've been spamming the droids, asking them to contribute (essentially asking them to work for nowt in the spirit of Christmas) and once again have been stunned by their generosity.

Over to the pro's, hold onto your kneepads folks, there's some AMAZING work on show here...

I'll go in the order in which they were received, starting with Damnation Station's Mark Harrison who provided this beautiful Durham Red...

Next, Nick Percival (who is currently working on a very exciting Judge Dredd project) sent this belter...

Design-bot supremo Pye Parr (PYE-01 to his erm... friends) sent this Chrishummy Mongrol painting...

Thanks to the mother of my millions of bairns, Stacey Whittle, who managed to snag us this stunning painting from comics royalty John Higgins and Sally Hurst - wow!

Next up, the most handsome man in comics, Mr PJ Holden, sent not one but two glorious images. The first is his abandoned inks for a brilliant festive Dredd...

Followed by this fully inked drokker - Santa Attacks!

Next, the gentleman that is Simon Fraser sent this little lovely:

A very Tharglexic Colin MacNeil sent this lovely card - it took THREE attempts as he managed to spell Thargmas and Scrotnig wrong, silly boy! Looks like Michael Gove is right about state of the education system... 

Next Zenith's Dad Steve Yeowell sent this rather sexy Robot Archie under the Mistletoe:

Next out of Santa's sack is dirty boy Ben Willsher who found an unused, retro villain Bio from an old Dredd Annual. Rumour has it that Fleetway management pulled this image because of the pubes...

Hot on Ben's heels was the glorious Jon Davis-Hunt with this jaw-dropping festive Nemesis painting, BOOOM!

And finally for now, member of this parish Mr Alex Ronald sent this unbelievably excellent Dredd. Words fail me!

Phew! Hopefully there will be more to come as the day goes on. Thanks again to all who have contributed and to the Pro's who have so kindly given their time.


Pete Wells

Aaaand it wouldn't be Christmas wothout a festive song from Al Ewing, who has sent this beautiful, yet hilarious Dredd tale set to the tune of 'Dear Lord and Father of Mankind' (if you're unsure then a) you're a heathen and b) can see the song here:

All together now...

Oh Dredd, the judge of all the Meg
Forgive my foolish crime.
I stole that man's prosthetic leg
But take my bribe, I humbly beg,
And walk away this time,
I'd rather not do time.

In simple trust I hope you hear
My plea to buy you off
But you've ignored my earnest tear
And added on another year
Was five years not enough?
I thought it was enough.

My bribe has failed and I must flee
Before you send me down
I turn to run but instantly
You've drawn your gun and shot my knee
With no change to your frown –
That grim and stony frown.

You smash your fist into my jaw
'Til all my strivings cease
Then haul me off, but not before
Proclaiming that you are the law
For the millionth time at least –
At very, very least.

Now here I am on Christmas Day
I'm breathing through a tube
A broken wreck in the med-bay
Waiting to be taken away
To my small iso-cube...
My still, small iso-cube.

Brilliant! Thanks Al!


My 3D printed 2000AD tree decorations!

Merry Christmas to everyone on the worlds greatest forum.

See below for the boring technical details.

I used Autodesk 123D to model these and printed them on a Stratasys Fortus 400 for the badge, an Objet 30 pro for the white fear head and Objet Connex 350 for the black fear head and lawgiver.


"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Heath C Ackley

Here's a winter tale for the festive period;


She had waited for him.

Snowflakes drifted between the blocks to fall to the hushed streets. It was Christmas Eve and Josef Sorrow stepped out of the iso - cubes after eighteen years and found that he had not been forgotten. Velma had not aged a day. She stood in the snow, wrapped up in the faux fur coat he had given her years ago. They embraced. Their lips pressed together. Sorrow would have given everything just to spend the rest of his days locked in that moment. Emotions stirred within him and those grey eyes that had seen so much suffering, so much bloodshed began to tear.

'Hi Honey.' She purred in his ear.

Headlights cut through the dark. The Law watched them from across the street. Sorrow recognised the senior judge.

'You lied to me Dredd.' He shouted. 'You said she wouldn't be here. I told you I didn't do those things. I've never hurt anyone in my life but you didn't believe me.'

'Move along Sorrow.' Synthi-leather creaked as Dredd leaned back on his Lawmaster. 'Before I put you back in there for loitering.'

'Come on.' Velma took his arm. 'Let' s go dancing.'


'How about Udgie's Place?' A smile appeared beneath the sweep of blonde hair. 'They still serve those crazy Blue Pearls you like so much.'

Udgie's. His breathing quickened. Sweat rose on his skin. Images, sounds and sensations tripped through his mind like tumbling cards. He remembered smoke, the beat of the music, that guy laughing. Velma had danced all night but not with him. Lightning flashed. Recoil bucking in his hands. Revellers hung lifeless in the sway of a Boogie Air anti-grav unit. Then the sea. Dark and spoiled, it swallowed them all.

'No, I don't want to go there.'

'We can just take a walk.' Her breath became vapour in the freezing night air.

'Yeah.' Sorrow kissed her again. 'I love you Velma Thane.'

'Do you think he'll take us to where he dumped the bodies?'

Psi Judge Fox never took his eyes from the street before them. It had taken years of training to be able to pierce a broken mind and manipulate it like a puzzle box. He persuaded nerve-endings and coaxed receptors into believing what was there and what was not.

'He will if you do your job.' Dredd kicked his Lawmaster into life.

'Just keep him in sight.'

Fox switched his bike to automatic, allowing him to focus on the task at hand. Sorrow made his way through the streets, his laughter echoing about the blocks towering above him. The judges waited a moment before slowly moving off to follow the single trail of footsteps in the snow.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Zippo Creed clan!

"Give a man a mask and he will give you the truth."

flip-r mk2

It's all right, that's in every contract.
That's what they call a sanity clause.
You can't fool me, there ain't no sanity clause.

Time flies like an arrow, Fruit flies like a banana


(This just came to me)

*To the tune of 'Once in Royal David's City'*

Once in dear old Mega-city
Drove a perp along the sked
He drove fast and he drove quickly
Joseph Dredd was on his tail
Brightly shone Hi-Ex that night
'Course we know who stopped his flight
Hark at metal explo-ding!
That's what creeps get for litter-ing.

Splundig Grudmas to all Squaxx everywhere!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.