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The completely self absorbed making of comic porn thread

Started by Colin YNWA, 01 December, 2013, 05:05:06 PM

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1) Am I correct in thinking those Charleys War TPB's got cancelled though?

2) Aaaayyyy Colins alive! Not been eaten by savages yet then...


Quote from: Hawkmumbler on 02 August, 2016, 03:54:29 PM
1) Am I correct in thinking those Charleys War TPB's got cancelled though?

2) Aaaayyyy Colins alive! Not been eaten by savages yet then...

1) Yes they did. Only the one volume produced (good though it is).

2) There is still time...Plenty of time.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 02 August, 2016, 03:33:09 PM


Thank you. Started on my 'film' wall today which will house my DVD and Blu Ray collection.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Mind those savages.  ;)


Good evening fellow fans, I'm here to ask a favour. As I have previously mentioned I am about to start to shelve out a wall especially for my DVD and Blu Ray collection. The question that I put to you is how show these films be displayed?
My preference is in chronological order. I know the films and when they were released and this, to me, seems obvious. However, my good Lady Wife, deems that they should be in alphabetical order. I can see what she is going for, especially when I have collections of Halloween, Friday the 13th etc... but my answer to that would be to start the collections at their inception...IE Halloween would be listed under 1978 and the sequels would sit nearby. In regards to the TV series I have (Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, X-Files etc...) these would be filed in order from he year they appeared and then in a complete run.
Any ideas to how you would/are presenting your film collection? Director (Kubrick), Label (Arrow/Scream Factory)? or anything else.
I'm looking for new ideas if you have them. Much appreciated. Thanks for your time.


Well, i'm having this same problem myself you see. Now normally I would go by label, except certain directors film canon NEED to be sheltered together and that means crossing labels. For example, David Cronenberg titles have been released by Arrow Video and Second Sight, so though i'd usually keep desperately they get bundles together in the name of chronological directors canon.

Colin YNWA

[Holidayoff] I've always went for alphabetical by title when it came to film with TV in a similar but separate sequence (surely TV shows have to be seperate) until recently when I've gone for thematic groups. So for example Sci-fI, horror, international etc etc. I love this system as it helps define what you like about a movie. So simple example is Alien sci-fi or horror? (answer = sci-fi). More complex I have a comedy section but Bill Murray films trump that BUT West Anderson films trump that. So Life Aquatic sits with Anderson placed close to Broken Flowers. Zoolander elsewhere.

Sequels I place immediately after their originate unless there is a very good reason. e.g. Ghostbusters in Bill Murray, Ghostbusters 2 elsewhere  (back in the shops not having that in the house!)

A baffling but fun system I find.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 04 August, 2016, 07:24:40 AM
So simple example is Alien sci-fi or horror? (answer = sci-fi).

It's horror for me. Not only does it invoke the haunted house but I think that horror is the prevailing emotion whilst watching the film.

I don't do the thing you do with sequels unless they come in a box set together.

Think I'm going to go with chronologically. Thanks for the responses.  :D


Finally! After much drilling and waiting for B&Q to get the shelves back in stock I have finished the 'wall of films'. Unfortunately it's not quite big enough meaning the complete Doctor Who DVD series (both old & new) is absent plus some box sets such as Scarface and Bladerunner briefcase. Still it's freed up some room so I can continue with the final two walls.
You may remember that the wall originally looked like this

Well it now looks like this.

And here are a couple of close ups so you can see the titles. You'll notice that they are, for the most part, not in any kind of order yet. I hope to get them into some kind of order within the next year or two!

Rio De Fideldo

Impressive shelves and collection.

The anal retentive in me can't look at your combination of candle lightbulbs with a spotlight bulb in the same light fitting without wincing.


I know. Brother in law is an electrician and he just gives us what he has spare.
Means I have more money to spend on films.
Those light fittings are going eventually though. They were here when we moved in.

Rio De Fideldo

Force him to give you some LED then you'll never have to change them (in theory)


Quote from: Rio De Fideldo on 17 August, 2016, 03:42:49 PM
Force him to give you some LED then you'll never have to change them (in theory)

Going to. I have some above my Batman binds. Might even splash out and spend the cash myself!  :o


The offending lamp is actually a SES r50 Reflector.  :lol:   Serious collection though. My comics collection display is more organic, I know where everything is and that all that matters!