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Prog 1865: Greetings From the Grey Area

Started by JamesC, 18 January, 2014, 09:39:46 AM

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Quote from: IndigoPrime on 23 January, 2014, 12:14:18 PM
Quote from: sheldipez on 23 January, 2014, 09:33:05 AMstill never read any of the "classic" outings, yet
You should rectify that immediately by at the very least buying volumes 2 and 3 of the Search/Destroy Agency Files. That's some of the best ever 2000 AD material.

I know I know!  :-[ It's right on the top of the to get my grubby hands on list, feel like I can't be too critical of Stront as I've no idea of the backstory for this. I need to fix it asap don't I  :'(

The Adventurer

End of Dredd this week was a serious 'facepalm' moment. Of COURSE that was going to be the twist. I mean duh. And yet, a total surprise.

I'm mostly stoked to have Flint drawing [spoiler] Nixon[/spoiler] again. His first [spoiler]Low Life[/spoiler] run was one of the most important series that made me a fan of 2000 AD/Dreddworld/Henry Flint.



A nice cover (And I like A.Cow's version of it, a few pages back. Nicely done!).

Dredd is simply aces yet again. Some folks have found this episode a wee bit hokey in places, but im happy to go along with it.

The big reveal reveals a character im not familiar with, so for me, the air of mystery continues.
I suspect ive heard of [spoiler]Nixon[/spoiler] before, but if so, then id forgotten all about [spoiler]her[/spoiler].

So what's what, im not sure. And as I said, its kinda a bonus for me, as the guessing game continues.

The art is glorious, as is the setting. But loving equally Mr Williams writing. Really like the fact where getting to read Dredd's thoughts as we go along. Not something where that used to seeing?

But all's very much good here, with this.

Ulysses Sweet continues to be so bonkers that its hard to take too much offence at it, though it'll not be a story ill rush to return to, I think.

Grey Area, gives us another good and solid - and funny episode this week. Since this has returned in Prog 2014, its been pretty very enjoyable all round.

ABC's leaves me a bit cold this week. A so-so episode, that took some getting through.

And Stronty kinda leaves me a bit cold this week as well. Just not really grabbing me, though as ive said there are good moments to this - and previous episodes, but overall it seems to be passing me by.

A re-read once its done is maybe in order.

A pretty decent prog this week, with Dredd continuing to be the definite highlight.

The Cheat

Dredd - Getting interesting now. Guessing McIntosh will turn out to be a good guy in the end, the old triple cross. Fists of fury? Stan Lee? Bit confused why Dredd thinks it's odd that SJS sent a man when it's a marine op. Dredd's not a marine and he's there  :-\

Ulysses Sweet - Meh, not bad for what it is. Bad time to publish this I think. The Joe Kelly Deadpool omnibus came out recently, and this suffers by comparison.

Grey Area - Was this part 1? Fairly obvious he was inside something, in which case if it was supposed to be a 'done in one with a twist', Future Shock style tale, it was pretty poor.

ABC Warriors - Still reading this, which is about as big an endorsement a Mills strip is likely to get from me these days.

Strontium Dog - Ignoring the absurdety of Johnny being there in the first place, another enjoyable chapter. Not sure what gave him away though. A... rat jumping through the window?

The Adventurer

So here are some more Dredd thoughts... I really really REALLY hope this story sees [spoiler]The redemption of Aimee Nixon for one. I hope she's either in super deep Wally Squad cover, or just does something to save the mission. Either way I just hope this story gets her off Titan and back to the Low Life where she belongs.[/spoiler]



Quote from: The Adventurer on 25 January, 2014, 11:08:40 AM
So here are some more Dredd thoughts... I really really REALLY hope this story sees [spoiler]The redemption of Aimee Nixon for one. I hope she's either in super deep Wally Squad cover, or just does something to save the mission. Either way I just hope this story gets her off Titan and back to the Low Life where she belongs.[/spoiler]
Funny thing is [spoiler]I could have sworn Nixon was actually imprisoned in an Iso Cube as clemency for her imparting information about Yakuza activity instead of going to Titan. I'd say that add's wood to your fire.[/spoiler]


Cover:  Nicely realised image, but not an inspiring cover as laid out.
Dredd:  This is grand stuff, although the [spoiler]Nixon reveal may be going to the Low Life surprise crossover well[/spoiler] once too often.  We'll see.  Not too sure about the elderly Space Cowboys version of Eastwood Dredd, struggling along as he is, but the low oxygen issue is clearly part of McIntosh's scheme: he's carefully planned their journey so that they'll have no choice but to go along with him.  Enjoyable.
Sweet: A strip always has problems when it is only entertaining when the lead is off-screen.  I enjoy the frustrated reflections of the supporting cast far more than Sweet's overly familiar schtick.  Makes me think this team have a good fun story in them, but Ulysses Sweet is too much of a dull void to build it around, and the mind keeps slotting Zombo or even Captain Klep into the role instead. 
ABC Warriors: Surprising myself by really enjoying Happy's story.  It's retro-continuity-porn obviously, but the revelation of his background role is turning out very nicely.  If only Book of Scars could have worked this well.
Stront:  Good stuff, but of all people why does Johnny have to squint through a peephole?


...And the fact that I forgot about Grey Area entirely stands as my review of that one.


Quote from: TordelBack on 26 January, 2014, 09:30:03 AM
Stront:  Good stuff, but of all people why does Johnny have to squint through a peephole?

Doesn't he just see skellingtons with his x-ray vision? Less useful if you want to be able to recognise someone's facial features or see a map. I'm enjoying ABC Warriors for the gags as much as anything else; it's like one of those episodes of Friends where they go back and actually show you an episode from the characters' shared history that had only been described before, and then do another episode where they show you what went on offstage in that previous flashback.

Deadlock's constant piss taking about Morrigun's impending death are a neat inversion of the we were on a break callback gags (foreshadowing something they know will happen, rather than something which has happened), Hammerstein's awkward PC apology for gendering their relationship is very Larry David, and his offer to get rid off the embarrassing Mek-quake figures him as the group's Meg Griffin. Happy/Tubal even has a catchphrase.

Of course, the effectively immortal warriors can retrace their steps in this way much more effectively than sitcom characters - the only way Hammerstein's appearance changes is when he wears a different head, whereas no amount of make up convinces you David Schwimmer is still in high school and watching the Crane brothers wearing wigs with a lesser degree of hair loss is just a bit sad. That's another reason why comics are the best medium to add to Alan Moore's list.


Quote from: sauchie on 26 January, 2014, 10:32:18 AM
Doesn't he just see skellingtons with his x-ray vision? Less useful if you want to be able to recognise someone's facial features or see a map.

He sees whatever the plot requires!  But you're right, while he does use his eyes to I.D. his quarry all the time, I doubt he could read a map. 


Well, I think the Prog is on very fine form at the moment.  Dredd Titan is very enjoyable and a real highlight of the Prog - its nice to be looking forward to the next episode of a Dredd tale.  ABC and Stront are both progressing well.  Yeah, its not the finest of stories for either of them but they are far from the worst.  Grey Area was also very enjoyable this week and Bulliet's complaining made me laugh.

And then there was Ulysses Sweet.  I like a 'wacky' tale in the Prog and Zombo is one of my personal favourites from recent times.  Unfortunately, Sweet doesn't live up to the opening episode and is starting to drag a bit.  What first appeared as a funny psychotic has just ended up as a dolphin wearing sex pest.     


4 / 5 cylinders firing well for me this week.

Strong cover. Very 2000AD. Nice.

Dredd is pick of the bunch again this week. A strong Dredd really sets the tone for my enjoyment of the rest of the prog. His oxygen must've been really low to get caught out like that. Still that was the plan, so it's all good.

I'm warming to the ABC flashback. The art is starting to make me think of Hicklenton in places, which is not a bad thing at all. Interesting to see the tv presenter looking a bit "American Reaper" too.

Grey Area continues to build its world nicely. I'm starting to think this could run for quite a while and am almost expecting it to alternate between epics and bursts of one-offs much like Dredd does. That would be great!

Strontium Dog. Yes, I know, the country's most famous mutie is sneaking in with a pretty light disguise, but I'm really enjoying this arc. Do I want to see next week's episode? Right now? Of course I do! Brilliant art too!

The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: DrJomster on 26 January, 2014, 10:00:39 PM
Strontium Dog. Yes, I know, the country's most famous mutie is sneaking in with a pretty light disguise...

The Norm Front are Yanks, though, so there's no special reason they should know what Alpha looks like - or for them to think any mutant would do something as audacious as stroll straight into their camp.

Ghost MacRoth

Quote from: DrJomster on 26 January, 2014, 10:00:39 PM

Strontium Dog. Yes, I know, the country's most famous mutie is sneaking in with a pretty light disguise,

Superman has made do with nowt but a pair of specs for over 70 years, no one seems to recognise him!! ;)
I don't have a drinking problem.  I drink, I get drunk, I fall over.  No problem!

The Adventurer

QuoteThe Norm Front are Yanks, though, so there's no special reason they should know what Alpha looks like - or for them to think any mutant would do something as audacious as stroll straight into their camp.

Although.... Wouldn't Alpha have a British accent of some kind? I mean, I wouldn't put it past Johnny to have enough spy craft to fake an American accent, but it makes you wonder if its a bit hand wavy in a silent medium.