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Help a brother get some Garth Brooks tickets!

Started by Link Prime, 31 January, 2014, 12:20:40 AM

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Mary had no luck getting them on the computer either, but I did managed to get two through work, so everyone was happy again!


Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Link Prime


"I know I'm not country, and I definitely know Garth Brooks isn't. He's the anti-Hank," said Steve Earle

Told ya!
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Link Prime on 04 July, 2014, 03:30:00 PM
Guess who'll be sleeping in the spare room this weekend...


"For us, it is five shows or none at all. To choose which shows to do and which shows not to do, would be like asking to choose one child over another."

Garth, you're not being given a choice, twat.

Strongarm bullshit from a cosplay cowboy.



The word is that super talentless star Gareth Brooks has indeed cancelled his 'gigs' in a fit of pique of interstellar proportions. This has arisen because the overwheeningly stupid, greedy and arrogant GAA decided it could run strings of mega gigs in Croke Park without seeking planning permission and steamrollering over  the concerns of local residents for a quiet life to boot.
This will have two outcomes: 1. The spiritual aura surrounding the Emerald isle will be spared a catastrophic onslaught by the soldier of darknes masquerading under the human name of Gareth Brooks and 2. approximately 300,000 - 400,000 spouses in Ireland will undergo several days of angs, ire and recrimination from their respective partners.
You literally couldn't make this stuff up. Z :o
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


Quote from: ZenArcade on 05 July, 2014, 02:05:55 PM
The word is that super talentless star Gareth Brooks has indeed cancelled his 'gigs' in a fit of pique of interstellar proportions. This has arisen because the overwheeningly stupid, greedy and arrogant GAA decided it could run strings of mega gigs in Croke Park without seeking planning permission and steamrollering over  the concerns of local residents for a quiet life to boot.

Not talentless; I may not like any of his ouput but he couldn't do what he does without talent and he can definitely hold a note or three. To spare the testicles of some of our boarders, the gigs aren't cancelled...yet, and a decision will be made by Tuesday.

Yes; the GAA are the mafia.

Link Prime

Anyone fancy some Testical Tartare for their supper this evening?

Only in Ireland, folks. Only in Ireland.


DDT did a job on me

Link Prime

Keep an open link to the RTE news site 'huff, it's like The Onion- but actually real.


F**k, and I'm going to Dublin at the weekend to escape the potential chaos up here! Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Proudhuff on 08 July, 2014, 04:27:01 PM
if you head north you get this madness:

They can't even whip up their own original controversies. Gay cakes are all the USA has been talking about for the last two years.


I'm watching some muppet on UTV live opining on how 'Brooksgate' will significantlly impact on the Republics ability to do business. F**k me! This is nothing more than a bunch of arrant, greedy ba****ds letting their sheer avrice blind them to their legal and dare i say societal obligations. Hell rub it up them. Z
Ps sorry for all the ticket buyers who lost out and spouses whose privy regions will lose out.
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead