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New Fantastic Four

Started by Emp, 20 February, 2014, 10:13:11 PM

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Now I'm not a big fan of Marvel....stopped reading in the late 80's. But I have a soft spot for the movies as they tend to take me back to that time...(I have both of the Ghost Rider flicks!)

All that said I really can't see any good in the new idea of the Fantastic Four for one simple reason....the casting of Ben Grimm the Thing. First go around it was Chiklis and I could live with that....the attitude was there even if he was a bit small!
But now we have the idea of Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm..the Thing...Billy Elliott as the Thing....I know it's a comic and an belief is to be suspended...but Billy Elliott!

I await the rebuffs.

Steve Green

I suppose it depends if they're going CGI or not? By all accounts it's a younger version from the Ultimates line -  I've never really read F4 comics, so not that bothered what changes they make.


My poor brother is fuming. Fantastic Four to him is like Dredd to me (and probably all of you).

Imagine if you'd already had a terrible film adaption of your beloved characters (not hard for Dredd fans), and then another film goes into production and that looks like it's going to fuck it up too. What if 2012 Dredd had been awful too?

I feel for him, I really do.

Even if it is a good film, it won't be his FF. The Stan Lee/Jack Kirby era is the one he wants to see on screen. Not some re-imagined Mark Millar bollocks.

Poor sod.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

Steve Green

There's a difference between it being 'not your version' and terrible though?

Dredd 2012 wasn't what you'd call 80s Dredd, but it still worked.


Quote from: Steve Green on 21 February, 2014, 08:48:10 AM
There's a difference between it being 'not your version' and terrible though?

Dredd 2012 wasn't what you'd call 80s Dredd, but it still worked.

True, but what if Dredd 2012 had been based on Mark Millars tenure?

He's worrying about them changing things for the sake of it; black Johnny Storm, possibly female Doctor Doom and Billy Elliott as The Thing.

Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


I can't really say until I know more about the tone and story they're going for. With the wrong approach it could be a car crash, but with skill and cunning this could still be marvelous. I don't much care for Jamie Bell but he does seem like a good actor with a fine range. He's not Billy Elliot. And the comics with the young Fantastic Four in were fresh and exciting, particularly for people that have never read the characters before. 


Am I only one who really like last version of Fantastic Four films?

Colin YNWA

That's one of the advantages of not being beholden to film adaptations. An FF film is never going to be Stan and Jack's in this day and age, or any for that matter, but hopefully people will start to see that film adaptations of comics will always by definition be compromises on the comic version. What else can they be film can't do what comics can do, so why hope they can. That's not to say they can't be perfectly good pieces of entertainment just they can never give the same thing as 100 odd issues of a comic by a creative force like those two, at the particular time they were doing it.

Enjoy the films sure but I always say they don't deserve any more credit, or have any more value than the comics. In fact they have less (again not to say anyone can't enjoy them as much or more even if they are fans of the comics) as they will always have to compromise the source material to fit a different medium.


Quote from: Montynero on 21 February, 2014, 09:25:08 AM
I can't really say until I know more about the tone and story they're going for. With the wrong approach it could be a car crash, but with skill and cunning this could still be marvelous. I don't much care for Jamie Bell but he does seem like a good actor with a fine range. He's not Billy Elliot.

I agree. I'm going to wait and see. I was just relating the pain of my brother, a die-hard fan.

Quote from: Montynero on 21 February, 2014, 09:25:08 AM
And the comics with the young Fantastic Four in were fresh and exciting, particularly for people that have never read the characters before.

Can't comment on this as I've never read them but I think I would prefer a film version more closely based on the classic team.

Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


Quote from: Goaty on 21 February, 2014, 09:28:20 AM

Am I only one who really like last version of Fantastic Four films?



I thought the first one was pretty good, didn't care for the 2nd one as much, but can't put my finger on why - just felt wrong somehow.

The 1994 film was my favourite though - cheap and dreadfully made, but pretty faithful storywise.


Quote from: Goaty on 21 February, 2014, 09:28:20 AM

Am I only one who really like last version of Fantastic Four films?

I'll be honest and say even though they looked cheap at times and they definatly could have been better I quite enjoyed them,they were fun and inoffensive. The Silver Surfer was cool,and ive been waiting years to see him on the big screen.....but Doom on a surf board at the end of the second film....just no.


Quote from: Dudley on 21 February, 2014, 11:26:08 AM
Quote from: Goaty on 21 February, 2014, 09:28:20 AM

Am I only one who really like last version of Fantastic Four films?


I liked the fact that they were suitably light and frothy family viewing. Not everything needs to be grim and gritty rubbish. If I recall they were PG - not 12A (with loads of stuff that should really be in a 15).
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 21 February, 2014, 12:46:29 PM
Quote from: Dudley on 21 February, 2014, 11:26:08 AM
Quote from: Goaty on 21 February, 2014, 09:28:20 AM

Am I only one who really like last version of Fantastic Four films?


I liked the fact that they were suitably light and frothy family viewing.

Yeah, they were fun and inoffensive.  The fact that they moved Friend-of-the-Board John Byrne to metaphorical apoplexy was merely the icing on the spandex.


how are they going to explain johnny storm as black when sue is white? adoption? 
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience.