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Game of Thrones season 4

Started by mogzilla, 01 April, 2014, 08:03:41 PM

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Third Estate Ned

[spoiler]I found the visual conclusion of that scene so upsetting I didn't speak for about five minutes afterwards. All I could think was ' not compute', as if there might have been some way to go back and change it. I was sure Oberyn was going to win, if only to bring some balance to the relentless bleakness. More fool me, a point hammered home in the strongest manner possible. I felt the same way yesterday as I did after the Red Wedding.

The only other scene in mainstream entertainment (i.e. not the outright horror genre) that's had me quite as shocked for its imaginative/sick gore was in Hannibal where he hangs that fellow in Florence.[/spoiler]

Yet, I want to carry on watching!


And, of course, because they do like their ironies in GoT, [spoiler]there's no way in Hell that if Bronn had stood for Tyrion, he would have stood about monologuing before the Mountain was absolutely, positively, deader than fucking dead.[/spoiler]


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Well even though we knew what was coming (Weve read most of the books) that was pretty graphic. The Mrs actually shrieked at the tv.

Good stuff.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Yeah it's much less graphic in the book apparently (see the comic posted a page back) and m'Geoffery made a noise like a beaten gull.

GoT still has the capacity to shock and disgust - even those who knew what was coming and that really is a testament to doing something right surely!  :sick:

Professor Bear

I thought the gore undermined the scene, as I started laughing at [spoiler]the hilariously over-the-top close-up on a million teeth hitting the ground,[/spoiler] setting up a very Tom and Jerry* atmosphere for the rest of it.

* No need to Google it, kids - Tom and Jerry were the Itchy and Scratchy your grandad watched.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 03 June, 2014, 01:52:23 PM
I thought the gore undermined the scene, as I started laughing at [spoiler]the hilariously over-the-top close-up on a million teeth hitting the ground,[/spoiler] setting up a very Tom and Jerry* atmosphere for the rest of it.

Actually, [spoiler]there are eight or nine teeth and a fair quantity of blood, which is spot on given that we then see that all his front teeth have been knocked out*[/spoiler]. If it looked like more to you, fair enough, but that's not what's actually shown.**



*[spoiler]Yes, I know that very rapidly becomes the least of his problems.[/spoiler]

** Yes, I did freeze-frame advance that bit. Luckily, I hadn't had me lunch. :-)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Professor Bear

You know what it looked like to me?



You are face?


Then who is Howlin' Mad Murdock, eh?


and Tom and Jerry are still on the telly. I was quite surprised to see a cat on it smoking the other day. Thought that kinda thing was a bit dodgy now a days.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Professor Bear

If they've stopped showing episodes with Tom's owner, I think they're ahead.


[spoiler]Ok, i've had a think about it and still think it's pretty messed up shit.

I like GoT becuase of it's unpredictability but it's been four seasons now, and the only 'bad guy' who has died that I can think of is Joffery.

Where as pretty much every season someone I am routing for dies in increasingly horrific ways. It's just getting depressing now. 

I thought Joffery's death was pretty rubbish and he got off quite lightly. Especially compared to Obyren!


Link Prime

Quote from: radiator on 03 June, 2014, 01:26:08 AM
Oh yeah - one more thing: Roose Bolton just [spoiler]totally signed his own death warrant, didn't he[/spoiler]?

I hope not.
While a double-crossing villain, I find myself very slightly rooting for Bolton.
Could be McElhatton's incredible screen presence.

Steve Green


haha, was just about to post that link  :D


Wowzers, tonight's episode was a belter! It's another Neil Marshall-directed episode, but or me it worked a lot better than Blackwater. Bit gutted not to see any fallout from last week, but a cracking episode nonetheless. Next weeks looks set to be a biggie, too.