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Doctor Who Materialises On Horror Channel

Started by Recrewt, 11 April, 2014, 11:15:58 AM

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There have been some subtle adverts about Doctor Who on the Horror Channel for a couple of weeks and I was expecting them to show the Peter Cushing movies.  But its much better than that.  They will be showing classic Doctor Who episodes including some of the best - Genesis of The Daleks and Caves of Androzani. 
Happy Days.  :) 

It all starts on Good Friday.


I'll admit that I am surprised to see that this has received zero interest, but there you go.  I thought rarely aired classic DW episodes being shown on TV was quite exciting. 

Despite being quite busy rushing all over the place, I managed to catch Unearthly Child and The Daleks over the weekend.   :D


I caught the tail-end of AUC and settled down to watch The Mind Robber for some good old-fashioned 60s Who, then caught Terror of the Autons and the first half of Brain of Morbius. Unfortunately I was otherwise occupied on Sunday so missed the rest of BoM and whatever else they screened. Not sure how likely I am to watch on week-nights but if there's a decent story on and I'm channel hopping waiting for something else I can see myself watching the odd episode or two. And it'll make a change from the umpteenth repeats of various NuWho episodes on Watch & BBC3.
'Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel ... with a bit of pornography if you're lucky.' - Alan Moore


I've developed an addiction to classic who DVDs, must have over 50 by now. And I don't get the horror channel, so can't see these. Are they doing them all in order or just randomly jumping about?

Dark Jimbo

Like DDD, I've already got most of these on DVD!


I don't ever remember seeing brain of morbius before (maybe I was behind the sofa) but good to see rememberance of the daleks surely slys best turn as the doc.
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience.


Funnily enough, Brain of Morbius was my latest acquisition just last week and it's one of my all time favourites - hadn't seen it since it was first transmitted (when it scared the bejesus out of me!) but it stands up very well. I loved that whole "gothic" period of Dr Who (seasons 13-14) which had a real horror influence.

Its amazing how I can't remember a thing about stuff I watched a month ago, and yet these old Tom Baker episodes are burned on my memory so clearly almost 40 years later.

Colin YNWA

Yeah while I don't own many of the DVDs but I've watched a load, a shed load, via my DVD rental service thingie. Its really surprising, some hold up really well, others not so good. As DDD said a lot of the Hinchcliffe stuff is great but having just watched Android Invasion not all of them! Surprising given it was written by Terry Nation too.

I don't have access to The Horror Channel so those DVDs will have to done for now.


Almost the entire 2nd season of Tom Bakers run could be considered horror.

And that's why I love it.   


Quote from: Dandontdare on 22 April, 2014, 02:06:07 PM
I've developed an addiction to classic who DVDs, must have over 50 by now. And I don't get the horror channel, so can't see these. Are they doing them all in order or just randomly jumping about?

I almost mentioned that I bet some folks will have all the DVDs anyway!  I've only got a couple of DVDs so far and if I'm honest - I'm less likely to buy them all and just cherry-pick favourites. 

The horror channel don't have them all, just a select bunch but I think they have worked through in order.  They showed loads over Easter weekend and are now doing two episodes each day.