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New 2000ad Logo?

Started by Frank, 05 June, 2014, 06:18:50 PM

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Art Editor extraordinaire, Simon Pye Parr, announced he's thinking of having a tinker with the 2000ad logo (the type one, rather than Steve Cook's red and white badge ident on the left hand side), and that the version of the logo seen on the latest Sci-fi Special was a kind of try out for the sort of thing he had in mind. What do y'all think (current logo below for comparison):


I think 'no'.  I think the simplicity, even redundancy, of the current 'text' logo is a real asset to the cover. It's clear, it stands out, and it doesn't matter if it gets badly obscured by sprawling art.  It also, if I can openly be a knob for a minute, suggests a certain maturity that sets it apart from the plastic-tat and/or spandex-digest brigades.  The SF Special version works okay on a cover with very little else going on, but aside from that it just looks like yet more aren't-computers-cool type.


I'm fighting with TordelBack Block on this one.  I'm really not a fan of that new font.


Quote from: TordelBack on 05 June, 2014, 06:25:47 PM
the simplicity, even redundancy, of the current 'text' logo is a real asset to the cover. It's clear, it stands out, and it doesn't matter if it gets badly obscured by sprawling art.  It also, if I can openly be a knob for a minute, suggests a certain maturity that sets it apart from the plastic-tat and/or spandex-digest brigades.

It's the internet; it behoves us to be as openly knobbish as the limited means of expression available to us allows. I don't hate the direction in which Pye appears to be headed, but I agree that the relative anonymity of that clear and understated typeface suits the purpose it's intended to serve - especially given that it's always accompanied by the much more distinctive badge logo. Having two strong visual statements warring against each other seems like overkill to me, especially when there's (hopefully) an equally attention grabbing cover image vying for attention too.

Pye also talked (here) about redesigning the badge logo to function more akin to the way Marvel and DC indicia are used on their covers, and he indicated he might share his roughs with ECBT2000ad. I'd be excited to see what he has in mind for both the badge and the bigger logo ... because I'm a nerd.


Also with TB on this one. If it must be there, neutral is good.

Getting back on board, seeing 2 logos felt odd and didn't quite sit right. Looking at older covers, that enormous '2000AD' seems to cheat you out of cover art.
Sometimes the colour scheme or design gains plaudits, because it 'blended in well'. There's an argument for removing it?

Maybe a bigger corner logo, for me then. Pretty clear the logo design itself is destined to be there for a long time to come.

Fans of the second big '2000AD' might think it attracts the casual reader if scarlet enough, but I don't see that really. Good art does that? And regular readers will find their prog.

Pye running his (obviously excellent) ideas past grunts like us would be fun :)


Quote from: Fungus on 05 June, 2014, 08:19:41 PM
Maybe a bigger corner logo, for me then

On the podcast linked to above, Pye says one of the reasons they introduced the banner across the top was because they started repurposing prog covers for trade paperback collections. TPBs typically feature a title strapped across the top of the cover, but the prog covers artists were producing were all oddly weighted to one side because they knew the badge logo would be in the top left area of the cover image.


I find that the badge logo and the type logo look incongrous sitting together....a tautology of sorts. I actually found the early 1200 type logo attractive (I think I'd be in a vanishingly small minority there). Yep be brave: do something different! After all if we don't like it, we can aways revert. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Colin YNWA

I too will stamp my feet and harrumph about the fact its always getting covered so who cares anyway. Barhumbug... don't like it anyway, it looks to me like it will date quite quickly...suits the art on the Summer Special mind.

... mind what the heck do I know?

Pete Wells

Pye sent a copy to me for the covers blog, here it is...


I really like the badge logo and have thought for a while that it would better if that alone was used and the text one was dispensed with.

I understand there are reason why it is there though, and given that I guess keep it as simple as possible.

The Enigmatic Dr X

THe sci-fi special is too angular. It will date very quickly.
Lock up your spoons!


Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 05 June, 2014, 10:37:33 PM
THe sci-fi special is too angular. It will date very quickly.

Which is a shame because that cover is timeless.


Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 05 June, 2014, 10:37:33 PM
THe sci-fi special is too angular. It will date very quickly.

Yeah, I agree.  I can see it going the way of the different typefaces Tharg was throwing out around the turn of the century.
It's fine the way it is.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


They can use this. No fee needed. You're welcome Pye

Mike Carroll

Oooh, they should use my design!