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Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 01 November, 2014, 01:34:57 PM

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Just a quick one from me this month. Fink Angel.






Doombot beat me to the punch, but here is my version of Mongrol mourning the loss of Lara.


So it isn't often I pop over to he facebook page but for some reason I did and I wasn't best pleased to see this under my comp entry:

First let me say: AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to spot the similiarity does it? I don't know where that image was lifted from and I haven't seen it before, hopefully those of you that are familiar with my scribblings will know that I don't copy other peoples ideas. I don't need to. If I were to copy prog art for some reason this is the last place I would post it. The hive mind would rumble me immediately.

I'm uncomfortable with the similarity and would be upset if anyone were to think I take other peoples ideas with out at least crediting them. I have no wish to offend anyone either.

CFM: I withdraw my comp entry.

Neil McClements

NOnononon! Don't be silly, the idea clearly wasn't lifted from it. You may as well say that mine was lifted from MaMahon. It's clearly a scene from the story with similar interpretations by both of us. Don't withdraw the entry as i doubt anybody would have given the idea it was nicked even a seconds thought. The comp is for fun remember so please leave it it's a lovely piece.


Perhaps I over reacted a little. I just detest plagiarism in any form and if I'm doing it myself well that's intolerable.

I didn't realise that was your work, I see you posted it for the July comp. maybe I did see it and subconsciously it stuck in my head.

As long as we're all happy I'll keep my entry in the comp.

Thanks Neil


Glad you've chilled about it DB it's a total non-issue for me I didn't think you were copying anyone - and if I didn't and Neil didn't I doubt anyone else would leap to that conclusion!!

Darren Stephens

Yeh, no way Doombot! I've seen that pic by Neil before and as much as I love it, I didn't think of it when I saw yours. As Neil says, just two very different takes on the same scene.  ;)

The Adventurer

Did Lara ever have a grave marker like that depicted in the comic itself? Legit question as I can't recall off the top of my head.


Neil McClements

Good, glad that's been put away, honestly I meant no disrespect when I posted that picture but I apologise for making you feel uncomfortable. 

Lara certainly did get a grave marker Adventurer and it's the same one in both pictures.


For god sakes doombot, don't feel so bad..we are all copying others to a degree on here. None of us came up with original concepts for any of the characters we love and cherish so much. So even if we all draw lara and mongrel...we are doing so in our own styles and at the end of the day thats what these competitions are about. OUR interpretations of the classics, and if I may i say yours is particularly brilliant. Fantastic work.


Doombot, don't worry mate. Thats as original a piece as any, and Im glad its still in the running.

Besides, if its plagiarism you want, then cop a load o' this matey!

(This was supposed to be coloured in, but ran out of time. Maybe one day...)


I guess I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. I apologise to everyone.

Let's move on quickly :-[

That's great that is woolly


Ah Woolly, that is incredible.  Clever in so, so many ways. As ever my brain starts to fizzle when I start thinking about my votes for this one. Don't make me choose, CFM!