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Prog 1906: >>Love is a Lie >> Trust No One >> Kill to Order

Started by I, Cosh, 01 November, 2014, 02:35:17 PM

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I, Cosh

Not a wildly inventive cover pose, but the lighting from the doorway and the muzzle flash coupled with that unmistakeable Higgins/Hurst colouring really make it pop. Nice work.

Dredd continues his investigations and more strands develop. Is it only me who is a bit perturbed by Dredd's willingness to bend the law in pursuit of his aim here? Certainly he's never been shy about coming up with amusingly bastardish reasons to lock people up but this "I'll let you know when we find it" stuff and actively seeking help to get around the limitations of the law seems a bit off. I hope this is going somewhere.

The other intriguing new thread this week is the poisoning. We've already been handed the potential red herring of the disaffected chemist building a bomb in his apartment, but which well known Dredd villain with a taste for toxins should we be expecting an appearance from before the end of the year?

For a talky, mid-season type of Prog, almost everything else was off a very high standard. Plans foiled and made anew plus some interesting recap to put previous stories in a slightly different light made for a very good episode of Stickleback .

Ichabod Azrael really got me back onside this week by dropping the meta while retaining the weird. Extra points for some great horse dialogue. A change of pace also works wonders in Kingdom, the narrated quality of the text making more sense in this sort of scenario.

Sadly, Greysuit seems to have squandered what goodwill Mr YNWA guilted me into showing it with everything seemingly back to business as usual.
We never really die.


You so slow man! Your full tag line cost you the thread glory! Mods please delete mine give Cosh his day in the sun!


Sorry, Buttonman - I'm nominating this as the official thread into which your effort must be blended, purely on the basis of the mutual love for the horse in Ichabod felt by Cosh and myself. Richmond - make it so.

Colin YNWA

Well in a clash of titans it would seem that The Cosh is triumphant, so I'll post here. Fine ol' Prog with one slight bum note which I'll get out the way Greysuit which had such a bright start has settled into a more typical formula. Now there's plenty of time for things and get more interesting and the episode isn't bad in and of itself, its just that as I worried last week it doesn't seem to have anywhere new to go and was treading water a bit this week.

Stickleback wasn't bad and looked great, Dredd was quite excellent but as an single episode seemed very similar to the last. I think when this read as one these last two episodes will feel perfect, just now it doesn't seem to have move things along, brilliantly though its realised.

The final two strips are quite simply perfect 2000ad. Kingdom continues to be the very definition of 2000ad with a change of pace, but still thrilling and packing a punch all be it of a different kind than the full blown action we've had of late. That ending. Oh and speaking of ending how about that last panel in Ichabod and his title of many colours, words and phrase that sprawls across all it surveys. Wasn't that just the perfect 2000ad panel, great cliffhanger and a line that would have been at home in any Prog from 1 to date. The rest of the episode is a glorious chance to catch breath after the last couple of weeks filled with fantastic lines and great intrigue. One of the all time great Thrills this one and while I'll be sad when its gone I can't wait to read the whole thing when its done.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 01 November, 2014, 04:31:51 PM
Well in a clash of titans it would seem that The Cosh is triumphant

He didn't win! I acquiesced!

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Buttonman on 01 November, 2014, 04:45:23 PM
Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 01 November, 2014, 04:31:51 PM
Well in a clash of titans it would seem that The Cosh is triumphant

He didn't win! I acquiesced!

Yes leaving him triumphant - all hail The Cosh vanquisher of the Beast's Master.



Once again, my prog hasn't shown up. SPACEGHOST SMASH PUNY POSTAL SERVICE.

Has anyone else been having problems with non-delivery?

In the last couple of months, I've had no less than 5 progs completely fail to show up. Denise must be getting tired of hearing my voice, but she's been sending out replacement copies like a trooper whenever I call her with another tale of woe.

I'm beginning to suspect that some Royal Mail employee somewhere is harvesting my Thrill Power.
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

James Stacey

I had all sorts of problems with missing progs in my last house. It got a bit embarrassing asking Denise all the time but she always sorted it. Only once did a missing prog turn up months later after the replacement. Since I've moved however its been regular as clockwork (touch wood). Infact if anything I've had too many delivered as the postie has occasionally put Dyl's copy through my door as well as my own. Fortunately he's only round the corner but I do wonder how many get mis-post in that case.


Very odd James. It sounds like it was definitely a problem with Royal Mail in your case, although Denise has told me that the distribution office has recently changed (or something) and that there have been an increase in undelivered progs since then.

I've never had any problems in the last 7 years at this address, but just recently it's been an utter shambles.

I need my weekend prog!
Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...


My last week's prog never came - but this week's did.

My thieving postman clearly has bad taste!
It's a joke. I was joking.


Same here - years upon years of perfect deliveries , and then lots of no-shows in a short space - I did have someone else's Prog this morning , as well as my own , but as they live sort of close by , I'm going to drop it round - a certain Mr D.Gibbons! Couldn't be , could it?
....nah  :lol:
...because I hate you.


Top quaility Prog! Nerve Centre - droid oil alert!

Stickleback grabs top slot for me. Tying everything together and charging forward, and the little Easter eggs that have strangely been missing over the last wee while return, Anyone referencing the helmet collection? Is that a Steel Claw? oh and the flower from the little shop of horrors?

a close second with MILF getting a mention twice!

Ichybod I'm sure will make sense (once the reveal is in place) with some great horse sense talked this issue.

Kingdom: goes large and I'm loving it

Greysuit; story is fine, but I do find the dialogue a bit clunky at times

After a crappy weekend getting round to reading this was a pleasure, thanks Tharg!

DDT did a job on me


Ichabod Azrael - I know everyone loves this, but I cant shake the Saint of Killers from my head.
It's a joke. I was joking.