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Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 24 November, 2014, 12:05:48 AM

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Please vote for one FIRST, one SECOND, and one THIRD - first will get 3 points, second two points and third one point. The vote is decided by total points accumulated overall. You can honourably mention up to five other entries and these HMs are used to decide on tied scores so use them wisely and be aware "all other entries" won't be counted - the final voting deadline is NEXT SUNDAY at midnight.

Albion - The Dead

allied72-1 - Judge Inspector Sadu

Allied72-2 - Anonymous Perps

Allistermac - Mongrol Mourns

Colin YNWA - Old One Eye

Dog Deever - Doc Death

DoomBot - Mongrol's Lara

Fungus - Spikes Harvey Rotten

James Dilworth - Morrigun

james newell - Woofie

martintds - Fink Angel

Neil McClements - The Mutant

pictsy - Rex Ferris

Steven Denton - Mean Machine

Stu101 - Chopper and Granddad

SuperSurfer - Spikes Harvey Rotten

Third Estate Ned - Mandroid

Woolly - The Dead of Dredd



Really hard choice as always.  There were so many I wanted in my top three. 

James Dilworth - Morrigun I love Morrigun and this is an excellent tribute.
Neil McClements - The Mutant Wonderful style and suitably creepy presentation.
allied72-1 - Judge Inspector Sadu This has been catching my eye so much since allied72 posted it.

Honourable Mentions:
DoomBot - Mongrol's Lara
james newell - Woofie
Fungus - Spikes Harvey Rotten
martintds - Fink Angel
Colin YNWA - Old One Eye

Great work everyone, loving the comp :D


1. Pictsy - Love the composition and colouring
2. Doombot - Despite your protestations to the contrary, a nice take on this
3. Neil McClements - Just lovely
"We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid." ― Christopher Hitchens


1.  Neil McClements - The Mutant
2.  Doombot - Lara
3.  Colin YNWA - Old One Eye

HM. Allistermac - Mongrol Mourns
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.


Steven Austin

1 - Neil McClements - The Mutant - Gorgeous work, detail, movement, colouring, I like everything about this piece.
2 - Wooly - The Dead of Dredd - Love Wooly's style, real old skool feel about it and this would fit nicely as a cover piece.
3 - James Dilworth - Morngun - Love the scale of this piece.

SM - Dog Deever & Colin YNVA

Colin YNWA

1. DoomBot - Mongrol's Lare
2. Neil McClements - The Mutant
3. Pictsy - Rex Ferris

HM - Dog Deever and Super Surfer


1 - Colin YNWA - Old One Eye
2 - Dog Deever - Doc Death
3 - Neil McClements - The Mutant

HM - Woolly - The Dead of Dredd

Assorted encouraging stuff, etc....


1.  Colin YNWA  --  Old One Eye
2.  Doombot  --  Mongrel/Lara
3.  Neil McClements  --  The Mutant



Chris Tresson

1. Neil McClements - The Mutant
2. Pictsy - Rex Ferris
3. James Dilworth - Morrigun


Dog Deever

1. Pictsy
2. Neil McClements
3. James Dilworth

HM- Allistermac
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Link Prime

1) Neil McClements- A lovely, sinister, interpretation of The Mutant. Just superb.
2) James Dilworth- Another fan of Morrigun here. I particularly like the inclusion of the Temple of the Night Maras.
3) Pictsy- A great piece- interesting choice of character!

HM) Colin_YNWA- inspired!


1. DoomBot - Mongrol's Lara (Beautiful picture which holds real emotion)
2. Neil McClements - The Mutant (Nice colour palette and great use of the line technique)
3. James Dilworth - Morrigun (Reminded me of Kev Walkers work on ABC, which is no bad thing)

HM1. Colin_YNMA - Old one eye
HM2. Woolly - The Dead of Dredd

Cheers as ever CFM for organising the comp.


Good stuff as always:

1 -James Dilworth - Morrigun
2 - Allistermac - Mongrol Mourns
3 - DoomBot - Mongrol's Lara

HM's :  Colin YNWA - Old One Eye, Woolly - The Dead of Dredd


Allister Mac

HM: Colin YNWA