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Power/Rangers - Dirty Laundry

Started by Goaty, 24 February, 2015, 04:21:40 PM

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Steve Green


Internlised mysogyny much, Mayor?

Anyway, I too enjoyed the remake over the original's bloated, tacky execution.


I quite enjoyed the short, though my own main exposure to the Power Rangers was via the 'Dino-Thunder' incarnation.


Nothing can beat the original starting spiel to the original.....

The colourful scope of spidey webular constellations and that music is hard to beat.

Not to mention the lightness, the less intense and less tedious episodes.

Sure, it's special effects are dated now, but they were suited to their time and still look charming today.

Not the girls had those classic hairstyles that literally covered their ass's.

If the Dirk Benedict back then was a woman and Kate Sackoff were in a beauty contest. He might have won. (Yes, I know it's sick concept5, but he would have made a better looking woman than she was he if was!)

Can you show me any part of this show  (Not including the special effects!)  trumps original.

Can you show me how Kati Sackoff beats the original Starbuck without mentioning she is this valkyrian.

I'm turned off by women who would just as soon as walk over me or you. Yet, don't get it that I'm attracted to just the male characters. I'm actually not! There were plenty female talent back then, I just couldn't name them right now.

Any attempt to make this show the real-thing is just another journey into dullsville.

What do Robert Hatch and Dirk Benedict  thin of the new show. I do know they were in it, but man's it's really boring.

Like the other planets they inhabit look just like Earth right down to the samey buildings. They don't even you give the impression that they are any where else but Earth or a future Earth.

There's nothing embarrassing about the original, as it was one of the most interesting show of it's time.

If only magic of the original was combined upgraded tech of the new show, then I might take more notice of it.

But as it is now, I don't support it.

R.I.P. - Lorne Green.

Oh, Did I forget to say, that without the classic version, there would most probably no new show like it. 

Professor Bear

Quote from: Hawkmonger on 27 February, 2015, 11:17:07 AM
Internlised mysogyny much, Mayor?

Anyway, I too enjoyed the remake over the original's bloated, tacky execution.

I can't stand Kéytee Jackoff, either, but it's got more to do with her lack of charisma and range, and the fact that she plays the same bobbins character in every show she appears in.

Going grimdark means the BSG remake is just as much an example of the safe production standards of its time as the original was, only the remake's reliance on warhorse tropes and sidelining of non-white characters looks a bit more rum, as does its reliance on sexy robot girl plots and cheapo "they look like us" budget-friendly storylines that they then tried to pass off as "a commentary on 911, dude."  Although I did like that in both shows, follow-up seasons showed they'd given on any long game and just pulled any old shit out of their arse safe in the knowledge that their fanbase would accept it.  Some things never change.


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 27 February, 2015, 11:29:13 AM

The colourful scope of spidey webular constellations and that music is hard to beat.

Not to mention the lightness, the less intense and less tedious episodes.
If the Dirk Benedict back then was a woman and Kate Sackoff were in a beauty contest. He might have won. (Yes, I know it's sick concept5, but he would have made a better looking woman than she was he was.)

From what I hear from friends who were guests at a comics expo which also featured Dirk Benedict, and the stories they came back with about his behaviour and comments, you and him woukd get on like a house on fire re. your weird and shitty attitude to women.



When I was back in Sydney nearly over ten years earlier and saw a newspaper article somewhere either before the new show was launched where both Dirk and Katee were socialising at a certain well known coffee outlet. He might have been giving her tips.

BTW, I think my attitude is heathier than you think and it not only directed at women if is anywhere as unpleasant as you believe it to be GR.

Anybody that gives me the run around do not deserve my respect.

Think about that boy!

Steve Green

Quote from: Goaty on 27 February, 2015, 03:18:07 PM
Quote from: Steve Green on 27 February, 2015, 03:14:13 PM
Adi Shankar Huffpost interview about it.

Interesting, but there were many Fan films, so why pick this one?

Fan films generally have a blind eye turned by the IP holders.

Marvel pulled one Punisher fan film, but others were allowed - so I wouldn't expect consistency even amongst 'normal' fan films.

This was a high profile project, turning a kids' show into an R-Rated gritty 'parody' where one of the rangers was doing a line of coke after a threesome, while others were getting riddled with bullets, and bad guys were getting knives jammed in their heads.

Shankar claims he's a fan of the original show and had this idea when he was 7 (Hmmm)

Joseph Kahn doesn't seem to be fan, but just wanted to make an expensive joke by rebooting a silly kids show as a gritty R-rated reboot.


I think I'm on Saban's side with this one.


And I wish Thryllseeker would go and talk about Battlestar Galactica on the right thread...

Richmond Clements

There's only so many chips you can piss on, Adi, before people start getting wise...

Colin Zeal

TS's replies are like rubber-necking a car crash. I know that no good will come from reading it, but I just can't help myself.

Steve Green

"Films like my Power/Rangers 'Bootleg' are vital expressions of creativity in our troubled world,"

Haha, if you like, Adi...