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1924 - New readers Start Here!

Started by Bad City Blue, 27 March, 2015, 03:59:49 PM

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Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 30 March, 2015, 12:30:53 PM
Have you ever watched Angel

Yes. Andy Hallett's been dead for years, so I don't think anyone understands the relevance. Not that anyone expects to understand anything you post at this stage, but...


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 30 March, 2015, 12:47:06 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 30 March, 2015, 12:30:53 PM
Have you ever watched Angel

Yes. Andy Hallett's been dead for years, so I don't think anyone understands the relevance. Not that anyone expects to understand anything you post at this stage, but...



If your familiar with the show, then you may see through the flat transparency  ;)

I will give you no more hints.


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr

Have you ever watched Angel



I believe TS alludes to being from another dimension where time moves at a different rate, much as Lorne hails from Pylea (and RIP Andy Hallett indeed, great actor, great character, great voice). Only problem with this analogy is that Pylea is the only demon dimension in the Buffyverse where time appears to pass at precisely the same rate as our own.

Now when will it be Wednesday in THIS dimension so that I can get on with actually discussing Prog 1924?


Jeez TS keep the head on there dude. We all have to wait till wed for this particular treat. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


This is a nice cover.

Dredd: A nice start with the usual great Flint artwork. As it happens I read "Titan" just a short time ago. It sure left a impression. So I am really interested how this will continue.

Slaine: I liked the recap-pages. A good idea for these all-new progs. Also for old readers; as with most of the following characters I lost the plot a Long time ago so this was helpful. Still I don't think it will be necessary as a regular feature.

As far as Slaine is concerned, I stopped reading this, and I am not a fan of Davies, so I really don't care one way or the other.

Grey Area: I like a lot of Abnett's work, even bought the Kingdom collections, but some I could never connect with. GA is one of those. Harrison's art sure changed.

Orlok: Some characters just work better as a foil for the the hero or a secondary-character. Orlok is just not an interesting character on its own. So I am not convinced he merits his own series. I thought the first story not very good and in parts difficult to follow. This first part also couldn't grab me at all. Both in story and art. A whole page for [spoiler]the  Black Widower[/spoiler]? And who is this guy? Is this supposed to be Orlok? No, this series doesn't work for me.

Strontium Dogs: As a latecomer to 2000AD SD is one of the series I never could get into it. Or into its prequels (sequels?) like Middenface. So I was rather indifferent to his resurrection. Some of the new stories were fun, some I thought very dull for Wagner. Too many not very interesting political intrigues, too many parts, too many speeches. But this was a welcome jumping-on point. Even if I didn't buy this [spoiler]'Kill me now[/spoiler]characterisation of Alpha this is a classic set-up. So I am looking forward to next week.

On the whole a very mixed prog for me.


Loved Dredd & the art on Slaine. Strontium Dog is just misery. The Prog seems unusually grim & could do with one lighter story. Great mix of art as ever and a clean & clinical Bolland cover. Really wish there was a strong female strip - the repetition of "bitch" in Grey Area was unpleasant.


I now have it and the paper edition should be on it's way.

I thought that episode was shorter than usual.

So far, I have only read the Slaine short.

Healed by the loving sword of the Cyth....


That thing Slaine sometimes does with his yes before he receives the earth-serpent.

I used to have a facial tick only (Where I would have one eye wide open and the other crewed shut!) after I first opened my eyes after waking up. This subside until I washed my face properly and woke up completely after having breakfast. Sometime a shower would help, we never had one installed in out house until the strange affliction had disappeared completely.

My father does the thing, still, but only when he isn't completely awake. Not that I'm alluding to any unusual relationship with my father. The last time I noticed this.... he was emerging from the hallway passage in his dressing gown. Looking around with out acknowledging me with one eye screwed shut and the other wide open going off into the laundry to finish his morning routine before returning to bed for a few more hours.

Just thought you may find that interesting and I will be looking forward to seeing the Slough-Strip-Tease I use the word Tease, because people in that profession never go all the way!

BTW any chance of prepaying for next weeks Prog, before all my money disappears? I don't fork over 200 hundred dollars for the yearly subscription yet either.


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 01 April, 2015, 05:36:39 AM

That thing Slaine sometimes does with his yes before he receives the earth-serpent.

I meant Eyes and not Yes.

Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 01 April, 2015, 05:36:39 AM

That thing Slaine sometimes does with his yes before he receives the earth-serpent.
I used to have a facial tick only (Where I would have one eye wide open and the other crewed shut!) after I first opened my eyes after waking up. This subside until I washed my face properly and woke up completely after having breakfast. Sometime a shower would help, we never had one installed in out house until the strange affliction had disappeared completely.

It's better to say to woke up with one eye squinting and the other eyebrow raised and this was involuntary until washed the sleep out.

That sounds much better.

Zenith 666

Just picked this up and not had a chance to read it but it's €4.02 now here in the Emerald Isle.i remember when it cost me 47p.feeling old but still it's cheaper than a pint of 28p :(

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Zenith 666 on 01 April, 2015, 01:22:42 PM
Just picked this up and not had a chance to read it but it's €4.02 now here in the Emerald Isle.i remember when it cost me 47p.feeling old but still it's cheaper than a pint of 28p :(

4.02 Euros is very precise! I guess while the comic is cheaper than a decent pint it will still represent value. Its a good benchmark in my mind.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Just noticed the Grey Area logo. Nice.
Lock up your spoons!

Lady Warp Spasm

Yay.  I can join everyone else here talking about the Prog. My annual 3 month subscription kicked in today so all is splendid.  I am a new reader (mostly Slaine all these eons, but am branching out slowly but surely.)

I quite enjoyed Orlok - great art and I'm a sucker for anything Russian (slowly getting through Nikolai Dante). If this gets me reading a bit more Dredd universe stuff, works for me. As a Marvel girl for many, many moons the [spoiler]Black Widower[/spoiler] made me laugh my head off. 

Slaine - hurm, interesting. Way too short, but looks darn gore-gous. I keep getting distracted by the use of Gododin, but otherwise I can see the Drunes having a bit of trouble keeping Slaine's [spoiler]warp spasm[/spoiler] locked down. And I love Simon Davis' art. He's definitely in my top 3 Slaine artists now.

Strontum Dog, Grey Area and Dredd, not holding my interest. I suspect these might read better collected for a sort of 2000 AD noob like myself. We'll see in the coming weeks.

I look forward to eventually downloading and reading this proper once Rebellion has the issues up on the website. Reading on a phone is tricky.


Lady Warp Spasm, welcome to the fold. Regarding Strontium Dog, you might as a newcomer consider checking out some of the Strontium Dog books. S/D Agency Files 2 and 3 in particular are very strong classic-era 2000 AD strips.

Lady Warp Spasm

Thank you for the tip Indigo Prime. I'll see how I feel as this storyline progresses.

BTW, in a tip to your user name, read IP Anthropocalypse recently, holy cow that was crazy great.