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Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 30 March, 2015, 12:14:23 AM

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Andy Lambert

Once again, an immensely difficult task to choose favourites from such a wonderful, diverse collection of artwork.
Choose we must though, so here are my votes, with sincere apologies to those I haven't mentioned...

1st) Steve Denton: Bad Company  I was just blown away by the detail and drawing of this picture. Instant favourite.

2nd) James Newell: Jack In The Box  Nifty idea, and extremely well executed.

3rd) MrLongTheArtist: Kano Creation  There's a whimsy to this I just can't resist! Brett's expression just makes me laugh (in a good way!)

1) SIP: Venus Bluegenes
2) Albion
3) Nic Freeman
4) BrotherGrotusk
5) Bagley

Well done to everyone who took part, thank you for voting and of course, thanks to CFM for all his efforts. :)


1st)  SIP - Venus Bluegenes - Crisp lines, strong blacks. Just perfect.
2nd) James Newell - Jack in the Box - A really really clever idea.
3rd) Steven Denton - Bad Company - Beautifully chaotic and detailed.

HM - allistermac - Brett Ewins Dredd
HM - Andy Lambert - The Long Walk


Good Work guys

1 - Andy Lambert - The Long Walk
2 - Nic Freeman - Ewins Tribute
3 - Chris Askham - Bad Company


Hawkmonger - One Eyed Jack
Tiplodocus - One Eyed Jack Tank

Cheers CFM

Link Prime

1) Andy Lambert.
2) Neil McClements.
3) James Newell.

HM) Steven Denton.

Some worthy pieces here all.


James Newell - Jack in the box
Andy Lambert - The long Walk.
Sip - Venus Bluegenes

Hm - Neil McClements - Brett Biochip.

Steven Austin

Ok my choices this month are:

1. James Newell - Jack in the Box

2. Steve Denton - Bad Company

3. Nic Freeman - Ewins Tribute

HM Neil McClements - Brett Biochip, Andy Lambert - The Long Walk, SIP - Venus Bluegenes


1. James Newell - Jack in the Box
A commendable informal merger of characters. Insightful use of Kano's box.

2. Steven Denton - Bad Company
An aesthetically enticing imagining of a crossover story I'd like to read.

3. Neil McClements - Biochip Ewins
A weighty signifier of Ewins living on through his art and admirers.

HM: Andy Lambert - The Long Walk
HM: BrotherGrotusk - Anderson Kano
HM: Nic Freeman - Ewins Tribute

Thanks to those of you who clicked Like and commented on my artwork over on Facebook, thanks also to CFM for running the show, and props to Nic Freeman for setting such a thoughtful challenge; I found it to be a bittersweet experience to say the least.

Rust In Peace, Art Droids.

Steven Denton

Impressively high standard of work, as always!

1: chris askham - Bad Company

2: James Newell - Jack in the Box

3: SIP

allistermac - Brett Ewins Dredd
Neil McClements - Biochip Ewins
Nic Freeman - Ewins Tribute
Andy Lambert - The Long Walk
Bagley - In Loving Memory

Third Estate Ned

1) chris askham - Bad Company
2) Steven Denton - Bad Company
3) stuartcatley - Welcome to Nu-Earth

allistermac - Brett Ewins Dredd
James Newell - Jack in the Box
SIP - Venus Bluegenes
Nic Freeman - Ewins Tribute
Leigh S - Vid Vultures