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Game of Thrones Season 5

Started by radiator, 13 April, 2015, 05:18:00 PM

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Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 14 June, 2015, 02:33:30 PM
Isn't it correct etiquette for dragons to only let young females ride them if they completely disrobe before approaching them..... :P
It an all to common trope in fantasy and one i'm not very fond of at all.


Big shocker for a non-reader there! Heard there was a big death thought it was [spoiler]Stannis[/spoiler], no wait [spoiler]Sansa[/spoiler]...what  [spoiler]      Snow?![/spoiler] Not a good outing for the [spoiler]S's.[/spoiler] I thought [spoiler]Jon and Dannerys [/spoiler]would hook up at the end! Oh well at least mama got her big scene!


I haven't seen the latest series yet (although I have read all the books) but I have a feeling it might not all be over for that character. Thing is though, with George R R Martin, you never can tell....


well shit, that's the god damn biggest downer of an episode yet.  I've read the books, knew is was coming but god damn they just had to do it, I just cant concentrate on anything else, TV is ruined why oh why do we have to wait 12 months for more.  [spoiler]in saying that there's obviously something with the Red Lady 's appearing at Castle Black just before it all happened, we know she's not a complete sham (Shadow Baby) so there's hope for John Snow yet, not in the books yet but then again neither is Stannis's defeat.[/spoiler]

CU Radbacker


That was just like the last Harry Potter book...


Ghastly McNasty


Well i'm just finishing season 3 off now. So I should be caught up by season 6's premier.


I think the Dragon read The Horned God, it wouldn't budge from the ground last episode.

Third Estate Ned

Absolutely gutted by the ending of this episode. I sincerely hope that the appearance of the Red Lady, being of the same faith as Thoros of Myr, is significant but even so it won't be the same. It makes total sense for Ser Alliser Thorne to do what he did but I honestly thought he had a grudging respect for the lad ("You have a good heart...").

And what about [spoiler]Frankenmountain[/spoiler]? Will he operate at the will of others or go AWOL?

Link Prime

Quote from: Third Estate Ned on 16 June, 2015, 11:58:40 AM
It makes total sense for Ser Alliser Thorne to do what he did but I honestly thought he had a grudging respect for the lad ("You have a good heart...").

Ser Alliser's betrayal was a shocker for me.
Although he openly disliked Jon, I too thought his grudging respect would overrule an outright betrayal.
He did let Jon and the Wildlings into the gate last week after all (albeit after a pause and sneer).

Very enjoyable season overall, roll on next April.

Professor Bear

I think [spoiler]the betrayal[/spoiler] didn't really work because it departed from the logic of the books, where [spoiler]Snow asks Rangers to join him in abandoning their vows - and The Wall - to travel to Winterfell for a personally-motivated ruck with the Boltons.  This would have made Olly's betrayal make sense, as if Snow can abandon the Rangers' vows for vengeance upon the killers of his family, why not Olly?[/spoiler]  I think it's becoming too apparent now that a lot of twists and shocks are being done for the sake of it rather than because they serve the narrative, and that's impacting my enjoyment of the show.  The bit where [spoiler]Shir gets burned alive and squeals like a pig, the bit where Arya gets punched in the gut, where she keeps pulling off false faces, the seemingly endless stabs into Snow, and the crowd in Cersi's walk of shame[/spoiler] shouldn't have made me laugh with their palpable desperation to shock by over-egging things, but that's where I was.  The insults from the crowd and the Italian-police-style handling of the more rowdy crowd members by the monks especially seemed like something out of The Life Of Brian.  "FAWK OWF!"


I think the male nudity was more tolerable in Life of Brian

Seriously, while a lot of you think a mere slip like Arya is on a one girl crusade to avenge her family or just father is cool. That's real nice, that's just gorgeous, but he should really team up or join the young girl or boy army. Because, bad luck or just hard is going to catch up with her sooner or later and it would be dead embarrassing to be one of her victims.


They could make the whole of the next season [spoiler]Tyrion and Varys running Meereen[/spoiler] and forget all the White Walker stuff, as far as I'm concerned...


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Famous Mortimer

Jon was a dumbass because he didn't bother warning anyone else of the impending doom coming from the North - I seriously doubt that, even if they're a bunch of dumb murderers and rapists, that they'd ignore the testimony of their brothers who'd seen the White Walkers up close.

But, as I've said, I reckon this should be it for the Night's Watch. There's no reason for them to still be there, they've got basically no members left (a few hundred, maybe?) and they've just murdered their own Lord Commander. Given that they know what's coming, I'd be on my way to Braavos to join a mercenary army at this point, vow be damned.