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Prog 1930 - Trojan Hearse

Started by IronGraham, 09 May, 2015, 10:23:13 AM

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Yes Radiator, he's back on Dredd. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


Quote from: Butch on 09 May, 2015, 10:46:22 PM
Davis's covers for this series haven't been as great as the interior art, where his use of vivid colour and strong composition are extraordinary. Pat Mills should write a series for Davis that's set entirely in the woods: every time Davis breaks out the green paint - from the Samain, to the encounter with the giant, to Slaine going First Blood on some Trojans - the quality of the art goes off the chart.

The pose and palette of this week's cover make me think Davis had this in mind:

Crickey! You think? I don't want to be too harsh on Davis' art as I think it has given Slaine a great new look & fits in with the character & settings brilliantly... I'm just not sure his cover choices have been the best when as you say Butch, the inside images have been so wonderfully vibrant!



Cover - just too murky for my liking.

Dredd - I'm really enjoying this. I'd like to find out more about where the bracelet came from. Wonderful art.

Terror Tale - this was okay. I really liked the art.

Slaine - I skipped this one.

Grey Area - love this strip and I'm really enjoying this current arc.

Strontium Dog - brilliant. This is my favourite SD story in years - it has a really classic feel.

Good prog. I'm looking forward to seeing Absolom again and finding out what Helium is all about.


Quote from: Jacqusie on 10 May, 2015, 01:15:47 AM
Quote from: Butch on 09 May, 2015, 10:46:22 PM
The pose and palette of this week's cover make me think Davis had this in mind:

Crickey! You think? ... I'm just not sure his cover choices have been the best when as you say Butch, the inside images have been so wonderfully vibrant!

Pose and palette, Jacqusie. The Bisley cover is just as brown, murky, and static as the Davis offering.

Since Davis's use of colour on the strip itself has been so striking - the blue and amber of Slaine and Sinead's fireside conversation on the beach, the intense greens and contrasting reds of the forest combat - I've got to assume Davis's colour choices for his covers have been deliberate.

Since they double as the covers of the trade collections, maybe he feels they have to fit in with the aesthetic and palette of the  covers of the other trades in the series, and what readers expect - Slaine has seen a ton of dark brown, posey art in its time.


Sad to hear Pye o1 is leaving. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Steve Green

It will be sad to see Pye go, and wish him success in what he does next.

Regarding covers - the print versions seem to be darker quite often recently.

I've noticed a fair amount of the digital previews look very different as well - not sure if that's to make them stand out, but it does look a bit odd.


Beautiful earthy painting by Davis but agree with others, it's rather muted for a cover.

Dredd's getting going and I'm still really enjoying Elson on the strip.

The Terror Tale didn't really work for me.

Slaine, even less than usual happened this week I think..

Still enjoying Grey Area and just loving Strontium Dog.

A good solid prog. 


Quote from: JamesC on 10 May, 2015, 08:33:21 AM
Terror Tale - this was okay. I really liked the art.

The Terror Tale was a cracking example of good page layout, with artwork and lettering guiding the eye perfectly through the panels.  Really nice to see that kind of craftsmanship.


Quote from: A.Cow on 12 May, 2015, 02:52:31 AM
Quote from: JamesC on 10 May, 2015, 08:33:21 AM
Terror Tale - this was okay. I really liked the art.

The Terror Tale was a cracking example of good page layout, with artwork and lettering guiding the eye perfectly through the panels.  Really nice to see that kind of craftsmanship.

Funnily enough, I was going to make the opposite point - I enjoyed the story and the art but the panel layout on the first page completely wrong-footed me - I thought the first panel on the second row was linked to the large panel below it ("not trying to hurt you..") to make a kind of large L-shaped panel - my eye then went to the two middle-right panels after that. (I think I've got that right, don't have the prog in front of me for reference).

The cover was a bit murky, but as Steve says, the print versions are often a bit sark and muted 0- can't fault the interior art though, Davis at his blood-soaked best.

Dredd and Strontium Dog are  just top class old-skool thrillpower. Zarjaz.

Grey Area was never a favourite of mine, but I'm really enjoying this latest twist.

A very good prog I thought - 7.5/10


Why does the MODIFY button sometimes disappear?

I meant DARK not sark!


Quote from: Dandontdare on 12 May, 2015, 10:43:41 AM
Why does the MODIFY button sometimes disappear?

I meant DARK not sark!

It's evil plot to make you appear illiterate than you might be.


Great prog - every story had something cool. Loved Slaines vertical panels - took me back to Avatar's Courtyard. Dredd was great & Stront feels right. Sad about PYE but it's good to see talent move on. Looking forward to Absalom's return - it's been too long. Feels like the Prog has hit its stride...


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 12 May, 2015, 12:31:00 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 12 May, 2015, 10:43:41 AM
Why does the MODIFY button sometimes disappear?

I meant DARK not sark!

It's evil plot to make you appear illiterate than you might be.

The ironic hypocrisy of this post is staggering! Well done TS, you've made my day!  :lol:


Quote from: Woolly on 12 May, 2015, 07:11:22 PM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 12 May, 2015, 12:31:00 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 12 May, 2015, 10:43:41 AM
Why does the MODIFY button sometimes disappear?

I meant DARK not sark!

It's evil plot to make you appear illiterate than you might be.

The ironic hypocrisy of this post is staggering! Well done TS, you've made my day!  :lol:

Didn't really mean it to imply Danton Dare is illiterate, but that was the best word that popped up in my mind inventory at the time.

This limitation on editing my own posts here bothers me as well. As will notice quite a few of my posts need it and if I don't bother to preview my work or spell check it properly. I'm left with embarrassing post that doesn't make any sense even to myself in case the modify option doesn't appear. Most of the time it will give me a small amount of time to fix my errors and only  before somebody else replies and less than often thee is no chance to do this at all.

While I understand the need for the limitations on posting. In the case I've incriminated myself on the forum and shouldn't be allowed to change what I originally said unless the Moderator does this for me if it's found to be that offensive.

Still, there is the need to correct spelling errors and other typos.

Perhaps if the limitation is altered to allow boarders here to do just that and not the other. Perhaps if what was originally posted is kept archived to prove what is originally said. I found this might be the best idea when playing that forum based role playing game about werewolves.

I could edit my post all I wanted in that game and the only thing to keep me honest was that it would show when I altered it my own posts each time (like it is on most internet forums including this one!) and I think we were also supposed to leave a reason for editing as well.  Yet, the time stamp underneath is always obvious reminder that I have altered my comment in some way, always.

Doesn't happen here though.

Keef Monkey

I liked the cover, but then I'm downloading from the app so not having to seek it out on a shelf. I can imagine it'd appear a bit muted in a newsagent.

All the best to PYE, he's done an amazing job over the last few years with both the prog and the collections.

Another great Dredd episode. For reasons too boring to mention (but it's a Red Dwarf thing) the rest of the team at work called me Kipper a while back and the nickname stuck, so it's a shame comic book Kipper isn't a noble hero I can be proud to share names with.

The Terror Tale was a nice idea and had good art, the last couple of pages felt quite rushed to me (to cram in the ghost part), but other than that it worked well.

I can get the complaints about Slaine not really fitting much progression into its 6 pages every week, but I thought this episode looked nice (even if it took no time at all to read). It's pretty clear it's been designed with the collection in mind, 6 pages of that in the middle of a larger graphic novel would be great but it's fair comment that it means very little story progression happens week on week.

Grey Area is style boiling away nicely and my favourite strip again after Dredd. Just a dialogue episode really, but some great moments in those exchanges and a lovely last page.

My Strontium Dog amnesia struck again this week and I couldn't remember why Alpha was on that planet. He's looking for the Styxx brothers I guess, but talking to Purple Jabba too and I wasn't totally sure why. Art looks great though and when I read this in a oner and can actually remember what's going on I'm sure I'll love it. The memory thing is really starting to worry me, I'm enjoying it so it's not like I'm forgetting every detail out of boredom or anything! It's odd.

Speaking of which, nice to see Tharg allude to more info on the PJ/Dark Judges situation at some point - during Dark Justice I was asking myself those same questions and just assumed I'd had another memory malfunction.