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Message board topics and behaviour

Started by Trout, 25 February, 2003, 12:12:00 AM

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Part of the reason for the language filters in the chatroom, was to edit out some of the "bad" language.

Strangely enough, living in another country, where English isn't the first language, People use words like shit and fuck as part of their "regular day-to day" speak, and leave their own swear words for the special "occasion".

It's can be quite unnerving, when kids as young as 5 start f-ing and blinding in my language. And I have been known to tell them that whilst it may be acceptable for them to swear like that, to me using the words is offensive.

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give a shit- it's just when it comes out of the mouth of a juve that young, I feel some sense of duty to put them in their place. This is expecially the case now, where I'm raising a bi-lingual child, and if he starts, one set of his grandparents are not going to be very happy...

..all a bit off-topic (and off-board) but there you go!



"What is the real difference between typing 'f*ck' and 'fuck'?"

As far as I'm concerned nothing at all, however when family magazines wish to use swear words without actually writing the whole word, this is what they tend to do (apart from HEAT magazine which tends to call a fuck a fuck).

I suspect they believe that if you don't print the whole word that it somehow takes the power of it away and makes it less offensive, it's not the case however because as you say it only makes children curious about what letters are missing.


"It would be nice if message board regulars (who should know better) could make more use of the message categories, rather than putting everything into General."

Guilty as charged, however it's not intentional (as I explained when there was that problem with the HUGE post when the default kept going to admin) purely as a result of posting without remembering to select the appropriate category. Perhaps you could add a new category specifically for me entitled "sh*te" :)

Queen Firey-Bou

aye & a topic for me 'adventure stories/ trumpet blowing'...
one man sh*t* is another mans/persons entertainment.


"one man sh*t* is another mans/persons entertainment."

Hear, hear! that there Bou.


"But frankly i hate rules, its the tolerance of eccentricities & all the different personalities that makes this such a fun place."

I totally agree Bou. If you strike a happy medium, which I think this site does, then where's the problem. If people don't like certain threads, then they don't have to reply to them.

It's kewl that so many people on this site seem to have pretty much the same taste as me (films, humour etc) so it would be a shame to limit ourselves to one topic and one topic only.

On the subject of swearing, I don't do it, so why the f*ck should you :)

esoteric ed

I'm only an occasional visitor here as I'm a moderator on another forum and have my hands ful there, on my regular site we find that having separate forums such as off topic, sequals etc doesn't always work, and many feel one main board would be ideal to post on.

We have a family atmosphere on the forum (like here) and most people just use the main discussion board to rant and rave etc.

As for bad language we have software that blocks out offending words it recognises (now that'd be a fun job to do Wake? chooses what words).

At least you don't have to remove images of dead bodies and posts from stalkers etc here (well not that I've seen any here), there really is some freaky people out there...

I think this forum is fine and dandy, everyone being different is what makes places like this work!



That's not a proper shark - where's its hook?

esoteric ed

Bruce "Action" style!  ;-)



That's much better!

but of course the dialogue should be 'Aiiiieeee! The Jaws! The Jaws'

esoteric ed

or "The Brute's bitten Wagner's legs off"

Ed ;-)

Link:" target="_blank">FLAWS


We are lucky, in that at the moment, we have the benefits of being only 100 or so.

If we had more visitors posting on the message boards then they would certainly have to be redesigned. In order to avoid information overflow.

The only other message boards I have used is that of DC comics and the (ex) Warren Ellis Forum. For me the DC one was run much better. Each Subject had it's own pages for posts. I think if the usage of this message board were to increase, then this would definately be the way to go. The number of Subjects could also then be increased in order to become even more specific, helping people to filter out the messages of no interest to them.

As far as the chatroom goes. If usage of that were ever to increase above the (IIRC) maximum at one time was 17, then I think the database chatroom would have a nervous breakdown, as would many of the people trying to read it. If an increase of users did occur, I think the IRC room would serve the chatters better. The next step for the database chatroom, would be to setup private rooms. But do we realy want to go there?

I love the sense of community that this place has developed over the past (2?) years. For me, it's the difference between going down to my local, and chatting with the locals, or going to a nightclub with 200+ strangers, all shouting on top of one another.

The mix of on & off topic discussions is just right. Providing the posters use the correct subject, and make the thread title intereseting for me, I'll read what I think will interst me, and filter out the stuff that doesn't.

I am one of the few people who use the email function, to recieve emails when replies are made to my posts. There was a time when I had every message sent to me, but there was just too much that didn't interest me. The next best thing was then installed (The email me this thread on the top right of each thread).

Did you know, that on this site, you can:

1) Set a language filter to remove (some)swear words from the chatroom, in a unique 2000ad style.

2) At the press of a button, have a complete thread emailed directly to your inbox.

3) List message threads after most recent reply, or most recent thread.

4) Collect logs of the chatroom up to 7 days old. Or have a log sent to you every ? hour that people are talking.

5) Have replies to your messages sent to you via email, and have all replies to threads that you start emailed to you.

6) Or that you could choose to have every message posted on the message board emailed to you.

That's quite an impressive range of interactivity!



Although we are a clique I think we're a welcoming clique...

Bou hasn't been here that long but within a few days she'd become part the furniture.


DXB: Have you been sitting on her, again?


The Enigmatic Dr X

I have to say, the "Action" Jaws poster earlier in this thread is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. I don't know if I'll ever watch that film in the same light.

As for the site, if it ain't broke don't fix it - besides who would stick to any rules?

Anarchy rools!
Lock up your spoons!