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NSEW anthology needs many many many artists!

Started by BMB, 26 October, 2015, 11:53:31 PM

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Hi everyone,

Some of you might remember I already had a thread about my project NSEW, I've started this fresh one though as most of the links/info have changed making the old one redundant, sorry if this is considered semi-necro etc.

Back in late 2014 I put out a call for artists to draw my scripts for a large ongoing comic called NSEW I've been writing for a few years now, I had a REALLY great response from so many of you and had such a great time working with you, I've now got literally over 100 pages towards the first issue! (I'm aiming at making it like an omnibus size, 250-300 pages), I'm in Melbourne, Australia but nearly half of the artists so far from the UK, and even from as far as Canada and Brunei! The joy of the internet means distance means nothing with scanning pages etc and I love having such a broad range and would once again like to put out a call for anyone reading this that is interested in illustrating one of my scripts to get in touch with a few demo pages of your work.

Last time I put out the call I was in the fortunate position to be able to offer a small page rate, and whilst I would really like to still be able to do so, my disposable income has gone, but I can say that I put over $6000 into artists pockets so it was a fun ride while it lasted haha! I can still offer 2 copies each of the issue/s that your work appears in, so you still get a few hundred pages of comic to read, and of course the original art remains yours etc to sell at conventions etc as you wish. I'm not trying to make money, I just wanna make comics. :D

*taken from old thread* Basically, it is an anthology format comic, but everything is taking place in the same universe. The joy of this forum is everyone already knows what I mean by that, long live the anthology! Basic info on pages: Black and white or Black and white with greys (up to you) standard comic book format (I have files etc for anyone unsure) full bleed etc (again, happy to help anyone unsure, nobody is born knowing stuff). Average scripts are 3-15 pages. I'm lining up scripts with the artists I think will have the most fun/do them best on their particulars but if you have a request (no longer than 5 pages etc, let me know and I'll tweak my script hunting for you a bit more) I'm looking for many, many artists, so if you're even mildly keen, take a punt. :D

On the NSEW page I'm currently posting the odd image of the world map, with a different territory highlighted and some info on that particular territory, for a bit of world building to help people get into the mindset of the NSEW universe etc.

I understand I'm not a prominent forum member, but if any of the regulars are willing to vouch that I wont screw anybody around that would be really appreciated! :-D

Cheers and thanks for reading through all that, here is the link:


Raised in the wild by sarcastic wolves.

Previously known as L*e B*tes. Sshhh, going undercover...

Darren Stephens

I was lucky enough to draw a 7 pager for NSEW and can vouch for BMB! He was terrific to work with, really encouraging and open to ideas, and paid as soon as the work was completed. From what I've seen of the other artists contributing, this is a very worthwhile project to get involved with. It's gonna be awesome!  ;)


I can only 2nd what Darren has said. I too have contributed 2 pages to this, and Ben was a pleasure to work with. Cannot wait to see the finished product.
Hopefully if I can clear some of my current workload I will be able to offer my services to Ben again if he still has any pages outstanding (and liked what I did previously!! :o).


Many thanks chaps!

Although Alex I gotta say I didn't like your work, I loved it!*

How can you not be happy when you open your email and stuff like this is waiting for you?:

(In Best George Takei voice): Oh my!


Michael Adam Kindred

Really looking forward to NSEW- it's going to be epic!
I contributed some pages too and working with Ben was great. He paired me with a really cool story to draw, one that I felt played to my strengths as an artist (IE gross stuff and gasmasks!) Gave me my first (paid) comic job and I learned a bunch from it.
I'd highly recommend checking out his work on Kranburn and Job Dun.