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RIP W. R. Logan

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 21 May, 2016, 04:46:11 PM

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Quote from: Buttonman on 24 May, 2016, 09:25:26 PM
As a heart patient myself I can confirm diet and fags aren't always the cause - it could just be a congenital defect that hadn't been detected.

Just to be clear, I wasn't speculating as to the cause in this case, merely observing that there are relatively easy wins to reduce risk for all of us.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Very true Jim and there was no inference from me that you were. People always assume my troubles stem from the West of Scotland diet when my arteries were as clean as a nun's conscience! Like so many things it's just your luck and all the more reason to live every day like it's your last. I'm off to bed!

Pete Wells

Quote from: Buttonman on 24 May, 2016, 09:39:55 PM
People always assume my troubles stem from the West of Scotland diet.

Sadly, we are all painfully aware of what you eat BM  :lol:

The Legendary Shark

I'm hesitant to post in this thread because I never met Stewart in person and I don't think I ever interacted with him on the forum, either. However, it is clear that he had a huge and positive effect on many people and so I would like to convey my heartfelt condolences to you all and to his family in particular.



I'm the same as Shark - I noticed him on the forum, but never met him in person.  He clearly had a massive impact on everyone - I am sorry to hear of this news, and how it has affected those who knew him.


Would just like to take the chance and echo what The Legendary Shark and Shaolin_Monkey have said, and said more eloquently than i'd ever be able to put it.

Condolences and prayers with you all.

Dominic O'Rourke

Condolences to Logan's family and friends.

I met him only once and saw him in passing at a few conventions, but knew him mostly from the early days of this forum.
Member No. 10

The Monarch

I will miss him. I just wish i got to meet him


Just saw this, shocked and saddened.
Respect the badge.
DDT did a job on me


It's been a few years since I had any direct contact with the man, but it's crap that he's gone, and at such a young age. Condolences to his family and friends.

Dash Decent

Just saw the terrible news on the thrill-mail.  My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

Thank you John for keeping us updated and organising the tributes.

RIP, Logan.

La placa rifa.
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Michael Knight

I never met this man, but I really just want to say i have been so moved by all the tributes i am reading!  :'(


Hello all.

Some old faces, mostly new faces, all sad faces.

I knew Logan in the post-Co79/pre-Zarjaz days when we were active on alt.comics.2000ad. Like many of us on the board he was the first person I got to know due to his unofficial role as Meeter-and-Greeter-in-Chief, and we subsequently met in person many times during the years I was involved in small press.

Everything everyone has said here about Stewart rings true. I remember him as being the ultimate expert in all matters 2000AD, more so than any self-professed uber-geek, yet he wore his passion lightly: he was (how strange and terrible the tense) as far from a 'comics nerd' as you could imagine. He made it acceptable for a bloke in his 30s to be into comics, which was a considerably more difficult feat then than it is now.

He always had a good story: some implausible, some unprintable, some (like the one about the 2000AD pinball machine) which can only be passed on by word of mouth in a pub, but there was one story he told me about his Army days which I will repeat here as it is easy to imagine him at its centre.

He was stationed in Cyprus manning a checkpoint in the UN Buffer Zone. One day, a message comes down from on high that a senior officer from a foreign force (Italy was suspected) hadn't been properly saluted when visiting one of the checkpoints. Apparently he'd been in a helicopter at the time so no-one could have known, however protocol is protocol - especially in the Army - so the order went out that in future soldiers on duty should stand to attention facing any approaching helicopters and salute until the machine departed, turning to keep face-on. This, of course, gave carte-blanche to all the pilots to buzz checkpoints, flying in circles, watching the soldiers slowly screwing themselves into the dirt. The thought of him pirouetting on top of a hill with blasphemy of the finest quality and a prodigious quantity issuing from his pursed lips always makes me smile.

I've dined out on that story a number of times and for that, and for everything else that has been said about him, I'd like to thank him. I should have told him, of course. I sorely wish I'd kept in touch after I quit small press, but I didn't. More fool me.

My utmost condolences to his family.



He was a righteous grumpy fucker.

That's basically Judge Dredd.

If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd

Michael Knight

damnandblast thanks for sharing that tale. Nice to see the guy making people laugh even now. RIP W.R. LOGAN!