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Case files you would like to see

Started by moly, 07 August, 2016, 08:12:47 AM

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Andy Lambert

I just want a complete 'Ampney Crucis Investigates'.... sob


Quote from: seanharry on 08 August, 2016, 12:38:51 PM
I would suggest Nemesis the Warlock: The Necro Files!

Volume 1: This would be the Kev O'Neill volume (aided by Jesus Redondo). Terror Tube, Killer Watt, Osrics Quest, Nemesis Books 1, 2 & 3. Then Ego Trip, A Day in the Death of Torquemada, Torquemada on Holiday (in proper colour please), The Tomb of Torquemada and You Are Nemesis.

Plus all the covers and pin ups by Kevin O'Neill and Jesus Redonso (including the Eagle and Titan stuff which usually gets omitted).

Volume 2: The Bryan Talbot volume. Nemesis Books 4, 5 and 6 and You Are Torquemada.

Plus all the covers and pin ups by Bryan Talbot (including the Titan stuff which usually gets omitted).

Volume 3: The John Hicklenton / David Roach volume

Torquemada, Nemesis books 7, 8 and 9.

Now, if Rebellion are willing to do the work, they need to start contacting everybody they can find who owns a page by John Hicklenton. The scanning and printing process at the time did not do justice to his work. I have seen pages of his work up close, and the amount of details missing is shocking.

And of course, ever cover, star scan etc.

Volume 4: The final years.

The Shape of Things to Come, Bride of the Warlock, Hammer of the Warlocks, Nemesis book X

What I said about John Hicklenton: The same applies to Clint Langley's work. I have a page they can borrow to scan.

And of course every cover, star scan etc.
Did you mention the photo-stories?  Before he died, Tony posted a few behind-the-scenes photos to his facebook.


where their ever any nikolai dante side stories/ supporting characters strip that weren't collected in the trades?


I don't think so. A handful of strips featured Dante parodies (definintely in Judge Dredd somewhere, likely scripted by GRennie), but I don't think there were any actual Dante-world strips that didn't run under the title 'The Adventures of Nikolai Dante'. David Bishop wrote a couple of novels featuring Dante and his world. I read the first and really enjoyed it; if there's ever enough call to turn the novels in comic strips I'd put those up on the list, but I don't think Tharg is that desperate for material at the moment.

I'm slightly surprised at all these calls for a new Nemesis edition. Between the 3 Case Files and the gorgeous Deviant edition hardback (which has books 1, 2 and 3 in full colour, + the poster prog story missing from the Case Files), it has been pretty well served, with all photo stories, star scans and such intact. Although if it's the case that Hicklenton's art on Books 7 and 9 deserves better repro then I'd love to see that! But what we have is way, way better than a lot of the repro quality in the early black and white Judge Dredd Case Files.

I'd agree that any new edition should have the Deadlock solo story included; on a side note to that, I finally read my Shakara collections and discovered a tidbit from Henry Flint that he turned down the chance to continue Deadlock, opting instead to work on Shakara. Some one tell Pat Mills it wasn't Andy Diggle's fault this time!


Quote from: seanharry on 08 August, 2016, 12:38:51 PM

Volume 3: The John Hicklenton / David Roach volume

Torquemada, Nemesis books 7, 8 and 9.

Now, if Rebellion are willing to do the work, they need to start contacting everybody they can find who owns a page by John Hicklenton. The scanning and printing process at the time did not do justice to his work. I have seen pages of his work up close, and the amount of details missing is shocking.

Unfortunately most of John's art is lost in the wilds. There are about 25 pages in the hands of comic art collectors and the rest is missing :'(
It's a joke. I was joking.

Greg M.

Quote from: Skullmo on 11 August, 2016, 11:17:28 AM
There are about 25 pages in the hands of comic art collectors and the rest is missing :'(

I knew it wasn't easy to get hold of, but didn't realise there was as little as that out there - makes my 7 pages seem quite substantial.


Quote from: AlexF on 11 August, 2016, 10:06:42 AMI'm slightly surprised at all these calls for a new Nemesis edition.
It is indeed well-served, although there are now holes because the first book is OOP and the Deviant edition doesn't cover the same stuff. Also, it was a pity the Candida story wasn't placed correctly in the third volume. (I did provide a chronological list of items to the editor at the time, but that one ended up getting moved, for some reason.)


Plus, with new Nemesis in the upcoming prog 2000, they won't be "Complete" editions for much longer.


And all of the previous collections will be missing the new O'Neill drawn story coming up in Prog 2000! That's a good enough reason to produce a new 'oversized' hardback, nice paper, edition on its own, if you ask me!


Damnit Hawk, you just beat me to it!


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 11 August, 2016, 12:17:33 PM
Quote from: AlexF on 11 August, 2016, 10:06:42 AMI'm slightly surprised at all these calls for a new Nemesis edition.
It is indeed well-served, although there are now holes because the first book is OOP and the Deviant edition doesn't cover the same stuff. Also, it was a pity the Candida story wasn't placed correctly in the third volume. (I did provide a chronological list of items to the editor at the time, but that one ended up getting moved, for some reason.)

There was a new edition of the first book recently (indeed I bought one) and it is still available from the 2000AD shop. 2nd hand copies of the previous edition had been on Amazon for crazy money - several hundred pounds.

Sadly book 2 seems sold out and available only digitally.

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: AlexF on 11 August, 2016, 10:06:42 AM
I'm slightly surprised at all these calls for a new Nemesis edition. Between the 3 Case Files and the gorgeous Deviant edition hardback (which has books 1, 2 and 3 in full colour, + the poster prog story missing from the Case Files), it has been pretty well served, with all photo stories, star scans and such intact.

Because I need Nemesis in hardback, to go with the lovely new ABC Warriors and Ro-Busters books!!!

Love the phonebooks, but they feel like part of a completely different set and I want a complete HB Millsverse.


Ah, true—I'd forgotten that Nemesis 1 got a new edition recently. Makes a hardback less likely, I imagine.

Rio De Fideldo

I wasn't particularly a fan at the time but I'm amazed the Dan Abnett/Mark Harrison Durham Red stories haven't been reissued as they have been out of print for ages and not available digitally. As I say they weren't my cup of tea but I seem to recall them being quite popular.

Nickolai Dante case files or reprints of Tsar Wars seem like a no-brainer to this man in the street.


Durham Red for a while ended up on my 'hmm' pile, which post re-read gets reshelved or eBayed. I was surprised to find I actually rather enjoyed them. It all felt a bit alt-universe at the time, and some of the art was questionable (notably Barbie Red), but I've kept hold of them nonetheless. Still, I never can figure out — beyond Dredd, Sláine and possibly ABC Warriors — what are 'dead cert' titles for 2000 AD (in terms of sales). It seems to chop and change a lot over time.