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2000 AD - The Ultimate Collection

Started by Molch-R, 27 February, 2017, 06:03:27 PM

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Quote from: JamesC on 03 August, 2017, 12:29:13 PM
It's worth noting that it may not be a case of 'subscribe now or miss the boat'.
Eaglemoss are still pushing for subscriptions of the DC Comics collection - I took one out a few months ago, starting from issue 1 and am now up to issue 8. Original subscribers are up to about book 50 I think.

I'm on issue 45 (despite subbing from the start) and have another 2 due any day now. Plus there have been 9 specials to date.


Editorially I think common sense says that stories intended to be a complete saga should be included in their entirety if possible.
For everything else I think a 'best of' approach would be fine. We all know there are crap Robo-Hunter and Rogue Trooper stories; and does anyone really want to read three books of Ace Trucking?
Strips like Ro-Busters have some classic multi-part stories that would be nice to see but if you want all the filler strips and annual stories that's what the 'Nuts and Bolts' books are for.

Michael Knight

Im definitely in for this collection. Im buying as i know i will actually read/re-read all of these, whereas with the Marvel/DC collections it would be only certain characters. Thanks a lot Tharg. I cannot wait to see these in my local thrill merchant! now i will not only will i be rearranging shelves displaying 2000ad and meg, and dredd partwork prominently   


Oo there's a question - will this include only 2000AD content, or the purposes of this licence will Meg material be included as well. I presume it will...

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The Monarch

well considering pretty much all the best meg stuff (apart from more recent things like lawless) were reprinted in the mega collection i doubt it


And there's been confirmation that there will be no crossover in terms of content.

Of course, this is where we get a Sexy Ostriches book now, or – shudder – that vampire thing whose name I appear to have wiped from my memory.


Those two were creator owned so hopefully not


Would be good if they included strontium dog from starlord and maybe the full set of diceman


Diceman would be lovely - especially if all included in one volume (rather than split across volumes as extras in character themed books). 

Michael Knight

Now Diceman i would love to read. Only recently heard about these!


Given that the Starlord Stront is in the existing Rebellion collections, there's no obvious reason it wouldn't show up here unless (like the Dredd run) it's going to prioritise colour content.


Woop, woop!

Dear 2000 AD: The Ultimate Collection subscriber,

We are delighted to let you know that 2000 AD: The Ultimate Collection is now launching nationally!

As a valued test subscriber, we have re-activated your subscription from issue 1 and will be sending you the first 3 issues free of charge.

This means that you don't need to subscribe again when the website goes live on Monday.


For all the grumbles I hear about Hachette customer service, I see things like this and think they're doing a pretty good job on the whole.


I've not got a bad word to say about Hachette's customer service. I've always found them attentive and customer-focused.

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Really, the only grumble I have about the JD collection was the shitty packaging, but that's now been addressed. I do have a couple of duff volumes, which I should probably get replaced. But, yeah, every single time I've sent them a DM on Facebook, I've got a reply – usually within a couple of days. Replacement issues typically showed up after a week.