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Started by Jim_Campbell, 10 October, 2017, 06:53:24 PM

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Quote from: Tiplodocus on 22 March, 2019, 11:19:06 PM
Agreed their plan made no sense though.

In fact they could have got more drama out of it by, as soon as they realised [spoiler]it was Michael coming back to save herself have Spock stun her and she wakes up helpless in chair not knowing what was going on. Or her agreeing to a memory wipe or something.[/spoiler]
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Legendary Shark


Funt Solo


(Is this a game where we just say random words?)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark



This episode was a mess.
The overblown eulogising at the beginning was cringe inducing. And all for a character they'd spent one episode developing (and they've cheapened death so much that she'll probably be back anyway).
It seems to have become a requirement for Tilly to make at least two appearances in which she provides 'comic relief', even if she does nothing for the rest of the episode. She literally can't walk through a door and deliver a quick briefing without acting like a bellend. She's Godzuki taking a tumble while landing on the deck of the Calico. She should have a little comedy jingle to accompany each appearance.

I didn't actually mind the plan that much. Even if future Burnham knew she had survived the incident, she may have known she only survived through saving herself. I think it can be made to make sense - just about.
Then it turned out [spoiler]the angel is actually her mum. Another groan inducer.[/spoiler]

Also, what was the point of bringing the Doctor back? His whiny sub-plot is annoying - I hope it goes somewhere. And I wish Section 31 bloke would either have a shave or grow a beard. His permanent 3 day stubble looks shit.


Never mind the moaning, I was wondering why Section 31 captain got stabbed in the eyes. Is that Control?


Quote from: Theblazeuk on 25 March, 2019, 10:56:20 AM
Never mind the moaning, I was wondering why Section 31 captain got stabbed in the eyes. Is that Control?
Presumably, although [spoiler]why you would put death spikes into some kind of computer access port remains a mystery![/spoiler]

I agree this episode seemed like a hot mess. [spoiler]Section 31's involvement in both the angel suit and Burnham's family was poorly foreshadowed and felt kind of desperate. Ash is an absolutely pointless presence on Discovery, although I'm sure he'll have some pivotal crisis of loyalty in short order. The plan to trap the angel was weird, convoluted, and unpleasant to watch.[/spoiler]

Not a series wrecker by any means, but a dip from last week.


I was very frustrated by them screwing the Red Angel over so thoroughly this episode.


Ugh. That was terrible. If this turns out to be a Borg origin story, I'm pretty sure I'm out.
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


I preferred this episode to the last one. It was entertaining and had fewer cringe moments but I still don't think the story is particularly strong. Does anyone actually care? We all know [spoiler]all sentient life in the universe won't be destroyed, so why not make the stakes a little less ridiculous[/spoiler].


For me, the stakes were Spock/Michael and for a brief moment, Michael's mum.

I mean we also knew the Klingons weren't going to win the war.

I thought the episode was ok, I just hated the 'bug' being left on that crate even before Georgiou twigged she'd been played, and Starfleet's stubborn refusal to actually listen to the person trying to help them even when they completely fail to protect them.


Quote from: Theblazeuk on 30 March, 2019, 11:25:07 PM
For me, the stakes were Spock/Michael and for a brief moment, Michael's mum.

I mean we also knew the Klingons weren't going to win the war.

I thought the episode was ok, I just hated the 'bug' being left on that crate even before Georgiou twigged she'd been played, and Starfleet's stubborn refusal to actually listen to the person trying to help them even when they completely fail to protect them.

Michael's mum has only just returned from the dead though. An eyeroll inducing development at best. I don't care about the character. Spock doesn't seem like Spock to me anyway, but whatever secret history they retcon in for him also doesn't concern me. So I don't really care about those stakes. Michael's the only character I'm really invested in (Pike too actually,  but we already know what happens to him).


Oddly, I care a bit about Georgiou as well. We had more talking during dilemma that needs urgent resolution again. I'm sure that's just clunky scripting and editing but a show this important should have that sorted!

Star Trek should be the best thing on telly. Always. Sadly, much as I'm enjoying it, this isn't even the best science fiction show on Netflix.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


What *is* the best science fiction show on Netflix, then? 'Cos the Expanse is over on Prime now :)

I'm going to be honest Star Trek has never been the best thing on telly for me, at any point. I only really got into watching it because it was before (or after?) The Simpsons at 6pm.

The Legendary Shark

When I was a child, Captain Kirk and his crew inspired my interest in the space beyond Earth and then, in my 20s, Captain Picard's crew inspired my interest in the time beyond now.

It's hard to imagine Discovery inspiring anyone's interest, let alone tempting any of its audience into pursuing careers at NASA or in the sciences. It looks like just another mediocre tv sci-fi show - as if someone's tried to replicate the Mona Lisa using nothing but blue crayons.
